GF8.1 Eyelash controls

Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm struggling to find eyelash controls with GF8.1 characters, including Victoria & the base character.

If I load the base 8.1 eyelashes only, I see full shaping options in parameters, but not if I parent to a character! Also, I'm unable to apply a material to those lashes so I only have weird curved panes. 

If I load a full 8.1 character the full range of shaping options for the lashes are no longer available in parameters.

FYI - I'm looking simply to alter the curl, angle & length. At present I can do absolutely nothing.

Clearly I'm missing something here & it's driving me nuts. I need an idiots guide to this.... can someone please help this idiot? 


  • Parent or fit? Once fitted they are hidden because there are matching properties on the base figure, which are the intended route to controlling the lashes.

    Are the lash materials you are using Hierarchical presets?

  • Hi Richard - thanks for your response.

    Not sure what goes on here but I seem to have found a route. It's mad!

    Whether G8.1 base figure or 8.1 character - eyelashes have limited control. If I delete & apply eyelashes seperately - same issue. If I fit lashes to figure they still don't work.

    However, if I open lashes first - then open figure - then parent (not fit) lashes to figure - then add mats to lashes......... success!!  Just seems a crazy route - but so long as it works, huh?!.

    Thanks again for your response - it genuinely helped guide me forward.

  • I spoke too soon. 

    Obviously lashes need to fit to character to move & pose correctly.

     I have tried everything I can think of & trawled the internet for possible answers. No one else has this problem so clearly it's me being utterly stupid.

    At the end of the day, it's only a hobby. Time I gave up & tried something else. Wasted so much time & money. Ah well!

    Thanks for trying to help.


  • Last word - Using the route described above - I then fitted lashes to Tear, not character. Now they move with character & I have FULL parameter controls for lashes.

    It does seem a painful route to getting controls over the lashes. Don't know if this is a glitch in my system. All instalations have been through Instal Manager (Connect has issues with Mac & after difficulties I was advised to avoid it).

    Anyway - lashes now working.

  • As I said, it is not intended that you should adjust the lashes directly. If you do need to acess their proeprties you could probably just open the Parameters (or Shaping, whichever you use) pane's option menu (the lined/hamburger button in the top corner, or right-click the tab) and enable Preferences>Show Hidden Properties.

    As for the materials, have you turned off the default option to have items parent to the figure when they are fitted? Hierarchical presets do depend on having things parented correctly so if they remain unparented they will nto work.

  • Fantastic!! Thanks Richard. I didn't know about accessing hidden properties. That's made things SO much easier. Truly appreciate your help & patience.

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