DazStudio crashes when adding new UVs

KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
edited April 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

DazStudio crashes when adding new UVs

OK ... the title says it all ...

I succeeded in getting Fenrics new UVs for Star to work with the Poser version - which tells me that my new StarV4UV.obj is fine by itself.

If I try to use this process to add the new UVs to Star in DazStudio - it simply crashes:

Open DazStudio
Load Star
Select Star in the Scene tab and the Surface tab
Click with right mouse button on surface tab (on the letters “surface”)
From the menu select Load UV Set…(or Edit - Figure - Geometry - Load UV Set..) and a import geometry window will open where you can select that .obj with modified UV. You will be asked a name for new UV.

DS crashes right after adding a name for the new UV ...

Logfile says:
Reading StarV4UV.obj
Imported: StarV4UV.obj
FATAL: ASSERT failure in QVector::operator[]: "index out of range", file C:\DAZDevel\DAZStudioDependencies\Qt\Qt_4_8_6\DAZ_ QT\include\QtCore/qvector.h, line 355

Ouch ...

DazStudio (64bit)

Edited to add subject to body of post

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    If you export the DS version of the figure as OBJ and compare it with the Poser version do the vertex counts match? One way to compare would be to import both OBJs into DS and use the Scene Info pane.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Thanks you so much for your answer!
    That's it ... different number of vertices.
    Triangles, Quads and Total Faces are the same - but the number of vertices is different ...

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Welllllll ....
    Loading my StarV4UV.cr2 and exporting with
    Weld body part seams
    Include body part names
    Include existing groups
    Preserve existing material names
    as a new StarV4UVds.obj
    I get the same number of vertices

    But if I try to do the
    Edit / Figure / Geometry / Load UV Set
    it gives me a whole lot of warnings:
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 69
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 69
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 70
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 70
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 71
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 71
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 72
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 72
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 93
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 93
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 95
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 96
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 96
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 97
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 97
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 107
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 107
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 110
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 412
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 412
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 419
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 419
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 426
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 426
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 438
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 438
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 441
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 441
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 441
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 444
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 444
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 445
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 596
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 596
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 598
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 599
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 839
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 841
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 841
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 843
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 843
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 843
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 846
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 850
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 850
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 862
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 862
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 1036
    Could not find matching facet for discontinuous vertex 1036

    And so on ...
    It does not crash and it does give me an option in the surface pane to change to V4UV - but it looks definitely alien with all kind of wriggly lines and holes ...

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    The problem is that a UV map is not just dependent on the vertex count and order, as a morph is, but on the order in which the vertices are linked to make polygons. I'm not sure how, or if, you could resolve this - ideally you want to turn the remapped OBJ into geometry like that for the DS version of the figure, but if LLF followed the same path as Hivewire she went from DS rig to Poser so there's no easy way to do that by, for example, loading a CR2 pointing to the remapped OBJ, then converting to TriAx, then exporting as OBJ and loading that as a new UV set (which was my first thought, and may possible be worth trying).

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for thinking about my problem!
    Unfortunately this is leading to crashes too ...

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