Export pose

eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hello all,
How do you export a figure after posing it differently than the default T-pose? I've tried obj and Collada (dae) but they revert back the default pose. (I'm importing the files into SketchUp.)



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    hi when you export as an obj a window will pop up and one of your choices is to export with morphs and skinning
    so choose that

    you might run into trouble in that the eyebrows will suddenly appear and have no texture on your obj they do on k4 at least

  • eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    I do not see the option you speak of on DAZ 4.7 Studio Pro. for obj exports. However, I did something (I'm not sure what) that exports the pose now. But I' don't get the textures when importing into SketchUp. The opposite is true when exporting dae files from Daz and importing into SU. I always get the default T pose plus the textures.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    I do not see the option you speak of on DAZ 4.7 Studio Pro. for obj exports. However, I did something (I'm not sure what) that exports the pose now. But I' don't get the textures when importing into SketchUp. The opposite is true when exporting dae files from Daz and importing into SU. I always get the default T pose plus the textures.

    This is the Carrara Discussion forum, so that may be why you don't see the checkbox that Headwax mentioned.

  • eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    Oh. Is there a moderator that can move this to a more appropriate area?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Moved to the DAZ Studio forum.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    How are your exporting the figure? Exact steps...with screenshots, if you can. Mainly the export dialog box.

  • eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    I've tried all the presets that come with Daz Studio 4.7 Pro. I've been able to import various poses into SketchUp 2015 now in obj format but in no case have I been able to get the original textures. (The import is all gray-toned). When I export from Daz it creates an obj file and a folder "Maps" with several jpg files inside.

    And, as I've indicated in previous posts, when I try and export/import Collada files, Daz always exports the default T pose no matter what preset I use.

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  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    On the OBJ export from Studio...

    You are writing the surfaces, but not material library. And you are not collecting the maps. With the limitations on the obj format, depending on your operating system, file system and texture locations, the path information that is written, without collecting the maps being on, may be totally worthless to anything other than the program that wrote it (and in some cases, maybe not even that). While the 'collect maps' option will put the files in a folder...it also makes the path info in the mtl file a relative path...to THAT folder.

  • eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    I've tried all the presets plus some custom ones as well. So yes, I've tried exports using 'Write Material Library' and "Collect Maps' too. I'm getting closer results now by choosing to invert the XYZ axes. By closer, I mean I'm getting some of the materials now but with a bunch of blocky black areas when I import into SketchUp.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    The blocky black is probably a result of how the transparency maps are handled...many applications use white to mean transparent/black opaque OR use an alpha mask. Studio uses black = transparent/white = opaque and doesn't use alpha masks. Also Studio is +Y axis UP, +Z Forward...

    And I did a test export/import with the Write Material Library and Collect Maps enabled...and it imported with textures, but not the transparencies.

  • eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    It's too bad I can't import a different pose using Collada because all the textures come across perfectly mapped. Have any thoughts on what I may be missing there?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    It's too bad I can't import a different pose using Collada because all the textures come across perfectly mapped. Have any thoughts on what I may be missing there?

    Nope...and it's not just going from Studio to Sketchup...it's from Studio to just about anything else. There's no one format that works perfectly. And that doesn't even really say it all...more or less, since there is no common, widely accepted standard that handles both mesh and skeleton data, that is used by most programs (no, Collada isn't quite it), preferably an Open Standard, any exchange between programs means some work redoing things that worked perfectly in the original program.

    When I'm going from Studio to something else I basically accept the fact that the item will need, at a minimum, texture work in the receiving program. The best I've seen is the set of scripts by Casual for exporting to Blender for rendering in Cycles...but even they don't do it all (like no rigging).

  • eheberlingeheberling Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    Thanks then for saving me the time.

  • hey man , yeah snap.

    dam been trying liek million ways. glad to see this post now as driving me nuts to the max. and yeah ok , i use cinema 4d , maya , 3d max , blender etc but love sketch up as i model faster in that and has sick features that when u max it it slick and many other application dont give you the same fx , i use it much with after effects and element 3d to take to next level. use scene cuts in su pro , ad to ae with element 3d and wow make some sexy fx man , so yeah annoying this pose export part . hoep this works i will read more and try but yeah man feel you on this subject , loosing hair rapidly trying to nail this now ! .

    FOR ALL > does anyon knwo best method to > daz3d make pose on gen 8 model for example. export as " what formst and with what ioptions etc " and import into element 3d ( video copilot plugin for after effects ) and  make it all work as in not go back to default T position and jmaitain the maniplulated pose - anyone got any experince with this ???? 

    TIA all smiles 


    eheberling said:

    Hello all,
    How do you export a figure after posing it differently than the default T-pose? I've tried obj and Collada (dae) but they revert back the default pose. (I'm importing the files into SketchUp.)


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