Anniversary : V3Digitimes is 2 years old! [Commercial]

V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
edited April 2015 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Hello everybody!
Hurray!! I'm 2 years old!.. Hmmmm...
well.... not exacty me, but my store...
And to celebrate this, there is a special 50% on my store - except new releases -, with my tutorial "How to remove poke through" free with any of my products you could pick up (must be in the cart simultaneously, well you know the story)!

Have a look here :
and you will find in brief (amongst other things) :
- military and police stuff (outfits, line up rooms, briefing rooms, crime scene analysis elements),
- shaders, shaders, shaders (wood, metal)
- Amazing Skin shaders family (fast, realistic, flexible skins for Daz Studio)

Today being magical for me, my new creations, "Soldiers Of Magic Serpio" were released the day of the anniversary, and for them, there is (for a limited time) a 40% off if you get the three of them all together.

So, military stuff, shader stuff, skin stuff, magic stuff... I really hope you will be happy today, with the new releases and also especially with this anniversary. It only happens once a year ;)

1600 x 900 - 415K
991 x 1600 - 717K
784 x 1019 - 74K
1000 x 1300 - 1018K
807 x 989 - 164K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850
    edited April 2015

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I turned five back in March so I understand your reason to celebrate. Have a great day, and another great year.

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot FirstBastion !

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    Congrats on your Anniversary, Kadix/V3Digitimes :)

    Really needed your Solidiers of Magic so I got all 3 :-P

    And am using your anniversary sale to complete the military/LE stuff I have from you ;-)

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    Lol !
    The collection is not over, I'm still working on some military stuff around 2 days a month, then I'm not satisfied so I swap to something else (I have the boots made!!). At this speed there should be a new military item in... well.. let me calculate... 4 years... ;)

    Thanks for your words here, I really do appreciate!

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    Kadix said:
    Lol !
    The collection is not over, I'm still working on some military stuff around 2 days a month, then I'm not satisfied so I swap to something else (I have the boots made!!). At this speed there should be a new military item in... well.. let me calculate... 4 years... ;)

    Thanks for your words here, I really do appreciate!

    Je vous en prie :) (I don't know French; I looked it up :red: )

    Something to look forward to, then :lol:

    Your briefing room was my first purchase and I still love it :cheese: I bought it to use in a storyboard for a corporate video and it it looked great but as luck would have it the client had the whole script changed when I had done about 50% of the board. C'est la vie %-P

    Do your skin shaders work in Reality/LuxRender? That's what I use at least 99% of the time :-P

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    Your French is perfect!!!
    No, my skin shaders are made only for 3delight. BUT... with my skin shaders you don't need luxrender any more! Lol !
    If you plan to remain a reality user, do not buy them. Actually my skin shaders do not add new maps or things like that, they tell 3delight a new way to calculate skins, new formulas behind, so they will work only with DS 3delight rendering. Now my job will be to try and do something even better for Iray but this is a challenge!
    C'est la vie! ;)
    And for your customer changing his mind when 50% of the job was made well... It keeps me convinced to remain a PA and not to come back to the job my company holds on for me for the next few months... I suffered to much from that!

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    I rather suspected your shaders were optimized for 3Delight but I will be on the lookout for your Iray shaders; I've seen some really good renders, I have to admit :-P

    And yes, it must be great being a PA :) I'm pretty much retired from production; that project was for an old friend and in the end the client was happy :lol: These days I do have 2 part time jobs: teaching film and being on the movie and television ratings board in my country: on Monday I reviewed Mad Max: Fury Road and on Tuesday it was Pitch Perfect 2 :cheese:

    But what really floats my boat is creative stuff; am working with a writer whose book should be coming this year :-)

  • NaviNavi Posts: 452
    edited December 1969

    Happy Birthday Kadix ! :) - Enfin je peux dire bon anniversaire, apparemment :)

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Happy anniversary! :)

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    I rather suspected your shaders were optimized for 3Delight but I will be on the lookout for your Iray shaders; I've seen some really good renders, I have to admit :-P

    And yes, it must be great being a PA :) I'm pretty much retired from production; that project was for an old friend and in the end the client was happy :lol: These days I do have 2 part time jobs: teaching film and being on the movie and television ratings board in my country: on Monday I reviewed Mad Max: Fury Road and on Tuesday it was Pitch Perfect 2 :cheese:

    But what really floats my boat is creative stuff; am working with a writer whose book should be coming this year :-)

    Wow! what interesting jobs you have! All of them! You are really lucky!
    I'm a light (optics and photonics) physicist and engineer... Not the same world at all. But at least I'm out of the pure theoretical and technical stuff here. I feel more like an artechnician.
    Hey, let us know when the book you cowork on is out, I'm sooooo curious!!

    navibass said:
    Happy Birthday Kadix ! :) - Enfin je peux dire bon anniversaire, apparemment :)

    Hein? Comment? De la langue de Molière ici?! Merci!! Mais tu es français(e) aussi? On serait déjà 4, ce serait chouette, "presque" de quoi faire une équipe de basket!

    Happy anniversary! :)
    Thanks a lot Simon!!

  • VhardamisVhardamis Posts: 576
    edited April 2015

    Happy Anniversary and thank you for the extra savings. I used it to pick up the 2 pieces i was still missing from your crime scene set as well as took advantage of the extra savings on the new magi series.

