Default Gen2Fem figure gets corrupted by custom morph

MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,049
edited April 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

When opening DS 4.7 or DS 4.8beta, the default gen2fem figure has set various custom morphs at 100%. I didn't save like this. Some start up routine must set this up. Is there a fix to that? I tried to set all morphs to zero and resave G2F. It worked for a while, but the problem returned soon.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    Open the Parameter settings for each non-zero morph, by clicking the gear icon on the slider, set the value and the default value to zero, then go to File>Save as>Support Assets>Save Modified Assets and make sure that only your modified morphs are listed in the dialogue.

  • EmarukkEmarukk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    I have same problem but help proposed did not make any difference. This started with new DAz studio release.

  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,049
    edited December 1969

    yup, it might help at first but the problem will reapear. Now I've found a solution. Just click slider properties, so you'll get that tab, where you can edit name, values, settings and limits. Make sure the field "default" is set to zero. Then go to file>Save as>Support Assets>Save morph assets.

  • EmarukkEmarukk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    I tried that - managed to fix Genesis 2 figure but when I use any other there appears same settings. When trying to fix those Genesis 2 is again spoiled. Very strange problem. I'm planning to erase all figures and do re-installation. Most strange is that parameters appears even to the scenes saved earlier. Also when I change SSS to different parameters appear again. Could this be bug in new release of DAZ?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    No it is not a bug otherwise everyone would be complaining. Whether you wish to admit it or not you did somehow bork you installed Genesis 2.

  • EmarukkEmarukk Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I need to find out the source somehow. Only few people talking about that problem.

  • BlueSiriusBlueSirius Posts: 86
    edited December 1969

    I had this problem in V4.7 - I had been making some custom morphs and in essence saved some defaults from the active project back onto the various base figures.

    Saving the support assets back helped a little but my problem was more tangled that that. Thing was there were many versions of some morphs scattered around my Runtime(s) as a result of various character conversions and morph creations.

    Resetting defaults fixed some of the instances but when there were 5 versions of the morph with the same name and differant default settings scattered around my runtime it was a wildfire to stamp out.

    Uninstalling Genesis and re-installing was part of the fix - and I hunted through backups to find a virgin version with a modified data stamp indicating an original morph. There were about 4 full body character morphs just loading to any Genesis I loaded - all of them. The reset worked once I got rid of duplicate morphs.

    Then there was the "Grand Duplicate Purge" - I grabbed the DSON file reference editor - and used a little app that is good at finding files with the same data and/or name (part of XnViewMP which is freeware)

    It did take a while but I ran through all of my scenes looking in the DSON file editor for morphs with more than 2 sources and morphs that didn't need to be in each scene.

    Normally duplicate data sets like morphs were in a cluster where I had tried something new from a tutorial on how to transfer morphs between V4, Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.

    The problems were written onto a few "usual suspect morphs." Using the DSON file reference editor and a clip board full of the paths to the clean morphs I finally got my runtime polished.

    This took me a few days of effort but what I learned and more compact data and generally error free scenes without missing links was the reward!

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