Wrinkle Instantly Crashes

I was very excited to purchase http://www.daz3d.com/wrinkle-3d, because it looks to me like it'll give any clothing the appearance of dynamic clothing!
However, I installed it to my external F drive, and when ever I try to run it, it IMMEDIATELY crashes. I can't even uninstall it. =\ I thought this might have been a little too good to be true, but not for the reason that I wouldn't even get to run it!! XD
I've tried running it as admin, but that doesn't work, and I've tried installing it to the C drive.
Can anyone help? I'd love to get a chance to TRY this, at least!
Oh, and I can't send the owner a message because his inbox is full. Brilliant... >.>
EDIT: I've realised the cause is moooost likely my guff Intel graphic's card. X.X
Did the registration of the product go smoothly?
It doesn't instantly crash for me, but it does tell me every single time I launch it that I must run it from an Administrator account to set up the license and after that it can be run from a normal account.
This is untrue. On my Windows 8.1 Pro system (clarified from original post) ...
1) Run as Admin
2) Enter User and Key as requested
3) Exit
4) Run as normal
5) Get prompt saying that program must first be run in Administrator mode to enter license details, then it can be run from any account.
6) Run again as Admin.
7) Program runs and NOT prompted for license details (because they have already been entered and accepted)
8) Exit.
9) Run as normal
10) Get prompt saying that program must first be run in Administrator mode to enter license details, then it can be run from any account.
11) Repeat steps 6 through 10 ad nauseum
Result: Program must always be run as Admin to work.
This is bad programming. Bad testing. And an absolute pain in the ass.
Come on, Mr Markcus Dunn. It is 2015. You do NOT need to run a program with administrator rights unless it is doing STUPID things like writing files directly to its program folder. Put those license details in the user branch of the registry where they belong!
Bad. Bad. Bad.
Zero out of ten for the PA, and minus one out of ten for DAZ for not doing proper QA!
I have not registered it as such, but no options have come up to allow me to do so! I bought, I install, it crashes - but I realise the cause may be my poor integrated Intel graphic's card, but I didn't take this into account because I was relatively confident it'd be able to run such a small program - so the blame's on me here!
Very disappointing, though, I was looking forward to easily breathing life into conforming clothing with wrinkles, folds and gravity simulation! Ah well!
I did a google search and I think this is his web site link = http://www.3dutils.com/
however there is nothing there to further understand this product.
a video going through the features would of been helpful. but nothing. sigh!
Anyway the tutorials are here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnCXLdwOwAjQ62t86fUIqDcWT1oJ2a-VQ
I can't run his Pegasus either on a Win 7 machine with Intel GMA X3000 onboard card. It does work on a Win 8 machine with a newer Radeon plug in card though it behaves oddly in some ways. PP2012, DS 4.7, iClone, Carrara. Silo etc. work fine on both so it seems that his programs are quite picky when it comes to graphics cards.
Very pleased to see this product. I really hope it installs and runs well for me. I have a very new computer with good specs so fingers crossed.
Question to anyone that has used it so far... does this work on pants too??
Thought I would copy - paste the reg info:
You will be provided with a license key by DAZ in one of the forms below:
Name: UserName Key|1111-111-1111-111
Serial Key: UserName|1111-111-1111-111
To Register:
Click the Register button on the application reminder window
Enter UserName in the Name field (No spaces)
Enter 1111-111-1111-111 in the Key field (use copy and paste—don’t try to type it)
*Numbers here are only provided for illustration purposes
Press OK
Installed with no issue so far. Key code was accepted. I'm glad he put these instructions right on the product page. Helps allot!
Installed and registered fine here in win 8.1/64. Been playing around with the interface and imported an obj, no problems so far.
It's a great idea as you now can create different types of wrinkles for the same object, and load them as morph poses.
The videos though (well at least the quick tutorial, didn't try the others) have the same problems as usual: very low volume - even if I turn up the volume on my system up to 100% it's too low.
Based on the renders above, coupled with discounts that got the price down to $15 -- AND a free copy of Victoria 6), I decided to risk it and bout Wrinkle 3D. I probably won't be able to play with it until later in the week, though. So, if anyone here learns anything in the interim, let us know!
