DAZ Studio Pro BETA [Project Iradium] - RELEASE CANDIDATE 3 - version! **UPDATED**



  • DAZ_cjonesDAZ_cjones Posts: 637
    edited December 1969

    Renpatsu said:
    Overall I really like the Iradium version. There are still some things that could be ironed out, but in general the RCs have been good builds really.

    Things that could work better:

    * "Auto" headlamp feature

    I don't think I will ever get used to it in this form as it does not appear to respect all light forms (e.g. it appears to ignore Iray environment lighting?). So in the end I am currently turning it "Off" when I render and then have to explicitly turn it "On" again when I want to re-arrange the scene as the "Preview" is pitch black otherwise. Ideally the headlamp should respect all light forms and also depend on in which mode the actual render/respective preview is run as (OpenGL/3Delight/Iray).

    You can have the headlamp always on in the preview by shutting off "Preview Lights" (default windows shortcut: "CTRL+L" or in the main menu "Window>Preview Lights").

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    Renpatsu said:
    Overall I really like the Iradium version. There are still some things that could be ironed out, but in general the RCs have been good builds really.

    Things that could work better:

    * "Auto" headlamp feature

    I don't think I will ever get used to it in this form as it does not appear to respect all light forms (e.g. it appears to ignore Iray environment lighting?). So in the end I am currently turning it "Off" when I render and then have to explicitly turn it "On" again when I want to re-arrange the scene as the "Preview" is pitch black otherwise. Ideally the headlamp should respect all light forms and also depend on in which mode the actual render/respective preview is run as (OpenGL/3Delight/Iray).

    * Iray environment positioning

    I sooo love UE2 for having this little ball showing an approximation of from where the light is coming from. Something similar in Iray would be great there, perhaps similar to the "Sun" control that can be added to the scene or some rudimentary OpenGL preview if possible. As I have to use CPU rendering in Iray it is really tiresome to figure out the environment settings so that the environment looks decent. This would also ensure that the environment orientation change is saved within a scene file without having to save the render settings with the scene file - which I never do nor want to do.

    It only detects actual lights, not emitter shaders or the dome. As long as you remember that it won't be as confusing. You can turn off the headlamp one of three ways. It can be done in the Camera Parameters, in the render settings and by placing a distant, spot or point light into the scene. (You can then make the added light "invisible" and you will have no light coming from it.)
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    I tried a figure of mine, that had a geometry shell with a texture, but I can't get that texture to show up? Are geometry shells supported by iRAY rendering?

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    3doutlaw said:
    I tried a figure of mine, that had a geometry shell with a texture, but I can't get that texture to show up? Are geometry shells supported by iRAY rendering?
    They are supported, however do note that any thing on a shell that is on a figure will cast a shadow onto the base figure.

    Is your texture a shader that isn't default, AOA, Uber Surface, or HSS?

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited May 2015

    3doutlaw said:
    I tried a figure of mine, that had a geometry shell with a texture, but I can't get that texture to show up? Are geometry shells supported by iRAY rendering?
    They are supported, however do note that any thing on a shell that is on a figure will cast a shadow onto the base figure.

    Is your texture a shader that isn't default, AOA, Uber Surface, or HSS?

    Shadows should not be an issue, based on the small offset I have. It has a default shader (diffuse and opacity map only)

    Sent you a PM with more details, for reasons described in the PM.

    EDIT:...must be my setup issue. I just dropped a cube with a Geo Shell, and a map similar to the one I was doing, and it worked fine. Let me dig a little more.

    UPDATE: Aha! It's the tiling of the UV's. I have some settings to change the "size" of the texture, by tweaking the tiling and offset. This does not transfer to the same location when using the iRAY render.

    If I just us tiling = 1 and offset = 0, they work fine in both

    Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    SpyroRue said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ..arrrgh I hate this rubbish!

    Just finished over an hour and a half of painstakingly setting skin and eye materials, switched back to the main camera,and applied the base Iray shader to one small item only to be thrown into an endless "Not Responding" loop. Little to no activity on the HDD, which means nothing is being written to disk, so basically just like Hexagon, the programme simply froze.