    Post edited by Vhardamis on
  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,694
    edited December 1969

    Bon anniversaire!

  • NaviNavi Posts: 452
    edited April 2015

    @ Kadix : Oui-oui, français aussi :) , je sais pas exactement combien on est, mais on doit être une petite équipe.

    Post edited by Navi on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    Vhardamis said:
    Happy Anniversary and thank you for the extra savings. I used it to pick up the 2 pieces i was still missing from your crime scene set as well as took advantage of the extra savings on the new magi series.
    Great!!! Thanks!!! Now you are even able to render a full storyboard of a crime scene analysis of a murder committed by a Mage! Lol ;)

    Bon anniversaire!

    Merci beaucoup Cris!

    @ Kadix : Oui-oui, français aussi :) , je sais pas exactement combien on est, mais on doit être une petite équipe.
    Ben en fait j'en n'ai pas trouvé beaucoup pour le moment (surtout quand je cherchais parce que je galérais pour me trouver le statut correspondant à "PA" en France). Il y a CakeOne, moi, Ansiko que je connais depuis un moment déjà... Et toi-même. Tu en connais d'autres de ton coté (savoir si on peut passer de l'équipe de basket à celle de foot)?

  • Thadeus72Thadeus72 Posts: 412
    edited December 1969

    navibass said:
    @ Kadix : Oui-oui, français aussi :) , je sais pas exactement combien on est, mais on doit être une petite équipe.

    on est au moins 5 ;o)

    bon anniversaire !

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841
    edited May 2015

    6 ;o)
    Bon anniversaire !

    De mémoire Faveral est français aussi mais habite aux USA.
    Et Powerage ayant un modèle de son quartier du côté de Bordeaux en vente chez Renderosity, je dirais qu'il y a de fortes présomptions ;o)

    Post edited by Leana on
  • meipemeipe Posts: 101
    edited December 1969

    Leana said:
    6 ;o)
    Bon anniversaire !

    De mémoire Faveral est français aussi mais habite aux USA.
    Et Powerage ayant un modèle de son quartier du côté de Bordeaux en vente chez Renderosity, je dirais qu'il y a de fortes présomptions ;o)

    Je confirme pour Powerage... De mon côté je suis francophone aussi. Comptez un demi-point! Et salut, Nicolas... :)

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited May 2015

    Merci a tous!
    Chouette ça commence à faire du monde! On sera bientôt assez nombreux pour l'équipe de foot!
    And for our english readers :
    Thanks all!
    I just realised that we're almost enough French people here to have a French DAZ soccer team ! But anyone will be welcome into an international DAZ soccer team of course xD!

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • NaviNavi Posts: 452
    edited May 2015

    Ah en effet, il commence à y avoir du monde héhé :) , bien que pas mal de gens ne se soient pas encore manifestés. Et hello Luc :)

    Kadix : Il y a certains PA pour lesquels je me suis parfois posé la question (en plus de ceux listés précédemment), mais c'est difficile d'être catégorique sans les connaître, je sais pas trop.

    Post edited by Navi on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    navibass said:
    Ah en effet, il commence à y avoir du monde héhé :) , bien que pas mal de gens ne se soient pas encore manifestés. Et hello Luc :)

    Kadix : Il y a certains PA pour lesquels je me suis parfois posé la question (en plus de ceux listés précédemment), mais c'est difficile d'être catégorique sans les connaître, je sais pas trop.

    It remains a mystery to me too....

  • Thadeus72Thadeus72 Posts: 412
    edited December 1969


    il y aussi nathy et hal1

    la plupart sont sur ce forum


  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,216
    edited December 1969

    thadeus72 said:

    il y aussi nathy et hal1

    la plupart sont sur ce forum


    Merci beaucoup pour le lien! J'irai faire un tour dès que je dégage un peu de temps!

  • Cake OneCake One Posts: 381
    edited December 1969

    Rhhaaaa... Je suis découverte!!!!
    Tu m'as vendue!
    Je retourne me cacher...

    PS. Bounaniv a toi. ;)

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    Kadix said:
    I rather suspected your shaders were optimized for 3Delight but I will be on the lookout for your Iray shaders; I've seen some really good renders, I have to admit :-P

    And yes, it must be great being a PA :) I'm pretty much retired from production; that project was for an old friend and in the end the client was happy :lol: These days I do have 2 part time jobs: teaching film and being on the movie and television ratings board in my country: on Monday I reviewed Mad Max: Fury Road and on Tuesday it was Pitch Perfect 2 :cheese:

    But what really floats my boat is creative stuff; am working with a writer whose book should be coming this year :-)

    Wow! what interesting jobs you have! All of them! You are really lucky!
    I'm a light (optics and photonics) physicist and engineer... Not the same world at all. But at least I'm out of the pure theoretical and technical stuff here. I feel more like an artechnician.
    Hey, let us know when the book you cowork on is out, I'm sooooo curious!!

    Color me envious; I wish I had more technical skills :red: Maybe I should try making skins/learning ZBrush; the worst that could happen is that I'd suck :-P :lol:

    Sent you a PM as well ;-)

  • FaveralFaveral Posts: 415
    edited December 1969

    I confirm :) French here too.... Je devrais dire Breton :)

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