The application cannot get the administrator access right !!!

hello all !
Trying to install Carrara 8 Pro on a new machine running Lion. Get the following message:
THe application cannot get the administrator access right, Yous hold run it once as administrator or reinstall the program.Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Thanks much
Mac Os 10.7.4 (Lion)
New install today with Carrara 8.1.1 PRO Build 12.
Same problem under Mac Os 10.7.5.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem, please ???
Another problem with under 10.7.5 with 2 computers : CARRARA crashes when I open several files (.car) !!!
Very difficult to use C8 quietly ! :( (a little bit disappointed)
I'm on an earlier version of OS X, so haven't personally had your issue.
To the OP, am I right in assuming this is during the installation process? If so, I believe I read that some people had success temporarily running as the root user and installing. Maybe someone else can chime in here to help out?
Not during the installation process, but after, during I use Carrara. Impossible to enter the User Code...
I'm the root user (Admin rights are ok, not users accounts exist).
Even if you are the only account, by default you're still not the root user. It's too risky security-wise. You'd have to check the Apple knowledge base or the included OS X help files to see how to enable it for your OS version. It may help, but you'll want to turn it off as soon as you can.
That morning, I resolve one of my two problems : I had to install CARRARA 32bits (instead 64bits) to resolve the crash about "import files" !
It seems that Carrara doesn't support 10.7.5 + Carrara 64Bits ???? Wow.
But I always have a problem with one of my installation :
"THe application cannot get the administrator access right, Yous hold run it once as administrator or reinstall the program" message appears when I launch the app.
I try to repair rigths, modify them manually, etc... without success. An idea please ?
I precise that computer have the same OS version (10.7.5) than the others. It's why I don't understand why I can't install Carrara correctly...
There was a work around in the old forums for the administer rights issue using terminal. You can find it in the old forum here:
"Simply open a terminal, sudo to root
(to do this open a terminal, and type sudo su - it will ask you for YOUR password)
cd "/Applications/DAZ 3D/Carrara8/"
(or where ever you installed it, i changed my directory to remove the 64-bit part)
and then
And enter your information, this will need to be done for the render node as well."
As far as running 64 bit 8.1 on Lion or Mountain Lion... A few people have reported that they can run it. I have never been able to get 8.1 to run without crashing every time I open or save a file. I use 8.5 exclusively on Mountain Lion.
Good luck.
Why is THIS the only program that has to be installed this way?
I can't believe that I have invested over $1500 in software with this "company" and they cannot even follow standard protocol for installing software.
the latest version of Carrara is 8.5, and one of the main changes made to Carrara for this update was to add support for the newer OS Xs. The older version did not have this support.
Hmmm, let me see, you're trying to install it on lion. Right, I get it. Did you install first?