Decimator decimating DVD cases?

Anime_Otaku102Anime_Otaku102 Posts: 8
edited April 2015 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hey folks, I've been having some serious problems trying to get Decimator to work and was hoping the problem is me missing something painfully obvious.

What's happening is that I'm trying to populate the DVD shelf in the "Media Room Accessories" with the cases from the "DVDs and Stand", but the shelf can easily hold two hundred cases and at 31.5k polygons a piece that gets pretty hefty. I was hoping to use Decimator to trim down the cases before exporting each side of the shelf's contents as a single object (so I can hide the sides that aren't visible in render), but discovered some really strange behavior when trying to change the resolution: more than half the cases seem to be inheriting changes made to other cases.

In this example I reduced the resolution of case #29 to 20% (any more than this and the case starts poking through the cover) with no problems, but when I adjust case #28 (even down to 99%, but in this example I dropped it down to 20% as well) it will cause case #29 to devour itself.

This starts to happen with as few as five cases (just tested it with five Michael 4s with no problem though), so you can imagine how it looks when 100+ cases start to implode like this.

Does anyone know what's going on, or should I just look for a different solution to my shelving problems?

1920 x 1016 - 314K
1920 x 1016 - 300K
Post edited by Anime_Otaku102 on


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,955
    edited December 1969


    Do you have this set -

    It has a DVD case in it thats just a prop, it does not open but its only 195 polys

    I tested the textures from "DVD and Stand" and they will work with a slight adjustment.

    On the surface tab, you will need to adjust "Verticle Tiles" to "1.49 and "Verticle Offset" to "-0.25" in order to fit them correctly.

  • Anime_Otaku102Anime_Otaku102 Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    Oh, thanks for pointing that out!

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