My only concern is I hope that I can use ANY figure in that program. I've got some clothing I'm designing for a competitor's male figure and my one thing that's holding me back is this very issue. WRINKLES. One of things I find very off putting in allot of the designs, while allot of them are very well designed they often look stiff with nothing dynamic looking in the way cloth detail like wrinkles and folds. Not sure if this program can do folds. I'll have to check it out when I get more time.
where is the user / name key for wrinkle 3d ? when I checked my serial numbers from daz 3d it gave me one big long set of numbers that wont take . whats going on ?
I listed the how to a few posts above Hebrewman. You will notice the | between UserNameXXX then a | and then a string of numbers. So you want to take the UserNameXXX and put that in the first box. Forget the | and then copy and paste the string of numbers into the second box. It's confusing, I know. This is how the merchant does it though.
Has nobody else got this issue with the program requiring to be run in Administrator mode all the time? I have uninstalled and reinstalled but the problem persists. It accepts the registration key but will not run unless the program's permissions are elevated to Admin.
EDIT: I just found the solution to this - and it's a weird one:
I also had the author's Pegasus Modeller and Morph Designer apps installed, but I have hardly used them; they were installed at the time I last migrated laptops to my current machine and I never got around to re-entering the registration data for them! After I had registered those two apps, Wrinkle started quite happily in user mode!
I don't even want to think what the dependency might be here but maybe this snippet will help someone else who encounters the same set of conditions.
This is under Windows 8.1 Pro with all of the seven billion service packs, bug fixes, security updates, Bill Gates's family photos etc. installed.
but its a pita to listen to him with all that noise while speaking
I know, I was thinking "Is someone building something?" I even looked out the window once and then realized it was from the vid. lmao
but its a pita to listen to him with all that noise while speaking
I agree, the sound in the Video is terrible. :(
And as I read above it isn't possible to write him. In my eyes Vendors are good Vendors when they give support for their products!
I would have hoped after all these years and the improvements (as well as the improved pricing) for apps to make video tutorials, the vendor would have improved. But, guess not. Best suggestion is to submit a ticket through Zen Desk and DAZ CS. You are likely to get a faster response. From past experience, the vendor tends to be slow to respond to buyer's complaints.
My complaint is purely surface.. the UI reminds me of Windows 98 but other than that... seems OK so far.
It pretty much is. The vendor seems to reuse the same UI code for most of his apps. Clothes Convertor is up to version 4 and it doesn't look any different that version 1.
Well some of us really like the aesthetics too! lol
Hi everyone,
Could anyone give me a piece of advice, please... Is this program worth buying if I have Poser 10?
I would like to thank you for your response. I figured out that I had to type the word username XXX then copy and paste the rest :roll:
I copy-pasted both from the DAZ serial numbers page, worked OK. But you have to be careful, it's easy to get an extra space or whatever included.
Is there a key and mouse combo that will allow me to pan? I loaded up a figure and a piece of clothing but can't zoom in on it because of how the default camera is set up. I can't figure out how to pan the camera up to get the whole shirt into the view port. Thanks! Really weird that he didn't include any info on this in this tutorials. :-(
From the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the manual:
Pan View - Middle Mouse Btn+Alt
Rotate View - Left Mouse Btn+Alt
Zoom View - Right Mouse Btn+Alt
Thanks so much
I can't seem to get a good wrinkle in the shirt. Doesn't seem to do much. I played with all the settings here and there and just don't know that "happy place" to get things nice and wrinkley! Any suggestions on settings?
One thing I've noticed is that if you have the Collision Quality at the highest setting nothing much happens, so you have to lower it slightly and allow some collision imperfection. Another thing which puzzled me at first was why, when I stopped the simulation at a point where I thought things looked pretty good, the resulting mesh looked bland. It was because I had Smooth on. So it took what I thought was a great look and then smoothed it out of recognition. So now I leave Smooth off altogether.
I'm still not sure what "Simulation Quality" does, though. According to the manual it governs "the overall quality of the simulation". :lol: