Scene Preview
When I save a Carrara scene one of the options is to save scene preview. I have no idea where scene preview shows up or what it used for. I can see it on a PC using p3doexplorer but other than that it does not appear to have any use. Am I missing something?
If the scene is in the Browser, it will display the preview. The render POV seems to be from the default reference position. All the lovely thumbnails you see in the Browser that are from vendors are manually added using the software you mentioned or something similar.
If you save something to the browser via Carrara, meaning you dragged it to the browser, it will automatically generate the preview. Exceptions being Clips, skies, basically anything that isn't visible as a shader or object.
I usually leave the option un-checked as it can add greatly to the time it takes to save a scene- especially if you use any type of GI or high AA settings.
I understand. It really isn't important so I'll just uncheck it.