how to create subsurface scattering?

Hi so i have two questions, first, how do i create subsurface scattering? And second how can change color on certain part of a character? like if someone is sick that person has a red nose... or if someone blush create a pink/red cheek. I've tried many things but it always looks wrong 


  • Sub-surface scatering is built-in to most of the currently popular shaders, and is usually fairly clearly identified 9though working out what some of its settings do may take a bit of testing or asking). Which shader are you using?

    Things like red noses would need to be handled with a mask, a greyscale image that either blends in an overlay texture or Layered Image or that controls an effect.

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,625

    I find the best way to handle things like a red nose is to take the material file into Photoshop, adjust it, and save it out as an alternate material. Then you just assign that skin material to the character. Works great for things like tatoos and dirt and injuries.

  • HylasHylas Posts: 4,911

    SSS in IRAY is called Translucency.

    The channel accepts maps, so you could make a map that has some red on the nose and cheek parts.

    There's also this:

    And a product by Thunder-3D and Meipe called Body Blush on Renderotica (which is a very NSFW site, just so you know)

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