    Over ninety minutes of meticulous work gone as I'll have to kill the process in Task Manager and start all over again. There has to be a memory leak somewhere that is causing this to occur as I'm not even rendering yet the memory is pegged at 9.3 GB.and CPU usage is 100%


    Make that more like over two hours as all the morphing I did (which I saved afterwards) were not preserved either.

    KK, you should report this... I had had this problem an awful lot with RC 1 and I found it happened mostly when I had conforming clothing with smoothing an collisions. When it went unresponsive it was when I applied a shader, namely "Iray Uber". I had reported it but because no one else had the problem, and I couldn't replicate it on queue theres little for the Devs to do about it. If you can explain what you did and at what point it went unresponsive, it may shed light on the bug once and for all :)
    ...already did so.

  • SimonWMSimonWM Posts: 924
    edited May 2015

    3doutlaw said:
    I tried a figure of mine, that had a geometry shell with a texture, but I can't get that texture to show up? Are geometry shells supported by iRAY rendering?

    3DOutlaw, two geometry shells in Iray can't have the same mesh offset otherwise only one will show. You need to change the mesh offset value to be different even if it is just .00001 value more that will do the trick. And I agree with you about shadow casting from shells in Iray being a non issue, in most situations the shell will be so close to the skin that the shadow casting is preposterous.

    Post edited by SimonWM on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    I've encountered a problem with cancelling, which I can reproduce on my system, but DS support can't (opened a ticket). I am wondering if this is just my system, or if anyone else is able to reproce the error.

    What I'm trying to do is rendering an image series or a movie. The problem occurs during "Cancel". If I cancel like described below, the render will not cancel properly, but continue to render black sreen pics.

    When you see the progress bar window, it has two "sizes". One I will call "large", one is "small". When you render movie or series, the progress bar window alternates between both sizes. It's most of the time in the large size, but when it has completed one image and moves on to the next, it changes to the small size for the fragment of a second. That's why timing is of the essence.
    When you hit "Cancel" while the window is in the small size, the error occurs. When you hit "cancel" while in the large size, the cancel will work properly.

    This will just work in a really short time fragment.
    If anyone also can reproduce this, please let me know. Thanks!

    354 x 406 - 31K
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  • ben98120000ben98120000 Posts: 469
    edited May 2015

    Renpatsu said:

    * Iray environment positioning

    I sooo love UE2 for having this little ball showing an approximation of from where the light is coming from. Something similar in Iray would be great there, perhaps similar to the "Sun" control that can be added to the scene or some rudimentary OpenGL preview if possible. As I have to use CPU rendering in Iray it is really tiresome to figure out the environment settings so that the environment looks decent. This would also ensure that the environment orientation change is saved within a scene file without having to save the render settings with the scene file - which I never do nor want to do.

    You can make something similar:

    1. Make a sphere primitive (create - new primitive). Dimensions, say, diameter 1 m, segments and sides 36.
    2.In parameters tab, rotate it 90 degrees (y rotation = 90), set its Z Scale to - 100%
    3.Go to Tools - Geometry editor. With geometry editor tool active click on the sphere once to select 1 polygon (it should become orange-ish). On your keyboard use CTRL + * to select all polygons (or click with right mouse button on the screen to get a menu and from menu select Geometry Selection - Select Connected or Geometry Selection - Select All)
    4. With all polygons selected, click with right mouse button on the screen to get a menu and from the menu select Geometry Editing - Flip Normal Of Selected Polygon(s).
    5.Switch to universal tool and export the sphere as .obj with "write UV coordinates" active (name it something like "preview sphere") and import it back again (File - Export, File - Import). In surface tab set diffuse color texture to use same texture as your Environment Map in render settings tab and thats your preview sphere.

    Now, rotation (y rotation) of the dome and the sphere will be reversed. Meaning, if you rotate the dome for 45 degrees (it can rotate just in positive) that will be y rotation = - 45 on your sphere. You can set limits to your preview sphere y rotation if you wish so you dont rotate it in positive value. Click on the little cog icon in upper left corner of the y rotation slider in the parameters tab of the sphere and select Parameter Settings... In parameters settings window activate "Use Limits" and set Min value to - 360 and Max value to 0 and click Accept.

    You can save the sphere as figure/prop but remove the diffuse texture or any rotations first so that it loads blank and zeroed out (File - Save As - Support Asset - Figure/Prop Assets).

