Non-photorealistic Renders (NPR)
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Impressive, head wax.
thank you Artini :)
I agree about the combination of Aiko 3 + Comic Book rendering in Poser 11. The 3D Universe toon figures also generally work well. Thanks for the tip on Aiko 3 + subdivision level increase.
This is a straight up Iray render no post work.
A concept of my avatar: Arch Mage
@head wax - I don't know if you saw, but there is dragon treasure in fast grab today. Perhaps it could fill up your treasure chest!
Do you have a link?
ha ha yes, :) thanks !
@Ice Dragon Art lighting in this is superb
@Sammy_jr_mart the oassage in the top third of the image works very well
@mmitchell_houston link here ;)
I had done some test renders of Brenna, then I decided to try out the comic book effect in filter forge plus some photoshop edits.
There are still some "smudge marks" around the pictures that should be erased.
with a little cleaning I think it's pretty close!
Thanks @head wax. I usually use Topaz, but I liked the line art that filter forge created. I also tested turning it black and white, and I think it works well.
Thanks! The dragon treasure is now MINE! Also, I will be using it by next month – I need a dragon treasure for a comic book story I'm working on.
Interesting look. Some nice expressions here, but lots of odd smudges in the background (which you noted)... I would love to see how this works with black & white...
WOW. Off topic, but I just bought about 113 items in the mega sale today! One of the largest orders I've ever placed. Got a lot of cool, older stuff that should work great with my noir technique in Poser 11. I am definitely looking forward to seeing how some of this stuff can fit into my workflow.
Thanks @mmitchell_houston. I cleaned it up more and put it up in my gallery. I too have been spending too much buying assets lately, although I don't get too much of the older stuff because I'm still at the stage where I struggle with everything (lighting, render settings, posing) and don't need one more thing to have to fiddle with. Once I get better at Daz and understand it more, I'll dip my feet into trying the older products more.
Here is the black and white version.
Yeah I baught a bunch of stuff too. Blew my budget for the month but I couldn't pass up the deals.
I'm going to download the trial version of Topaz tonight and try it out.
For Poser renders, my favorite is XinXin
This time dressed with Jwear with Superfly fabric shaders.
As usual render treated with Topaz Clean.
@Worlds_Edge looks much better,
@Artini - I like the second one best
@mmitchell_houston blew my budget last month!
Another Carrara render pass mixup, this time using the Photon Map as well - and Topaz plugins
Photon Map (first image) attached for reference. Memo to self - fix floating pebbles ;)
I blew my budget for next month, too! But seriously, if you can scrape together a few bucks (and make a cheap "New" item purchase, you can get some great fantasy terrain sets for 50 cents or less. I saw a lot of things there that would fit in with the work you're doing now.
Once more, i love the theme and really like the sense of place and character that you capture. But in this one, I'm seeing lots of little details that should be addressed in regards to pose and composition. I would suggest moving the boot up a little more (bend the ankle) so we can see more of that great comic expression. And then there's the middle guy -- arguably he's the center of the action (both physically and in terms of presence), but you've lost his menacing sword by moving it out of camera. Plus there's the oddity of the candle (the flame should be pointing straight up, not at an angle). And then we've got the background guy, who is all but lost in the shadows. Now, there's nothing wrong with a shadowy figure, but in the case, obscurring him isn't helping sell the story. I would suggest taking the middle candle and giving it to the background guy so we can throw some light on him, and then reconsider the pose or image shape: If you can't make the image tall enough to see more of the sword (preferably all of it), the consider changing the pose so that he's actually poking the guy in the back with it. You would tell (basically) the same story, but we'd get to see the sword. And I think you could pump up the light from the lantern (and maybe move it down a little) so that there's enough light falling on the center pirate (I doubt any of us would be upset, or even notice, if you fudged it a little and did a slightly unrealistically bright light on him case from the bottom candle and the lantern).
Anyway... whew... that was a lot of stuff. Of course, I only wrote all that because I love your work! I totally get your storybook look, and really appreciate that you share it with us.
