suggested change to the Carrara forum TOS



  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    By the way Headwax, if you already knew all of this, why don't you post some detailed tutorials and explanations next time instead of just sitting on the sidelines as usual? Just a thought...

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    Even I learnt something (about uvee passes) ;)

    Wow, I'm honored. Even Headwax learned something. :) :)

    I'm always amazed at how so many people "already knew" about stuff....well, after you explain it to them in detail.. :) :)

    Thanks Joe, to be honest I knew all that stuff you posted ( apart from the uv (?) render pass) but when I went and looked at it I realised why I didn't need to know it . Of course it would have saved me a lot of hard work and many hours had you come along with your thread about six years ago.

    To get around the 256 limit on the object pass I would suggest you do a coverage pass as that (occasionally) will help you isolate your troublesome elements.

    Also flipping the depth pass and using screen parameter will give you a pseudo atmospheric effect which can be useful.

    All up I'm giving you ten stars out of ten, thank you. It's good to see you sharing your knowledge in a kind and thoughtful and intelligent way.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited April 2015

    By the way Headwax, if you already knew all of this, why don't you post some detailed tutorials and explanations next time instead of just sitting on the sidelines as usual? Just a thought...

    Oh yes, you have me pinned as a sideline sitter. Oh dear, and I thought I could get away with it... damn...

    To be entirely honest, I didn't share my knowledge because I didn't want anyone else to be as good as I am.
    Where would that leave me? My ego would be shattered and I may as well go surfing.....

    So thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

    You did good.

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    By the way Headwax, if you already knew all of this, why don't you post some detailed tutorials and explanations next time instead of just sitting on the sidelines as usual? Just a thought...

    Oh yes, you have me pinned as a sideline sitter. Oh dear, and I thought I could get away with it... damn...

    To be entirely honest, I didn't share my knowledge because I didn't want anyone else to be as good as I am.
    Where would that leave me? My ego would be shattered and I may as well go surfing.....

    So thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

    You did good.

    Yeah, how dare you sit on the sidelines in all those challenges you helped to initiate. You can sure tell you didn't know nuthin' about compositing before that thread by Joe, as all your renders are clearly straight out of Carrara with no postwork at all. Period. Zip. Nadda.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited April 2015

    Yeah, how dare you sit on the sidelines in all those challenges you helped to initiate. You can sure tell you didn’t know nuthin’ about compositing before that thread by Joe, as all your renders are clearly straight out of Carrara with no postwork at all. Period. Zip. Nadda.

    Ha ha yes, I have been exposed as a fraud at last. I admit I am relieved to be able to finally come out and reveal my true scurrilous identity.!

    Compositing fraud am I! Sideline sitter! Alas, no noxious Shakespearean Villain will be able to come close to my dastardly deeds.

    I must away with myself!
    Good bye, cruel renderer passerer, I can take no more ......... gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

    (Headwax jumps from computer chair and almost twists left ankle, but, instead, spills his coffee latte all over his green velour hot pants)

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:

    (Headwax jumps from computer chair and almost twists left ankle, but, instead, spills his coffee latte all over his green velour hot pants)

    Next week's animation challenge.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:

    (Headwax jumps from computer chair and almost twists left ankle, but, instead, spills his coffee latte all over his green velour hot pants)

    Next week's animation challenge.

    Now there's a thought :) Not sure about the green velour hot pants. Now that could really put people off!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    head wax said:

    (Headwax jumps from computer chair and almost twists left ankle, but, instead, spills his coffee latte all over his green velour hot pants)

    Next week's animation challenge.

    Now there's a thought :) Not sure about the green velour hot pants. Now that could really put people off!

    I think you'd need a plugin, like Fake Fresnel, Fake Firm Glutes, Fake Body Shape ( I think it's called Spanx).... I'd buy them all, why risk it? Oh yeah, don't forget to work Blender into your work flow. You'll need it for the latte fluid sim.

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, how dare you sit on the sidelines in all those challenges you helped to initiate. You can sure tell you didn't know nuthin' about compositing before that thread by Joe, as all your renders are clearly straight out of Carrara with no postwork at all. Period. Zip. Nadda.

    When it comes to the big, bad, JoeMamma, Mr. Evil NEVER EVER misses even the slightest opportunity to take offense on someone's behalf, or take offense on his own behalf, or find even the slightest (if totally unrelated) reason to respond to what he perceives are desperately painful personal attacks.

    Dude, seriously, relax. Life and people aren't really as bad as you think, and not everything is a reason to get your emotions in a tizzy. Learn to take stuff with a more balanced perspective. Y'know, stuff like characterizing people's views as cow manure is just childish.

    Relax Evil. Enjoy life. Learn to deal with different types of people.

    Just a thought...

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    cracking up here :)

    poser 2014 shrink in the fitting room doesn't leave anything to the imagination so I stay away from it

    we have the expression 'budgie smugglers' here,
    in Oz it's dangerous for a grow man to go out on the street here wearing
    green velour hotpants like mine because he is normally mobbed by offended crowds of teenage girls... who leave him bleeding in a dark alley .

    Imagine what they would do if he'd (the hot pants wearer) used blender instead of soft select in Carrara vertex room to get a nice fit ....

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, how dare you sit on the sidelines in all those challenges you helped to initiate. You can sure tell you didn't know nuthin' about compositing before that thread by Joe, as all your renders are clearly straight out of Carrara with no postwork at all. Period. Zip. Nadda.

