Where is the option to apply Macro Skin to Genesis?

moon_babymoon_baby Posts: 41
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi, Parris,

OK, I'm going to try jumping into this thread. My biggest fear is that when I open a "New Topic" I'll end up in a whole new forum. Here goes..

My question is how to do I get the macro skin on the Genesis V5 character. You said it worked for both but there is only one option and that is for GF2 under Materials>Parris>Macro Skin. There is no such thing for Genesis. I looked everywhere in my runtime and could not find it. I could not find an answer in the Macro Skin thread either. I did read something about Smart Content but mine doesn't work for some reason. It has to be somewhere else if it exists. Smart Content is just a shortcut.

So...help. Anyone? :)

Thank you!



  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,694
    edited April 2015

    It's a good idea to see if there is 1) a commercial thread on the product for which you are seeking help, or 2) if there are any other threads started on the product. We recommend looking here, for instance.''

    Looks like maybe you might have even meant to respond in a thread and hit new instead of reply. I can merge your post to that thread if you like.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • ParrisParris Posts: 392
    edited December 1969

    Moon Baby,

    Did you get my reply to your PM? Anyway, if anyone else is wondering, this is a malfunction, my fault, and I'm fixing it now.

    I don't have a commercial thread on MacroSkin yet, but there are a lot of questions, comments, and answers in this thread:

    Macro Skin... anyone tried it yet?

  • moon_babymoon_baby Posts: 41
    edited December 1969

    To both responders, thank you for your responses and sorry for being such a neophyte on the forums. I'm a regular goof.:)

    Yes, Chris, I got your PM! Thank you. I will wait patiently until you update your product. No rush, no worries. GF2 works just fine. Genesis was just a bonus.;-)

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