    Post edited by ben98120000 on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited December 1969

    Build is now available through the Public Build channel. The original post has been updated to reflect the update. See the Change Log for more details.

    Note: As with the previous builds, the change log indicates bug fixes and/or minor [risk] improvements that have occurred in builds later than this one ( These builds may not be made available through the Public Build channel prior to the General Release. However, they are certain to be tested via the Private Build channel prior to replacing the General Release.


  • SotoSoto Posts: 1,440
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! Will update now!

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885
    edited December 1969



  • NadinoNadino Posts: 258
    edited December 1969

    RC3 already? Nice! :)

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited May 2015

    Might not be related to the beta specifically; I just don't remember it before. Anybody know how I can get the bounding box of my figure to quit showing up in my main camera in the viewport? I don't care about perspective mode, but in my main cam it's annoying.

    I've got my viewport set to Iray and I've got the sucker going right down the middle of my view.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • Trake118Trake118 Posts: 80
    edited December 1969

    Just for my curiosity, is there any sort of a public road plan on what Daz3d is planning to do with Daz Studio? As in, what kind of features are planned for future releases?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Might not be related to the beta specifically; I just don't remember it before. Anybody know how I can get the bounding box of my figure to quit showing up in my main camera in the viewport? I don't care about perspective mode, but in my main cam it's annoying.

    I've got my viewport set to Iray and I've got the sucker going right down the middle of my view.

    Try adjusting it in Draw Settings.

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    When did they merge the Photometric lights?

    That's a very welcome change.

    It was a PITA to have to relight everything in a scene with the Photometric light sources...

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Just for my curiosity, is there any sort of a public road plan on what Daz3d is planning to do with Daz Studio?

    " Spoilers"

    Ok seriously.. DAZ learned along time ago not to talk to far in the future because you never know what will happen. I'm sure they are shooting for more innovation and surprises though.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    When did they merge the Photometric lights?

    That's a very welcome change.

    It was a PITA to have to relight everything in a scene with the Photometric light sources...

    Make it better and bring you more new toys as we find them and implement them. LOL.

    Or I could answer "that would be telling."

    Or "That's classified. I could tell you but then I would have to cut off your head and store it in a safe for at least 7 years."

    If you had told me when 4.5 came out, that by now we would have, among other things, PTEX, OpenSubDiv, HD Morphs, and Iray, I would have asked, what are those? And I work here. LOL. (Of course when 4.5 came out, none of those existed, anywhere.)

    The real plan is more new toys, and more surprises,

    No we aren't going to tell you where we are going, we are going to suggest you buckle up and get ready for a wild ride though. LOL.

  • jpb06tjpb06t Posts: 272
    edited December 1969

    Iray would have been more than enough to call it Studio 5.0 and instead it was "just" a point release.I don't know what could be worth of major release status.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    Khory said:
    Just for my curiosity, is there any sort of a public road plan on what Daz3d is planning to do with Daz Studio?

    " Spoilers"
    "But the plans were on display ..."

    "On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."

    "That's the display department."

    "With a flashlight."

    "Ah, well the lights had probably gone."

    "So had the stairs."

    "But look, you found the notice didn't you?"

    "Yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'."


  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited May 2015

    Just installed 4.8. Nice new city limit looks. GoZ works, 3D mouse works too. Iray is an 'edgy' move. Good job...

    Still keeping 4.7 just in case...

    The real plan is more new toys, and more surprises,

    No we aren't going to tell you where we are going, we are going to suggest you buckle up and get ready for a wild ride though. LOL.

    Sounds good regardless. I'll be really surprised if suddenly free-to-customize dynamic cloth dynamic strand hair and collision physics arrive in DS. I'd run around cheering like mad.

    Meanwhile I go play in Carrara...:)

    Post edited by Mythmaker on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    No we aren't going to tell you where we are going, we are going to suggest you buckle up and get ready for a wild ride though. LOL.

    ...OK, as long as it doesn't wind up like this film did. ;-) :cheese:
    282 x 420 - 43K
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    It's already been a pretty wild ride. One of the things that strikes me, over and over, is how deeply the community here adopted Iray, and it's not even fully released. Things got pretty dark and vitriolic around here for a while, but when the Iray beta came out... Well, a ton of people pulled together, worked together, and LEARNED...at high speed, and in shocking depth, how to make this beauty absolutely sing. That brought a tear to my eye, more than once, and I don't even work at DAZ.