    When it comes to the big, bad, JoeMamma, Mr. Evil NEVER EVER misses even the slightest opportunity to take offense on someone's behalf, or take offense on his own behalf, or find even the slightest (if totally unrelated) reason to respond to what he perceives are desperately painful personal attacks.

    Dude, seriously, relax. Life and people aren't really as bad as you think, and not everything is a reason to get your emotions in a tizzy. Learn to take stuff with a more balanced perspective. Y'know, stuff like characterizing people's views as cow manure is just childish.

    Relax Evil. Enjoy life. Learn to deal with different types of people.

    Just a thought...

    Joe, we know you have reformed and we love you all the more for it.

    Just that some of us have long memories ..... ;) Especially those who no longer post here.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, how dare you sit on the sidelines in all those challenges you helped to initiate. You can sure tell you didn't know nuthin' about compositing before that thread by Joe, as all your renders are clearly straight out of Carrara with no postwork at all. Period. Zip. Nadda.

    When it comes to the big, bad, JoeMamma, Mr. Evil NEVER EVER misses even the slightest opportunity to take offense on someone's behalf, or take offense on his own behalf, or find even the slightest (if totally unrelated) reason to respond to what he perceives are desperately painful personal attacks.

    Dude, seriously, relax. Life and people aren't really as bad as you think, and not everything is a reason to get your emotions in a tizzy. Learn to take stuff with a more balanced perspective. Y'know, stuff like characterizing people's views as cow manure is just childish.

    Relax Evil. Enjoy life. Learn to deal with different types of people.

    Just a thought...
    I didn't take offense. I was mocking.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    As headwax is well aware, I try and see things from all perspectives. ;-)

    800 x 600 - 57K
  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited April 2015

    Here's my 2 cents on a more positive approach to dealing with others, and being less likely to get upset and offended and deciding to run away. For what it's worth...

    You alone choose how you will respond to others. You can respond however you want. It's up to you. Nobody else.

    And when someone challenges, corrects, or even criticizes you or those around you, you can deal with it in a couple different ways. You can:

    A. Assume negative intent. Take it as a personal attack, and allow your ego to be offended, and focus only on what you perceive as the negative intent, discarding everything that was said as an attack, or

    B. Assume positive intent. Even if it wasn't totally intended to be positive, take the view of "use the best, discard the rest". Use what was said in a way that might benefit you.

    If someone challenges, corrects, or criticizes you, it is ALWAYS an opportunity to improve. If nothing else it's an opportunity to improve how you handle challenges, corrections, or criticsms.

    So if someone coldly says "Dude, your image sucks", then you can either dismiss everything that was said because it was negative and upset you, or you can say to yourself "Hmmm...maybe it does suck". Even if the guy is an idiot, that doesn't mean you can't use the opportunity to improve.

    None of us is perfect. We all can improve. And when someone who knows even a little bit about what you're doing, and tries to challenge, correct, or criticize you, then why not choose the attitude "Yeah, y'know, you may be right. Maybe I'll re-think that".

    Why choose to take it personally? It only makes you feel bad, and makes you upset, and makes you hate people. Choose to take it as a learning opportunity, take it as a positive thing

    Now I know for some, the emotions are so strong that just the idea of taking criticisms in a positive light are almost ridiculous. But you CAN learn to take stuff positively. And accept that you'll never get everyone you deal with to interact with you in exactly the way you want. Because honestly, it's almost impossible for anyone to not step on ANYONE's toes or say anything that isn't offensive to someone. People are just too different.

    So take it as a personal challenge to strengthen your character in such a way that allows you to say "Y'know, what I did here really does suck, and I don't have all the answers, so maybe I'll try to improve in that area".

    Just a thought. Then you don't have to enforce a TOS. People learn to interact as adults.

    Post edited by JoeMamma2000 on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    As headwax is well aware, I try and see things from all perspectives. ;-)

    that's one of your best works evil, amazing how you have improved , and I say that in the most positive and nicest way I can ..... ;)

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited April 2015

    diomede64 said:
    Embrace the negative.

    Huh? Eeks. I just want to embrace my cat.

    Is it positive to stay neutral? Can I just? Can I?
    Will C9 be launched soon?
    Will it come with fast & easy dynamic cloth?
    Will I dare publish my first handmade cartoon before June?

    La la la la la,
    lalala la la...

    It's a Haiku song. And my idea of positive energy :)

    Post edited by Mythmaker on
  • DADA_universeDADA_universe Posts: 336
    edited April 2015

    Jonstark said:
    Like poles repel, opposite poles attract.....'positive' and 'negative''s a ying-yang thang.....or to put it another way, it's an evilproducer-Joemamma quite literally makes the world go round. Never leave home without it.

    Meanwhile, now that Wendy and Pam have joined Headwax in getting iRayed with low alchohol lager at the Daz Studio Forum, we need a rescue squad.....

    I see nuthin

    Whooops! Okay, been busy brewing something stronger for Pam....and Headwax and Wendy? if they could be tempted.....but oh no! We're not to talk about other software!.....what to do....what to do.....:ahhh: *wringing my hands in anxiety*


    DADA, that's one of my favorite renders you've done, I can't even tell you why, it's just very well put together!

    Hey, thanks Jonstark! Glad you like it. Ditto Headwax. I really love this forum, not many forums where you're on one thread and you're learning a lot and having a good laugh at the same time, you guys are awesome.

    Post edited by DADA_universe on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    As headwax is well aware, I try and see things from all perspectives. ;-)

    that's one of your best works evil, amazing how you have improved , and I say that in the most positive and nicest way I can ..... ;)

    But how do you know it doesn't suck? It's kind of ambiguous. ;-)

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