Saving morph as...

Might be silly question, but i can`t find answer by myself. So i edited the existing morph via Geometry Editor and now i need to save it, but i want to keep an old morph (before my edits) too. SaveAs->SupportAsset->MorphAssets simply overwites an old morph. How to save my edits as a new morph? Or at least clone an old morph so i can overwrite one of them?


  • KainjyKainjy Posts: 812

    You can go inside your data directory (by Explorer) and make a copy (renaming it) of your old morph. So when you save your new morph you can overwrite the older one and you have also a copy of your old morph.

    You can also export as obj your morphed figure and use Morph Loader Pro to create e new morph (with a new unique name). So when you'll have to save it you won't overwrite the existing one.

    You can also rename your new Morph, in Parameter Tabs, open your Morph Property and change the morph NAME (Name is the morph saved filename, while label is the name showed in the parameter list.. so be aware).  



  • Dave2Dave2 Posts: 16

    It works. Many thanks!

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