DS4.5RC & frozen Optitex cloth sims in Carrara ANSWER YES YES YES

I unistalled DS4.5 soon after installing so never found out but some posts I see suggest Studio scenes with Optitex dynamic cloth simulations frozen can be opened animated in Carrara.
Is this so?
can someone tell me more so I can decide whether it is worth reinstalling or downloading the latest Beta whatever of DS4.5RC
I do not wish to bother if it is a false hope.
updated thread title as yes, it works
(at least for some including me!)
Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
does not work - wish it did
Well after working at it just a bit; long day yesterday so was in no mood to fight with this last night.
What I am getting appears to be the same as I was getting with the last studio 3 build with the updated .dea export. Meaning the clothes explode off the figure fly around the scene then pop back on at the end of the drape cycle. It was daja vu all over again.
But hay, that is better then it was lol I'll have an animation up asap.
yep that it
Of course, like I said in the other thread, it's eminently feasable to import animated dynamic clothing in Carrara 8.5 from DS 4.5 RC3. I use build 149 instead of build 172. Works much better. But it will also work in the production version, I'm sure. Here I use Genesis (V5) with Optitex 's "Boyfriend sweater5" for V5. If you notice, the cloth is kinda swishing or whatever. It's not too stable. I haven't been able to eliminate that. I don't think Optitex cloth system is nearly as good as Poser's cloth room. Here, for my 2 cents, I think it's not Daz's fault, but Optitex. Anyway, here is one example of Optitex cloth imported into Carrara 8.5 as a DUF file.
With Poser's room, you can use all the Optitex clothes (provided you export them to Poser as OBJ), plus you can use all of Poser's dynamic clothes. You can use virtually anything! And Poser's room works in a much smoother, much more professional fashion, IMO. Here are two examples of Poser's cloth room dynamic cloth imported in Carrara 8.5 as a PZ3..
hate poser - never use it
you can save duf in DS and load it in DS 4.5 and C 8.5 - no one else has been able to .
You have to talk tenderly to the cloth first, otherwise it won't coopoerate.;-)
well actually the one .duf I did (not Optitex cloth) before unistalling 4.5 does open in Carrara!
Some Optitex clothes work better than others. Here is Genesis (V5) with Optitex "Basic dress for V5" imported from DS 4.5 RC3 to Carrara 8.5 build 149. It is almost perfect, except for some folds near the hip. But rest assured: if you do not succeed right now, the very fact that some (like me) can do it in the beta version means that everybody soon will be able to import Daz dynamic clothes into Carrara as a DUF file (Save as/Support asset/scene asset) with the production version.
ok Argus, you got me sold, will be downloading the latest RC tonight, stuff my plugins
did it - now to do it again :-)
works pretty good - needs some work
Pretty good, bigh. Which dress did you use?
thanks - used the empire sweater
I'm just going to have to give up on this. Doesn't matter what clothes I use it's always the same. The clothes fly off the figure and stay out of frame till the clothing drap segment ends. V4 stays in frame doing her animation while the clothes are out of frame doing who knows what.
I k\now, I made my case, but I'm just crazy about dynamic clothes. So here's one more.
This time, I used two different clothes made for V4 on Genesis. When I use clothes made for V4 on Genesis, the trick is, first, to make the cloth "fit to Genesis" in Daz Studio, and second make them "fit to none; then, use the gizmo to adjust the cloth to the figure. Exported as DUF. Rendered in Carrara 8.5. Works good.
After messing with them for a while, I have a healthier respect for Optitex clothes now.
There has got to be a step I am missing.
ugh, used up all my goes, will reset downloads but try tomorrow night, my weekend broadband sucks
usualy zips download well on my android but both studio versions just used up all my goes as it kept retrying, got it in 15mins on my Android the first build.
Thank you, Wendy, for starting this thread. I learned some things about how to handle Optitex dynamic cloth. However, before you, or Stan or Bigh, waste too much time on the beta, I must tell you that there are some things that still don't work. I was talking to Dr Jellybean in the bug tracker, and he admits that the DUF dynamic cloth export needs some work.
more fun
ok, tried posting to this thread as many times as I tried downloading DS4.RC 32&64bit;!!
no luck with either on Desktop or Android!
dunno if this post will even work :roll:
got to 480Mb on one interupted download attempt!
I only have 7gig of 3G wireless BB per month and 10gig on my android so prob will not try again for a while as I need it to upload videos.
Move to Canada, Wendy. My DSL broadband connection costs me $35 a month (tax included) and I'm allowed to download op to 300 gigs a month. That's right. 300 GIGAbytes. I download maybe 20 to 30 gigs a month. I have 270 gigs too much. I wish I could give you some.
One thing I noticed. If you want to simulate many clothes made for V4 on Genesis, they drape fine in DS 4.5 RC3, but the DUF export doesn't work very well. I hope they fix this. Clothes come out of sync. The clothes made for Genesis work without a hitch though. Some of the clpothes made for V4 export fine too.
Hey argus, I'm confused and maybe out of the loop on something, but can Carrara 8.5 now import dynamic clothing from Poser in the PZ3 file and it animates correctly? You mentioned that in one of your earlier posts in this thread but you only mention Poser in the YouTube video descriptions. I haven't been able to do something like that since the TransPoser days. Or did you mean a static shot of one of the frames?
you need to run the dyn-to-morphs python script on the clothing first
it is no longer available to download on the old Daz site though and has a copyright
I have heard PoserPro2012 has it included though I cannot confirm this, I only have P7 (but have the script)
Thanks, Wendy! I have that file on an old hard-drive around here someplace but never used it. I also still have older versions of Carrara and TransPoser on an ancient computer, but it's really slow by today's standards and the programs lack some of the nicer refinements of today's versions.
Sure. Carrara has been able to import Poser animated fioles for a long time now, since Poser 6. No need of Transposer. All you have to do is animate the cloth on the figure in the cloth room and (very important) use the "dyn_to_morphs" Python script on the animated cloth
Save the file as a PZ3, and open it in Carrara. Now that used to work right off the bat in Carrara 8, but now in Carrara 8.5 (maybe because it's still a beta) you have to do a little work around. For some reason the figure that is imported is now out of shape; so I save the animation as an NLA , import a new figure from the browser, transfer the animated cloth from the old figure to the hip of the new figure, and then delete the old figure.
or just apply the same animation and transforms if you save them in Poser as a pose file
(but I make sure I keep the 32bit version of C8.1 as well as the 64bit C.5 beta, also for DS3 Dazcollada export, the C8.1. car files open ok in C8.5)
Thanks Argus and Wendy! That clears that up. And thanks for the file link, Argus. That saved me from having to hunt it down here at home.
finally Dl'd both in 10mins
5am in the morning on my Samsung Galaxy android tab!
before the neighbours start tweeting and clog up the phone tower!!!
new one coming soon :coolsmile: