Why are timelines not created equal?

When I am working in create the time line tha loads is the next thing to usless, it has no prvision for adding frames or changing the frame rate two functions I use frequently. Plus if I render from thatsetting it doesn't keep me informed as to which frame is rendering.
Check out Casual's scripts here: https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts2/ in particular mcjRetimeAnimation. There was also a plug-in for DS3 named Geppetto that had all of those but it isn't available yet for DS4. To see the frame that is rendering just leave the Timeline open!
DAZ_Rand also said that the focus of DS5 would be on animation, so be sure to make feature requests in the bug tracker.
If you are working in loading|creating the timeline will not let you add frames or change the frame rate, if you render in loading|creating you cannot see which frame is rendering.
If you are working in posing | shaping you get a much better timeline, just wondering why they are not the same.
Oh, that's the same Timeline actually. You can click on the Options button (right pointing arrow followed by several stacked lines in the top right corner of the Timeline) to toggle between "Advanced View" (first option) or Default view.
Many thanks Dave, I feel dumb for not finding that on my own.