Fbx export for ue4

mogaremolbymogaremolby Posts: 91
edited April 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

My question is simple what is the setting I should use to export an fbx to work on ue4, I'm using the daz modles to make a film but I just can't get it to import

Post edited by mogaremolby on


  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited December 1969

    you need to export with the alone figure because there is a conflict with the name of the bones and UE4 does not allow duplicated bone names.
    try to export a single prop with bones or a lowrez figure for experiment with the FBX settings

  • mogaremolbymogaremolby Posts: 91
    edited December 1969

    zilvergrafix thank you very much :) I'll delete the bones & see what happens, sounds like you have tried UE4 I wonder what you are planing

  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited December 1969

    zilvergrafix thank you very much :) I'll delete the bones & see what happens, sounds like you have tried UE4 I wonder what you are planing

    I tried but I quit very soon, no time for learning another software for now,maybe the next year...dunno.
  • mogaremolbymogaremolby Posts: 91
    edited December 1969

    zilvergrafix Well it takes time & to have time to learn it I understand, let me ask you one question though when you say alone figure do you mean to not select the skeletal mesh in the fbx settings cause deleting one bone after the other is pointless especially if you can't delete multiple at once

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