Non-photorealistic Renders (NPR)



  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    DaremoK3 said:



    Love the new work you have posted.  I love, love, love your work!  Keep them coming.  They are awe-inspiring.  Did I mention that I love your work...




    Those are awesome illustrations as well!  I know what you mean about feeling like our work is nowhere near his, but yours are always fantastic too.  Everytime I look at them I wonder why you haven't published a graphic novel, or comic series yet.  But, I know you are a busy man with all your wonderful content creations.  Keep up the great work on both fronts, and keep your NPR work coming as well.  Helps keep me inspired to play.

    Thanks for checking out the thread and taking the time to chime in, DaremoK3. The feedback is truly appreciated!

    - Greg

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    I just went 'eh, to hell with it' and got PWToon and already really liking it. Heh.

    I don't know why I was so resistant, it's not like I'm somehow more 'real' using DIFFERENT tools.

    Hoorah for new toys!

    - Greg

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    I'm working at putting together a portfolio to try to get game illustration work. It had occurred to me that full photorealistic renders are sort of... not super useful for most game art. So... working on more lineart and similar.



  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    That looks great - so clean!

    - Greg 

  • LyamLyam Posts: 137

    Liked your sketch effect, so I thought of giving it a try.  Here is my humble attempt for fun. I cheated and used Photoshop.  It's definitely not as good as yours or the others but the good thing is, it only took only about ten minutes to do fooling with the filter gallery.

    1394 x 1971 - 792K
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited January 2016

    That looks great - so clean!

    - Greg 

    Thank you!

    I'm debating directions for my webcomic. I think I'm going to try a colored toon style -- flat color with sketch on top. I'm debating how much shading vs. lines. PWToon offers a lot of tools to control these parameters.

    One of the key elements to making it work is making sure the surface has a good amount of detail for the shader to draw, when needed -- with something with fur or scales this means a good displacement map.

    Originally I was thinking of tossing the diffuse maps and replacing with simple color, but now I think I can get much the same effect by amping up the light levels to somewhat 'wash out' the color details a bit.


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    Lyam said:

    Liked your sketch effect, so I thought of giving it a try.  Here is my humble attempt for fun. I cheated and used Photoshop.  It's definitely not as good as yours or the others but the good thing is, it only took only about ten minutes to do fooling with the filter gallery.

    Lyam - I cheat, too! I am only using DAZ to analyze the scene - nothing more. Is that the Brute?

    - Greg

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    Redo of an earlier render. Originally photorealistic, now PWToon. I'm really digging the extra control over shading.

    This is a nude, fair warning.


  • You know I might reinstall Carara and try out the Toons Pro plugin I seem to remember it had the best toon outlines of them all!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    Ooo, thanks for the reference. Maybe I'll try that sometime.
    (I prefer Daz for photorealism, but a really robust plugin like that might tempt me)


  • Well let me try it out to see if it works in 8.5 there is also a similar called vectorstyle

  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited January 2016

    OK had to do a crash course on Carrara so I'm a bit rusty. Here's my Babylon Warrior with a Toons Pro render.

    The Line one uses material boundaries and angle a ploy's to draw the lines.

    The colored one has the toon shader applied I chose just 2 shades so it get a shadow effect if I did 3 I can get the Hilights as well.

    I also did a shot of the settings of the line render.

    800 x 1040 - 327K
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    257 x 669 - 137K
    Post edited by Midnight_stories on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    It looks more robust than PWToon, although I REALLY like working in DS. May be worth experimenting with, though. Hmm.

    So I'm attempting NPR approach to my webcomic, which started out in 3DL, switched to Iray photorealism, with a few experiments with NPR. My previous attempts at 'art style' renders with my comic were unsatisfying -- it took a lot of work and I wasn't happy with the results. I had been attempting post production efforts, which have some critical problems (namely, that a filter has no idea that THAT bit is a character and THAT bit is wallpaper). Then experimented with the default dzToon, which has other problems (like being unable to cast shadows ?!?).

    What do you guys think?

    (Warning: violence. Against robots)


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    OK had to do a crash course on Carrara so I'm a bit rusty. Here's my Babylon Warrior with a Toons Pro render.

    The Line one uses material boundaries and angle a ploy's to draw the lines.

    The colored one has the toon shader applied I chose just 2 shades so it get a shadow effect if I did 3 I can get the Hilights as well.

    I also did a shot of the settings of the line render.

    Sweet! Those lines look great. Thanks for taking the time to post.

    - Greg

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited January 2016

    Ugh. Just tried to import a DS scene into Carrara and it was utterly mangled. Think I'll stick with PWToon.

    (I've found it very hard to work with DS content in Carrara. There's a LOT of conversion which frequently doesn't work for no obvious reason)


    Unfortunate, because I could really use the 'oversample lines.' With PWToon, I've sometimes encountered lines that look badly jagged, which is annoying (and not easily fixed unless I do a separate 'line' pass and blur it.)


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Ugh. Just tried to import a DS scene into Carrara and it was utterly mangled. Think I'll stick with PWToon.

