Problems with Genesis 8.1 blink

I've been having issues with corrective morphs and blinking with Genesis 8.1.  I know what figure is causing the issue, but aside from uninstalling it, I have no idea how to fix the problem.

The issue I'm having is that when I adjust blink to 100%, the eyelids blink WAY too much.  The top eyelid comes out over the bottom one.  Also, the eyelashes don't follow the eyelids, they go all over the place.

I have looked everywhere, there are no morph dials set to anything but 0% except for blink, I've shown hidden parameters, there's nothing there that's set at anything but 0%

I'm at a loss, and the search feature here leaves a lot to be desired, so I apologize if this question has been answered, but I've been looking for hours for a way to fix the problem.  I've already checked to see if the resource has been updated, it has not, well, it has, but the update did not fix this issue.  It seems to crop up when I install certain Asian characters, so I assume it has something to do with a corrective morph tied to blink.

Blink issue.png
899 x 327 - 529K


  • So this is a zeroed Genesis 8.1 Female?

  • ShatteredhelixShatteredhelix Posts: 13
    edited February 2022

    Yes, this is a completely zeroed G8.1F base figure. The only thing applied is blink at 100%


    Edit: I uninstalled the figure I thought was causing the issue, turns out it wasn't that figure.  So I guess I'm back to square one trying to figure out which figure is causing my woes.

    Post edited by Shatteredhelix on
  • Try applying the eyes closed, then run (you can download loading the link above the code, then drag that file into the Viewport) and check the log (Help>Troubleshhoting>View Log File) - there should be a message at the end listing the products used (that is, active).

  • ShatteredhelixShatteredhelix Posts: 13
    edited February 2022

    The script worked, but unfortunately I don't know any more now than I did before.  The only product it shows in use is Genesis 8 Female. Here's the log.


    Post edited by Shatteredhelix on
  • Well, it isn't a daz product that is causing the issue (or at least, not oen that has been installed in a way that gives it metadata). That means the culprit is either a third-party pack (store or freebie) or a morph asset you created yourself.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015

    Load the "Genesis 8.1 Basic Female" into an empty scene, set Blink to 100%

    Go to Parameters tab, right click at the tab and in Preferences check "Show Hidden Properties"
    Select "Currently Used"

    Which dials you can see on the list? (take a screenshot)

  • PerttiA said:

    Load the "Genesis 8.1 Basic Female" into an empty scene, set Blink to 100%

    Go to Parameters tab, right click at the tab and in Preferences check "Show Hidden Properties"
    Select "Currently Used"

    Which dials you can see on the list? (take a screenshot)


    Could it be being caused by one or more corrective morphs acting up or not being properly clamped to what it's correcting for?

    Blink dials.png
    447 x 178 - 14K
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015

    Did you set the "Show Hidden Properties"?

    504 x 533 - 41K
  • PerttiA said:

    Did you set the "Show Hidden Properties"?


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,015

    But you are filtering the results with "blink", which means you are only seeing ones that have "blink" in their label.

  • Sorry, that was a complete oversight on my part. I was looking so hard that I couldn't see the forest for the trees so to speak.  I found what was causing the issue, it was indeed a corrective morph that was being applied when I would use the blink dial despite the character it being a correction for not being dialed in.  It only did it when I used blink, not blink left or blink right.  After digging through the log file, I found the morph, edited the DSF file to make it visible instead of hidden and when I loaded in again, it showed up in the currently used tab.

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