360 Panoramic (Cube Map/Sky Box)

re.tfre.tf Posts: 1
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion


Does anyone know how to do 360 Panoramic renders in Daz Studio 4.7?

Like this: http://www.nvidia.com/object/cube_map_ogl_tutorial.html

I tries a lot of ways, but the images don't fit!



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,599
    edited December 1969

    if you mean use one, the Uberenvironment sphere can
    to render one in DAZ studio not as easy, doing six renders and stitching with panoramic software one way, you need a spherically UV mapped cube too
    so Hexagon or another modeling program
    Bryce and Carrara have spherical cameras so rendering 360 views easy in those apps

  • re.tfre.tf Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for help, I did try do this:

    17.5mm Camera

    Cube Faces X-Rotate Y-Rotate
    H-1 0 90
    H-2 0 0
    H-3 0 270
    H-4 0 180
    Top 90 0
    Bottom 270 0

    I did try adjust FOV to 55, but FOV doesn't seem to affect anything.

    The images don't fit! I need stitching with some tool? like photographic stitching?

    Thanks again!

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    edited April 2015

    re.tf said:
    Thanks for help, I did try do this:

    17.5mm Camera

    Cube Faces X-Rotate Y-Rotate
    H-1 0 90
    H-2 0 0
    H-3 0 270
    H-4 0 180
    Top 90 0
    Bottom 270 0

    I did try adjust FOV to 55, but FOV doesn't seem to affect anything.

    The images don't fit! I need stitching with some tool? like photographic stitching?

    Thanks again!

    I use 360 degree panoramas as a quick way to dump characters into an environment in DAZ. I use a program called PTGui to do the stitching of the source photos - it'll handle any number of overlapping images. There are lots of options for projections to use, too. I'm currently playing with using an equirectangular projection applied to some custom "world" geometry I created. Attached is an example.

    - Greg

    1066 x 600 - 226K
    1066 x 600 - 770K
    Post edited by algovincian on
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