kung-fu-clothes-for-m3 will not open

kung-fu-clothes-for-m3 will not open
I got these clothes for geensis, M3 items do work with genesis correct?
I know david 3 stuff does, but when click the clothes icons with or without genesis selected no clothes appear-is there something I am missing, does someone have ths clothes set and it works fine for them?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Genesis one did not include Auto-Fit clone for Daz's Generation 3 figures. There is a legacy shapes add-on that will give those clones though.
Are you sure you're trying to load the clothes and not just materials for them?
I made a mistake i was using wrong set, so I installed the kung fu clothes again this time through IM and now it is installed, the clothes come in above genesis head and after fit to and the dialoque which figure, which doesnt give an option for m3 just david 3 , I choose david 3 and the garment is still over head-isn't fitting on the body
Moving to Technical Help as it is not a Daz Studio question.
Do you have the Michael 3 clone for Genesis? David was different (shorter) so using that instead will not work.
All right, thanks, I just tried David 3 but same thing happens.
Same thing happens with M4 doorman on M4 does anyone have those and they work?
M3 and David are different figures, M3 clothes won't fit David. And they won't autofit to Genesis properly using David as the source figure. You need the V3/M3 shapes for Genesis if you want to autofit them to Genesis: https://www.daz3d.com/gen-3-iconic-shapes-for-genesis
M4 doorman outfit is Optitex dynamic clothing, it doesn't work like regular M4 clothes. You need to drape it onto M4 using the Optitex dynamic clothing plugin (there's a basic version of the plugin included in DS).
OptiTex clothing will work as dForce too, at least in the cases I have tried, and you can then just pose it on the intended figure - it won't AutoFit anyway.
Leana I overlooked what you said and wil ltry to fit M4 doorman to M4, let you know if any issues, thanks for the tip!
Can you tell me where to find Optitex dynamic clothing plugin and the process to use it
The basic "player" for optitex dynamic clothes is included in DS. It's the pane called "Dynamic clothes".
There's an additional plugin called "Dynamic clothing control" which adds more options: https://www.daz3d.com/dynamic-clothing-control
Here's an old tutorial on using an optitex dynamic dress on V4: http://docs.daz3d.com/lib/exe/fetch.php/artzone/pub/tutorials/dazstudio/dynamicclothing_yourfirstdrapeandbeyond.pdf
You might also find interesting info in these threads:
thanks Leana