Oh yeah, I like this! This is cleaner than the other one, in many ways (not just the removed smudges, I mean with the tones and lines).
TO get that classic illustration look, I think you need to go in and manually draw some lines. This is particularly true on the middle girl and her left arm. The outline is much more distinct than the inner lines where her arm appears over the nightie. We also have a broken line where her right arm crosses her thigh. Now, a broken line is fine when that's part of the art style, but since this is the only place it happens, it's off-putting. Finally, about the hair: Something's not right with it. It looks okay, but maybe you could select only the hair and try running the Threshold adjustment on it, or something to give it stronger lines? It just looks like it's a slightly different style than the rest of the image. I don't know how else to put it, other than to say it just doesn't look quite right.
BTW: Your work on this is really progressing nicely! You're getting a handle on this workflow much faster than I did when I tried my new style. VERY impressive results right from the start.
I like it a lot. I am puzzled by the "halo" effect around the hair against the skin. I've seen this artifact with lots of the Topaz filters. There's nothing particularly "wrong" with it, but it does seem odd. I do like the way this simplified the shadows (particularly on the neck) and pumped up the colors. I'm not in love with the distortion I see on the lips/mouth shape, though. I would suggest adjusting the colors on the original image before running the filter to see if that would help preserve the mouth shape. Also, consider lightening up the eyes in the original so they won't turn so dark in the final image.
Just a few things to think about -- you've definitely got a cute character here, and thank you for sharing it with us.
Cool character concept! I like that he is suitably spooky and impressive. Nice work on the textures and the glow effect on his staff. The things that really break away from your NPR style and looks like it doesn't belong are the shadows on the ground. Everything else has alook that is attempting an NPR/Illustrated look, but then we get standard soft-edged shadows that look like they were added in Photoshop. Even if they did come from the render, I would suggest doing some sort of treatment (Poster Edges or Graphic Pen come to mind) to bring them more in line with the rest of this cool style you're working with.
Anyway -- just a suggestion. Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
COOL! Reminds me of those Lisa Frank illustrations from the 1980s/1990s. Very soft and magical. love the texture on the horn!
Sorry I missed this one when it was posted! WOWZA! I really, really like it. Your effect work really conveys a solid, illustrated look. I like it.
Thank you for the kind words!
This looks interesting, I look forward to seeing where you go with it.
Really like this!
Super cute!
I particularly like this one.
@Ice Dragon Art thank you :)
@mmitchell_houston wow, great c and c thank you. I take it you have either been an art student or are an art teacher? That sounds like c and c from my old painting teacher.
Good point about the candle - nice pick up, I'll file that one away for sure for future reference.
As far as the sword .... this is the second image I did - the first had the sword in the middle of the image - but after doing all the post work I discovered that the wrist position looked weird so I started again. I wanted to keep the focus on the three faces so the sword ended out of view (silly choice!) I agree that the sword should be seen.
So maybe a rework with portrait format and try and get a triangular composition happening, like a typical Crucificion composition? Once that's done then a revisit of that back fellow.
Thanks again for the valuable c and c :)
ps something like this but not so high
Thank you for all the tips @mmitchell_houston. I have to get better at looking at images with a more critical eye so I can notice or recognize exactly what is "off." I agree that hand drawing some of of the lines might give a better result. That might be a solution to the hair weirdness too. I might also experiment with painting over the pictures, but I'm not yet very skilled at digital painting.
I have quite a bit of photoshop experience, so I'm not new to working with plugins and layers, whish is why I may be picking up postwork workflow type stuff quite quickly. However using Daz for scenes - that's where I have trouble. Originally, I was trying to render one of the characters in a scene. While I liked the composition, each time I rendered, it came out all black, or had a small black "curtain" in front of part of the rendered picture. I'm sure it was camera and lighting issues. Anyway, that's when I just went with no background whatsoever, lol.
I hope I'm not overstepping, but I think Topaz, adjust, blueprint might fit into your workflow, if you need that etching look. The attached image is just a jpeg that I ran through the filter for you to see the results. I could be completely off base though, and it would not be the first time.
The image is a stock photo. I attached the pre and post filter versions.