Dimension Theory's New Volumetric Clouds Error ?
Posts: 478
Greetings All ,
I just purchased DT's new Volumetric Clouds and have the latest Daz updates installed but every time I try to use it I get this error :
/data/DAZ 3D/Built-in Content/Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume/Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume.dsf
I looked and that content , whether it be from the product or Daz itself ( I assume Daz itself ) is nowhere to be found in either build of Daz Studio 4.20 that I have updated to the latest. Any ideas what is wrong or where I might somehow find this missing file ?
Thanks in advance ,
Have you installed Default Resources for Daz Studio 4.20+?
Well how did I miss that lol...trying again now after installing :). And it worked ! Thanks a bunch !
You are welcome. I'm glad to hear that your issue is resolved.
I'm having the same problem with the same product but am unsure of where to install these default resources. Is this from DAZ Studio or DAZ Central? I'm pretty new to this software. Thanks!
Default resoruces isntalls like any other content, I think - it may still have elements that need elevated privileges (so you will be asked if you will allow DIM Helper to make changes to the system) as soem of the sahders, at least originally, needed to place their base files in the application folder.
I'm sorry I'm not sure what any of what you just said means. I installed this product manually and through DAZ Central and each time I load the product I get the error that states there are missing packages here: /data/DAZ 3D/Built-in Content/Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume/Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume.dsf. Going through DAZ Central there are no additional resources for me to install, so I'm confused on what is missing and where do I find it to install. Thanks!
Did you get the UAC prompt when installing?
I received no prompts when installing. I just updated to version 4.21 and now when loading the product, I don't even get an error anymore. All I get now is the mesh load with now volumetric detail. There aren't any shaders for this product either so now I'm really lost.
That looks like a screenshot. Have you tried rendering it to see the volumetrics?
Yes I have and its just white. Attached is the rendered image.
I don't use Daz Central. I use DIM, but in DIM, this is the product you need. Does that product show up in Daz Central? Default Resources contains the shader you need for any volume, not just the Dimension Theory ones. Do you have this installed?
This is what Default Resources contains. This si the Smart Content view. I have selected the category that shows the shader that the Dimension Theory product is looking for. If it is missing, you must not have Default Resources installed or you have installed it incorrectly.
Thank you for your help barbult! I saw that Default resources was installed but I was missing the Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume folder in data. I uninstalled Default Resources and reinstalled it but still no folder was created with the OpenVDB file.
Is the Smart Content view you showed - Is that in DAZ Studio, DIM or DAZ Central? I couldn't find that either.
Interestingly enough - looking at your screenshot example - I don't have a listing for "Shaders" at all in my smart content view, even though the default resources IS installed. Did I do something wrong here?
You are using a different Workspace than I use. There is nothing wrong with that. It just makes it a little harder for us to communicate via screenshots. I'll do my best to interpret what you have shown in the latest image.
Please post a store link to the actual product you are using with Dimension Theory's VDBs. I have som,e but not all of his volumetric cloud products.
In addition to the commens above, I see you are looking in the Smart Content Files tab. Change to the Smart Content Products tab and look for Default Resources in the list. Can you find it? If so double click on it to show its contents. It should match what my screenshot showed. What do you see?