Repeated use of same settings in Pose Preset Save

DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

At the moment I'm wanting to do a lot of G2F/G2M Pose Preset saves. (Actually I'm converting a whole bunch of V4 and M4 pose sets - comprising full poses, upper body partial poses and lower body partial poses - to G2F and G2M.)

Depending on which pose I'm wanting to save three types of pose preset:

1) Full - no body settings at all, trans and rotation settings for hip, rotations only for all other body parts, no scale settings at all for anything.

2) Lower body - no body at all, trans and rotation for the hip, rotations for pelvis and all children, nothing for abdomen and children.

3) Upper body- no body at all, no hip, nothing for pelvis and children, rotations for abdomen and children.

Will also want to be doing some hand pose saves.

Now, I have nice V4>V6 and M4>M6 scripts to apply to G2F/G2M after applying a V4/M4 pose that do a good job of correcting the poses. And I've edited some 'favourites' scripts so I have a script in the Poser runtime folder a set of poses are in that will jump the content library pane to the corresponding DS format folder I'm saving the conversions in, and another in that folder that will jump back to the Poser content folder the poses in are ready to do the next, But ...

The Save Pose Preset always opens set to save trans, rotation and scale for every body part, and it is a real pain having to go and set what should and shouldn't be saved every freaking time ... for a full body save, that's submenu to choose all rotations only, deselect body, open hip>General to turn the hip translations back on; for the upper and lower body saves it's even more clicking every save.

Is there some way to save a specific set of settings for the Pose Preset save I've forgotten or missed? A way within DS so that a Pose Preset save starts with the same settings (like all body off, trans and rot for hip, rot only for all children of hip, everything else off)) as the previous time? Or a free or paid for product of partial save scripts? It is so tedious and repetitive having to set up a standard full body pose save every time (especially when I'm about to do several hundred) ... and computers are supposed to do tedious and repetitive things for us. Surely there is some way round this problem? And I want .duf pose presets as the end results, so saving out as pz2s with PFE is NOT an acceptable solution.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969

    Did you ever find a solution for this? It sound like it would be very nice to be able to remember previous selection groups.

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    edited December 1969

    Sadly not.

    I recall fist asking for this functionality in the beta stage of DS2! :down:

    I may be wrong about this, but I believe saving pose presets (bypassing the DS standard save box) by script wasn't possible back then, but IS now. So, to any scripters ... I am very much prepared to pay for a product comprising a set of 'save ... pose' scripts (or a single script with radio button pose save type options) that comprises some standard pose preset save options such as:

    Standard use anywhere pose: Nothing for root, rotations and translations for hip, rotations only for all other nodes, nothing else.

    Lower body pose: Nothing for root, rotations and translations for hip, rotations only for pelvis and all children, nothing for abdomen and children.

    Upper body pose: Nothing for root, hip, pelvis and children, rotations only for abdomen and children.

    Left hand pose: Just rotations for left hand and all children..

    Right hand pose: Just all rotations for right hand and all children.

    There are other possible options, not as vital but would be nice like a head pose script (rotations only for neck and all children), arm pose scripts etc A save preset that just saves expression pose settings would be good. And the save pose preset scripts above picking up the use of posing dial channels and baking to node rotations for the presets that are saved would be very good.

    It is SO much of a pain having to go through setting up and resetting and resetting and resetting what should be saved every single time when wanting to do a whole bunch of standard pose presets, lower body presets, upper body presets and hand poses. Really, the repetitive effort is so ridiculous - especially when using a computer, which is supposed to take away the need to do repetitive stuff. And it is also ridiculous that the default for a Pose preset isn't at least the settings for a standard pose (no root, trans and rot for hip, rot only for all other nodes and nothing else), or at the very minimum that there's a one click option in the dialogue for a standard pose preset.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955
    edited December 1969

    Make a feature request here:

    I made a request a while back for the same thing. Have not checked the latest beta to see if its there.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    I'd love to see this as well, I was saving out a series of partial poses last week and it took ages to make sure I was always ticking the same boxes. There has to be some way to automate this.

  • keeblarkeeblar Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    I hope they add some options too! I was just searching for ways to save partial poses. Good luck to you guys!

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