    (I've found it very hard to work with DS content in Carrara. There's a LOT of conversion which frequently doesn't work for no obvious reason)

    I had high hopes for the soft body physics in Carrara - operative word being "had".

    - Greg

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    I'm pleased at how little, so far, I've missed emission with the drawn style:

    It's one of those things... I wasn't happy with 3DL when I wanted anything close to 'realistic.' But for highly stylized stuff, I'm really digging it. (As a number of people had suggested before, heh)


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Very stylistic - I like the limited use of color. Great job!

    - Greg 

  • Widdershins StudioWiddershins Studio Posts: 539
    edited January 2016

    algovincian you inspired me so I had a play with Filter Forge and came up with this.

    To get the edges, I took her into Photoshop, then blended the edges over the sketch from FilterForge.

    800 x 1024 - 228K
    Post edited by Widdershins Studio on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    Experimenting with Black and white stuff. Again, one of my goals is doing illustration for RPGs and other things, and lineart/B&W/gray works well in a variety of purposes.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    algovincian you inspired me so I had a play with Filter Forge and came up with this.

    To get the edges, I took her into Photoshop, then blended the edges over the sketch from FilterForge.

    Woot woot! More people getting sucked into NPR ;)

    Filter Forge keeps getting mentioned - maybe I'll take another look at it. I remember checking it out years ago, but I'm sure there have been changes. Your results look great - thanks for contributing to the thread!

    - Greg

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    I have FilterForge. It's occasionally useful for, well, filtering, though personally I find it way more useful for generating tiling textures (ground, wallpaper, metal plates, tiles, clouds ...)

    What I most like for filtering is the 'art style,' which can really play with the colors a bunch.

    Here's an image I worked on yesterday. The colors were piped through FF to get a more painted look:

    Here's a much earlier image. A straight Iray render and then a 'paint filter' :


  • Widdershins StudioWiddershins Studio Posts: 539
    edited January 2016

    algovincian you inspired me so I had a play with Filter Forge and came up with this.

    To get the edges, I took her into Photoshop, then blended the edges over the sketch from FilterForge.

    Woot woot! More people getting sucked into NPR ;)

    Filter Forge keeps getting mentioned - maybe I'll take another look at it. I remember checking it out years ago, but I'm sure there have been changes. Your results look great - thanks for contributing to the thread!

    - Greg

    Thanks - btw this is the filter I used to get the initial effect :

    Will, really like that cat :)

    Post edited by Widdershins Studio on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    This is not artwork but rather a test ("proof of concept"). And it's obviously very primitive-looking because my NPR shader-fu is next to nonexistent (I'm a physicist not a mathematician... LOL)

    Three 3Delight passes combined:

    a) your basic "photorealistic" render: GI, SSS, what have you. Just a normal render, using the pathtracer module and my custom physically-based shaders.

    b) A pass with a specialised shader in the REYES hider. The shader does screenspace hatching. The hatch pattern is a texture made in Paint.NET. The only light here is UE2 in "ambient" mode, so it's very fast.

    c) A normal-based outline pass using the Outline script coming with DS. For best results, higher pixel samples should be used and the pixel filter should be set to gaussian a couple pixels wide. Playing with other params can also help. It outputs white outlines, so it gets inverted in the image editor.

    For best results, the lighting should match between the hatching pass and the basic one. But I was being lazy.

    600 x 600 - 365K
    600 x 600 - 355K
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    600 x 600 - 129K
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    I'm a physicist not a mathematician...

    And I'm an engineer! (if you go by my formal education)

    This is not artwork but rather a test ("proof of concept"). And it's obviously very primitive-looking because my NPR shader-fu is next to nonexistent (I'm a physicist not a mathematician... LOL)

    Three 3Delight passes combined:

    a) your basic "photorealistic" render: GI, SSS, what have you. Just a normal render, using the pathtracer module and my custom physically-based shaders.

    b) A pass with a specialised shader in the REYES hider. The shader does screenspace hatching. The hatch pattern is a texture made in Paint.NET. The only light here is UE2 in "ambient" mode, so it's very fast.

    c) A normal-based outline pass using the Outline script coming with DS. For best results, higher pixel samples should be used and the pixel filter should be set to gaussian a couple pixels wide. Playing with other params can also help. It outputs white outlines, so it gets inverted in the image editor.

    For best results, the lighting should match between the hatching pass and the basic one. But I was being lazy.

    That looks great, Kettu! And your custom physically-based shaders are excellent. Thanks for posting and sharing a bit about your process.

    - Greg

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited January 2016

    Well I may as well jump on the bandwagon...this is another imported shader.

    Playing around with the shader, I was able to improve the hair some.


    This one was postworked in GIMP...the light beams, black and white film profile (G'mic) and pencil sketch script-fu...

    800 x 1000 - 407K
    800 x 800 - 707K
    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    This shows one of the limitations of PWToon. While this specific image came out to my satisfaction, ideally I'd want the ability to have a line along his leg where the calf presses against the thigh. Since there is a good texture and color, the division shows decently, but if I was doing a B&W image there might be a problem.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Will, the lack of line between the leg parts is probably because they are intersecting each other.

This discussion has been closed.