Bug in Timeline - hidden objects are not displayed

Can anybody else confirm the following problem?
It is not possible to display objects in Timeline which were hidden because they were hidden in the Scene.
Example 1:
- Create New Primitive / Sphere
- Create New Camera
- Check that they are displayed in the Timeline.
- Now hide Sphere or Camera or both in the scene.
- Rightclick in the Timeline and choose Refresh.
- The hidden object is not displayed in the Timeline anymore.
- Unhide hidden object in the Scene.
- When you choose Refresh in the Timeline the unhidden objects will not show up. When all object are hidden you cannot do Refresh. I did not find way how to display them.
Example 2:
- Load Scene with hidden objects.
- Check the Timeline. Hidden objects are not displayed.
- Unhide hidden object in the Scene.
- When you choose Refresh in the Timeline the unhidden objects will not show up.
- The only way how to show them in the Timeline is to save the Scene and load the whole Scene again.
Please report this to Daz via a Technical Support ticket https://www.daz3d.com/help
I just noticed this problem. I had a few cameras hidden and they dissappeared from the Timeline. Unhiding the cameras don't make them reappear. Looks like a bug. Running Daz 4.23.
The solution is to select a camera that you want to work on and duplicate it. The duplicated camera will appear on the timeline.
I discovered this a year ago and it happens with hiding bones on figures too
I reported this issue to Daz via a Technical Support ticket more than two years ago. They confirmed it but never fixed it.
I found a way to show items that are not appearing in the Timeline because they were hidden:
This can be applied to any items in the scene. Good luck!