    Not every major feature will be greeted with the same reaction, I'm sure, but it's still an awesome thing to witness when it happens.

    Nearly every render I do nowadays is in Iray, and there's a wealth of information on how to make it dance for me because of the community...! I can't wait to see what's next!

    -- Morgan

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    It's already been a pretty wild ride. One of the things that strikes me, over and over, is how deeply the community here adopted Iray, and it's not even fully released. Things got pretty dark and vitriolic around here for a while, but when the Iray beta came out... Well, a ton of people pulled together, worked together, and LEARNED...at high speed, and in shocking depth, how to make this beauty absolutely sing. That brought a tear to my eye, more than once, and I don't even work at DAZ.

    Not every major feature will be greeted with the same reaction, I'm sure, but it's still an awesome thing to witness when it happens.

    Nearly every render I do nowadays is in Iray, and there's a wealth of information on how to make it dance for me because of the community...! I can't wait to see what's next!

    -- Morgan

    I wonder why Octane and Luxrender - which do exactly the same as Iray - never got that much attention and love. The "general opinion" always was something like "3Delight is good enough for Hollywood movies, so it is more than good enough for us."
    But now with Iray, suddenly everyone seems to drop 3Delight and claims Iray to be the holy grail. As said before, Luxrender and Octane do the same.

    I, for myself, will continue using 3Delight until I see a real reason to use something else.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    It's already been a pretty wild ride. One of the things that strikes me, over and over, is how deeply the community here adopted Iray, and it's not even fully released. Things got pretty dark and vitriolic around here for a while, but when the Iray beta came out... Well, a ton of people pulled together, worked together, and LEARNED...at high speed, and in shocking depth, how to make this beauty absolutely sing. That brought a tear to my eye, more than once, and I don't even work at DAZ.

    Not every major feature will be greeted with the same reaction, I'm sure, but it's still an awesome thing to witness when it happens.

    Nearly every render I do nowadays is in Iray, and there's a wealth of information on how to make it dance for me because of the community...! I can't wait to see what's next!

    -- Morgan

    ..again I agree. While a few of the more technical discussions tend to go over my head, this thread is like one huge tutorial that is communally written.

    I still use 3DL for scenes that require certain effects that cannot be accomplished in Iray, but more and more it feels like going back to working with Gen 4 after using Genesis/G2.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited May 2015

    XoechZ said:
    Cypherfox said:
    It's already been a pretty wild ride. One of the things that strikes me, over and over, is how deeply the community here adopted Iray, and it's not even fully released. Things got pretty dark and vitriolic around here for a while, but when the Iray beta came out... Well, a ton of people pulled together, worked together, and LEARNED...at high speed, and in shocking depth, how to make this beauty absolutely sing. That brought a tear to my eye, more than once, and I don't even work at DAZ.

    Not every major feature will be greeted with the same reaction, I'm sure, but it's still an awesome thing to witness when it happens.

    Nearly every render I do nowadays is in Iray, and there's a wealth of information on how to make it dance for me because of the community...! I can't wait to see what's next!

    -- Morgan

    I wonder why Octane and Luxrender - which do exactly the same as Iray - never got that much attention and love. The "general opinion" always was something like "3Delight is good enough for Hollywood movies, so it is more than good enough for us."
    But now with Iray, suddenly everyone seems to drop 3Delight and claims Iray to be the holy grail. As said before, Luxrender and Octane do the same.

    I, for myself, will continue using 3Delight until I see a real reason to use something else.
    ...part of it is the fact is that Iray is integrated into DazStudio. One can access it's settings from the same surfaces tab used for 3DL instead of a separate UI so it just feels more intuitive.

    The other part is extra cost, particularly with regards to Octane which is very expensive for many here (and it's plugin for Daz is still in "beta" status). Reality and Luxus are more affordable however the release of Reality4 was not without a few bumps. Also, unless you have an "up to date system" with one of the newer Intel CPUs, Luxrender is slow in comparison to Iray in pure CPU mode. Lux's pure CPU rendering option is still a WIP whereas with Iray, it is ready to go...provided you have enough video memory for the scene being rendered. Iray is also "smarter" in that if video memory is exceeded, it automatically defaults to the CPU instead of crashes the process like the Luxrender GPU mode did.

