Animal lovers: Arctic and Red Fox released [Commercial]

Latest in the house, "The cute Red and Arctic Foxes, 12 poses, several morphs, finely rigged and weight mapped for both Poser and DAZ Studio, and Look at my Hair fur presets to provide the most realistic renders."

Hope you like those.

1300 x 1000 - 338K
1000 x 1300 - 802K
1000 x 1300 - 475K
1000 x 1300 - 484K
1000 x 1300 - 497K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    And more promos coming here...

    1300 x 1000 - 528K
    1300 x 1000 - 435K
    1300 x 1000 - 423K
    1300 x 1000 - 363K
    1000 x 1300 - 376K
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Man, the bundle was in my cart before I realized I was clicking the button. :) Bought and downloading now. THANK YOU!

    The price was absolutely awesome, came out right when I had funds, and I can't WAIT until I have time to play with it! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

    -- Morgan

    p.s. ohgod that curled up pose is SO adorbs!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,599
    edited May 2015

    just started my Octane ani, he is waking up
    sorry my rigged geometry LAMH export a tad mangy as cannot do too thick and fine without using all my RAM

    1920 x 1080 - 860K
    1920 x 1080 - 843K
    1920 x 1080 - 844K
    1920 x 1080 - 840K
    1920 x 1080 - 832K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Here is a quick IRay render I did while testing, the fur OBJ size was about 900MB, but it took less than 10 minutes to render.

    800 x 565 - 81K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,599
    edited May 2015

    yes can do that furry but I cannot rig it!
    looks lovely
    my hairgroups are minus a zero and quite a bit coarser or DAZ would just show me my desktop :red:

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969


    This is now number two on my shopping list for next week, behind food but ahead of everything else. I can't wait to introduce these guys to your bear cubs and see what happens.



  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited December 1969

    Must buy for me :) They are both sooo adorable :)

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot for the support guys, I hope you will enjoy using these models!

  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited May 2015

    Excellent figure and fur! :)

    Renders beautiful in 3Delight!

    1440 x 900 - 465K
    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • edited December 1969

    I just had to get these, but I have never used the Hair Room before. Is there an easy Tutorial for Poser Pro 2014? Thanks for your help!

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    MN-150374 said:
    Excellent figure and fur! :)

    Renders beautiful in 3Delight!

    Great render!

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Shawn said:
    I just had to get these, but I have never used the Hair Room before. Is there an easy Tutorial for Poser Pro 2014? Thanks for your help!

    Hello, do you mean using the Poser Hair Room to fur the fox there, or export the OBJ and use it in Poser?

  • edited December 1969

    Thank you for your quick response! You can tell I am a novice. I meant using the Hair Room in Poser Pro 2014.

    If I can learn to do this I will be able to get more of your amazing animals! :-)

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Shawn said:
    Thank you for your quick response! You can tell I am a novice. I meant using the Hair Room in Poser Pro 2014.

    If I can learn to do this I will be able to get more of your amazing animals! :-)

    Well, I must be honest and speak at least from my experience: Poser Hair Room might be ok to make hair for a human character, but it's not really viable to be used with a model where you need to fur several polygon groups.
    Believe me I tried, and finally gave up as I couldn't achieve the results I wanted.

  • edited December 1969

    How disappointing. But I appreciate your honesty.

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Shawn said:
    How disappointing. But I appreciate your honesty.

    It's unfortunate indeed. If it was any easier, I'd love to provide a fur character for Poser as well.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    So, no chance of LAMH for Poser?

  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    So, no chance of LAMH for Poser?

    Can't confirm or deny at this time, but there will be some LAMH news hopefully soon.

  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969


    I now have your foxes safely installed in one of my content libraries. I hope to post some renders this weekend.



  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969


    I now have your foxes safely installed in one of my content libraries. I hope to post some renders this weekend.



    Very good Alex, waiting for your, as usual, outstanding work!

  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969


    As promised, here is one of my fox and bear cub renders. It was done in Studio 4.7 and 3delight.

    A larger version can be found in the cute little furry animals sub-directory of my gallery.



    2000 x 1250 - 442K
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969


    Another one for your entertainment. As before, there's a larger version in my gallery.



    2000 x 1250 - 424K
  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Excellent image Alex, I really envy how you can achieve such natural lighting and balance with all the elements in the scene. Really well done.

  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Alessandro. The lighting is my standard set for 3delight: Uber-environment 2, set to the second highest quality setting; a distant light for the sun and a spotlight just above and to the right of the figures.



  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969

    Last fox render for the time being. Larger version in the Gallery.



    2000 x 1250 - 462K
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    I had a quick go at using the red fox:

    1200 x 900 - 814K
  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for showing all these render guys, it's really the best satisfaction for me to see how you use my products. Thanks really a lot!

  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited May 2015

    The Arctic Fox is also very beautiful! I like both foxes very much! :)

    Render in DAZ Studio/3Delight

    1440 x 900 - 484K
    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • PhloxPhlox Posts: 95
    edited December 1969

    I've wanted a fox for so long - thank you :-)

    1000 x 1000 - 583K
  • Alessandro MastronardiAlessandro Mastronardi Posts: 2,630
    edited December 1969

    Phlox said:
    I've wanted a fox for so long - thank you :-)

    Thanks to you for supporting my products and for showing this beautiful render!

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