I need at least two generic male villains. I don't want to spend a lot of time on them.

Is there a way to get a model already dressed and ready to go. I would love a pair of nazis, but I can't find them anywhere. Nobody cares when a nazi gets blown up, thats why they are such good villians. (that reminds me, I need to find explosions too. What category would explosions be under?)

To be honest, I would love whole squads of them marching in the background. Having the heroes stumble into the hidden Wolfensteirn level would be fun. Am I just missing these guys? Am I not looking in the right place.

and is there a quick NPC section I can download from?

I don't need links, just a finger pointed in the right direction. Thanks gang!


  • FenixPhoenixFenixPhoenix Posts: 3,075

    Check out Cybertenko and Tannenbaum's stores over at rendo. You'll need to convert the outfits over to Genesis 8, though. You can try out riversoft's converter for that.

    As for explosions, Dimension Theory has the Pyromantix series, which are great! I think he mentioned that he was working on one using volumetrics (VDB) so you could always also wait for that. You can also try KindredArts Volumetrics as well and I highly recommend also this product to add fire.

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