    I actually have Reality4 and uninstalled it because it was just too buggy and I often found myself having to rebuild Lux materials over and over. It seemed a patch would fix one issue, only to break something else. Three weeks later the 4.8 beta with Iray was released.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    XoechZ said:
    Cypherfox said:
    It's already been a pretty wild ride. One of the things that strikes me, over and over, is how deeply the community here adopted Iray, and it's not even fully released. Things got pretty dark and vitriolic around here for a while, but when the Iray beta came out... Well, a ton of people pulled together, worked together, and LEARNED...at high speed, and in shocking depth, how to make this beauty absolutely sing. That brought a tear to my eye, more than once, and I don't even work at DAZ.

    Not every major feature will be greeted with the same reaction, I'm sure, but it's still an awesome thing to witness when it happens.

    Nearly every render I do nowadays is in Iray, and there's a wealth of information on how to make it dance for me because of the community...! I can't wait to see what's next!

    -- Morgan

    I wonder why Octane and Luxrender - which do exactly the same as Iray - never got that much attention and love. The "general opinion" always was something like "3Delight is good enough for Hollywood movies, so it is more than good enough for us."
    But now with Iray, suddenly everyone seems to drop 3Delight and claims Iray to be the holy grail. As said before, Luxrender and Octane do the same.

    I, for myself, will continue using 3Delight until I see a real reason to use something else.

    ...part of it is the fact is that Iray is integrated into DazStudio. One can access it's settings from the same surfaces tab used for 3DL instead of a separate UI so it just feels more intuitive.

    The other part is extra cost, particularly with regards to Octane which is very expensive for many here (and it's plugin for Daz is still in "beta" status). Reality and Luxus are more affordable however the release of Reality4 was not without a few bumps. Also, unless you have an "up to date system" with one of the newer Intel CPUs, Luxrender is slow in comparison to Iray in pure CPU mode. Lux's pure CPU rendering option is still a WIP whereas with Iray, it is ready to go...provided you have enough video memory for the scene being rendered. Iray is also "smarter" in that if video memory is exceeded, it automatically defaults to the CPU instead of crashes the process like the Luxrender GPU mode did.

    I actually have Reality4 and uninstalled it because it was just too buggy and I often found myself having to rebuild Lux materials over and over. It seemed a patch would fix one issue, only to break something else.

    Iray is also Beta!
    I have tried it, but I get better and faster results with Reality/Lux than with Iray. I have no NVidia GPU so CPU rendering is my only option. Reality/Lux is performing better, smoother and easier on my system. But that seems to be just me :-)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited May 2015

    ...yeah, but it seems to be working quite well nonetheless. I've experienced far fewer issues with it compared to Reality/Lux

    AMD GPUs tend to work better with Lux than Nvidia as the engine uses OpenCL instead of CUDA.

    For myself Lux was just too slow. Even after 10 - 11 hours I'd still have a tonne of noise in the scene whereas with Iray I am getting finished clean renders in a matter of a few hours at most. My longest render time (a scene which includes volumetrics and a lot of reflectivity) was just over 6 hours. Part of the reason is I have a first generation Nehalem i7. The Lux speed boost only works if you have a Sandy Bridge or newer CPU. As the newer CPUs use a different socket I just can't take the old one out and put a newer one in so I basically would have to build an entirely new system. This means a new MB, new memory (my board is configured for tri channel memory - except for the DDR4 X99 MBs, the other newer boards are all dual channel and have only four DIMM slots instead of 6), and a new (AMD) GPU as well.

    At this juncture, It is more cost effective to "retire" Reality/Lux and eat that cost which is much less than having to build a new machine.

    One of the bugs that I understand will not be fixed is one where surfaces in older scenes (including those rendered in 2.5) will not show up in the materials tab. There are workarounds, but they are rather clunky.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • BestmanPiBestmanPi Posts: 22
    edited December 1969

    I use Windows Vista x64 and DAZ version is more unstable than previous versions.

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