Clothing Transitions in animation


Straight to the point, then the back story: How do you 'change' a figure's clothing during an animation? Let's say you want to 'morph' one outfit into another, or something to that effect, how does one go about doing that?

I have searched quite a bit, and the only results I ever see are tutorials on dforce basics, or animation tutorials. Even when watching some of the vids, they never cover a scenario where you'd be altering the clothing during an animation other than with dynamic effects, a.k.a., dforce. What if I wanted a shirt to fade from white to red during an animation, or have a shoe just disappear or something?

I'd appreciate any assistance or arrows pointing to some info I could peruse.



  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,915

    The things that you want to do require animating properties that, by default, are not animatable. The Animated Shader product lets you do both of what you're after, per my understanding. Another way you could approach the shoe example is by rendering it out once with the shoe, then again without it, and crossfading in a video editor.

  • @Gordig,

    Awesome, thank you very much. I knew manipulating shaders was not something I could figure out for use in the timeline, but figured that was one method, if it could be done.

    I'll look in to the Animated Shader product.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,915

    It's possible to enable animation of other parameters with a script that I might be able to find for you, but I wouldn't advise you wait for me to find it.

  • @Gordig,

    No worries. At the very least, I can just setup my full timeline, simluate & render the entire thing, then go back and edit the frames that I want to 'change' in the animation and just re-render those specific frames... since I'm using the Image Series option for rendering because Daz has issues with actuallyi rendering a video outright, at least it does for me. Either way, it may be a few extra steps, but I can easily control exactly what does what with the image series. I was just kinda hoping to 'automate' it all in one go.

    Thanks again. o/

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,915

    Yeah, once you've done the simulation, all you need to do is change the color/visibility and re-render the parts you need.

  • To "make a shoe disappear or something" one needs a keyframe BEFORE vanish, at the vanish point -resize it to 0 and move it way off set {out of camera range}, and another keyframe for that, and then one more right afterwards so hopefully it stays vanished until hauled back in.


  • you also could try interpolating it with something like Flowframes

  • Greetings,

    You can animate the 'visible' property for a sudden appearance or sometimes depending on the item 'cutout opacity' on the timeline. The cutout opacity no longer works to make strobs but as long as it's not an emissive item the effect can be done.color shift can also be animated in the timeline by adding 'other' to the menu list while looking at an items key frames. Original look in 1st frame then move to last frame and put end result. Click right on the frame number don't jog ahead. If you drag the timeline it won't work. You may have to make the change(in color of item. Not sure if it will work for say changing and outfit to another)and then manually set a key frame. Interpolation and sped/depth of change can the be manipulated on the timeline by sliding keys on 'others' menu(you must select 'others tick box to have this included on the menu that will show any change made along the timeline).some people also prefer the graph editor as a way for more finite control of things and for things that may relate or interact. The visual representation of the graph editor may help you do proportional transitions and see and set correlations as well. It is a accessable from the timeline and has the option of changing interpolation logic type.

    Straight to the point, then the back story: How do you 'change' a figure's clothing during an animation? Let's say you want to 'morph' one outfit into another, or something to that effect, how does one go about doing that?

    I have searched quite a bit, and the only results I ever see are tutorials on dforce basics, or animation tutorials. Even when watching some of the vids, they never cover a scenario where you'd be altering the clothing during an animation other than with dynamic effects, a.k.a., dforce. What if I wanted a shirt to fade from white to red during an animation, or have a shoe just disappear or something?

    I'd appreciate any assistance or arrows pointing to some info I could peruse.


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