Carrara Challenge #16 - Myth and Legend - VOTING THREAD - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
edited April 2015 in Carrara Discussion

Carrara Challenge #16 Myth and Legend


WIP Thread is here:

Voting Rules
1.Voting is open to anyone with a DAZ3D account.
2.Each person may vote for up to three entries. The order of your votes does not matter (i.e. do not vote for a 1st place, 2nd place, honorable mention etc. just list your three votes in any order).
3.Votes are per entry. If an artist has two images you wish to vote for, you may use a vote for each one, leaving you with one remaining vote to cast.

Anonymous Votes
1.Anonymous votes will be accepted with good cause, for example: if a forum moderator or admin wishes to vote without giving an appearance of favoritism.
2.Please PM me (MDO2010) if you think you need to vote anonymously.
3.Anonymous votes for the challenge host will not be accepted.

Vote Counting
1.An artist may place in the top three or receive Honorable Mention only once per Challenge.
2.If an artist has enough votes to place more than once, the entry with the most votes will be the one that is placed, and the entry by another artist with the next highest vote total will be moved up.
3.In the event of a tie, there will either be a 2 day run-off period or a neutral third party will be asked to cast a tie-breaking vote.
4.The current Challenge host is not eligible to win.

Thank you again to our generous sponsor DAZ 3D for once again offering the following awards to the winners:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention: $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)

Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited March 2015

    Entry #1
    Artist: Diomede
    Title: Pied Piper of Hamelin
    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara: Pipe, Bridge, Piper Tunic, Piper Shoes, Piper Cloak, Piper Hat, Piper Hair, Rodents (modeled and rigged in Carrara), Terrain, River
    Additional Credits (Genesis 2 Male, terrain shader mixes in woodland realm ground texture by Dartanbeck, Bridge shader is from TRU seamless stone wall merchant resource, Tunic mixes in brocado texture map by RajRaja)
    Link(s) to WIP(s)

    Postwork? No
    Comments The Pied Piper is a legend originating in northern Germany in the 13th century. According to the story, a man in brightly colored (pied) clothing came to the town of Hamelin and was hired by the town to get rid of vermin, which he led to the river by playing a magic pipe. When the town cheated him of his pay, he returned in hunting clothes and led the children of the town away to a magc mountain never to be seen again.

    1200 x 1553 - 271K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited March 2015

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara: Foreground terrain, grass is a hair primitif, water, St Pat's Mitre (hat) his staff, the Esatern Dragon figure was custom mutalated by self, the robes were stolen from M3 taken into Blender and cloth simmed with a stiff breeze. All cloths retextured.

    Daz Stuff, M3 wizard robe, M4 Djeelabalah, Dartanbecks landscape for the back terrain Underwater Realms. Eastern Dragon with his wings ripped off. The top Welsh Dragon is the two Daz dragon figures retextured and his constraints removed, one for the wings and one for the body, I made the pointy bits tongue and tail

    Postwork? Only a little.. I hand painted the beard for fun..

    Comments : Saint Pat represents the heroic Christians who turfed out the existing Irish 'pagan' religions and replaced them with Bishops and Tithes and other goodly stuff. The Dragons are the metaphorical snakes in the Saint Pat myth.


    1422 x 2000 - 948K
    Post edited by Headwax on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,010
    edited March 2015

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder


    Postwork - maybe there is maybe there isn't :-)

    Sif - Used Magna Hart by Bobbie25
    Mighty Boots by JoeQuick
    Vincent Hair by Soto

    Loki - Heracles Helmet
    Universal horn for M4
    G1 Pirate Pants & boots
    ValRobe by Val

    Thor - Modified Anglo Saxon helmet by PoserWorld
    Modified Feathered Wings
    Mighty Boots, pants & Loin cloth by JoeQuick
    Genesis Super Cape
    M4 Fire Fighter Gloves modified
    Vest I can't remember
    Neanderthal hair & beard by Mec4d

    Them bones
    Goat by Sparky
    Fantasy Village by PhilW
    Freaky Skins
    Genesis x 4 and creature creator morphs
    Ron's Brushes

    Content Created - Thor's Hammer & Belt Buckle, Loki's Staff, The Goats Wagon

    Sorry if I missed anything but I lost the 4Gig file using the 8.5beta of Carrara and had to go off my memory which sux..

    Comments: Thor was one of the most important and famous gods in Norse mythology. He was the son of Odin and Fyorgyn, the earth goddess. Thor was considered the storm-weather god of sky and thunder and also a fertility god. His wife was Sif, a goddess also linked to fertility. He had a red beard and eyes, he was huge in size. Thor was the strongest of all gods and men according to The Prose Edda.

    Thor was very talented at slaying giants; many of his stories revolve around violent episodes between him and his enemies. In order to perform his duties, Thor had a hammer, Mjollnir, a deadly weapon also associated with lightning and thunder, which was built by the dwarves. He also had iron gloves and a belt named Megingjard that doubled Thor’s strength once buckled on.

    Thor had a chariot to travel across the sky, which was drawn by two goats: Tanngniost and Tanngrisnir.

    1615 x 1076 - 1M
    Post edited by Stezza on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited March 2015

    Entry#: 4

    Artist: evilproducer

    Title: The Gates of Ra

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara: I made the pillars visible through the clouds, I made the clouds, I made the staff, I made the collar, I made the crown/helmet, I made the emitters for the smoke, I modified shaders on M4, the horse, the chariot and the horse armor. I modified the horses armor.

    Additional Credits: The chariot is by 3Dage, and generously given to the Carrara community via his ShareCG account:
    The armor is Mongoloid's Nitro Pony Armor that I modified for the Mil-horse:`s-Nitro-Pony-Armor-for-P7-Horse
    M4 is by DAZ 3D.

    Link(s) to WIP(s):

    Postwork?: This is a link to where I discuss what was done for postwork,

    Comments: I wanted to initially create a sci-fi take on Icarus, but time constraints outside of Carrara prevented me from creating the assets that I needed to create for my scene. Instead, I decided to conflate a greek myth about where the sun rises and sets, with the Egyptian Sun God, Ra. The Egyptians and Greeks were contemporaries for awhile, and influenced each other, so I felt, hey, why not? It will make an interesting picture.

    2000 x 1500 - 2M
    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    Entry # 5

    Artist Jonstark

    Title: Villain of Nottingham?

    A man pledged to uphold the law, surrounded by greedy nobles grasping for power who look down on him for his common birth, nobles who were willing to employ murderous outlaws and mob rule guerilla tactics, while robbing honest hardworking merchants of the fruits of their labor who were supposed to be under the Crown’s protection, all in a bid to subvert his ability to protect the people and administer his sworn duties. Then, in the end, he was betrayed by the very king he was pledged to serve

    I thought it might be interesting to invert the story a bit and see the Sheriff of Nottingham in a different light. From a certain viewpoint, his story is a lot closer to Ned Stark’s then Joffrey’s.

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara

    Hair is Carrara dynamic hair that I created, textured and animated through dynamic scene forces myself. I put this hair up for community use (and it can be used on any figure easily), find it at also there is an invisible 'chest collider' object in the scene that the hair is colliding with which can be found at Additionally the cloak I changed from a conforming to a softbody using Bullet physics, and animated that as well. The skin shaders were retextured by me as well as all the clothing from the defaults. The animated water is simply a plane that is moving, which I textured as well. And way in the back barely scene is a tree I created and animated for the scene.

    Additional Credits (list of premade content and/or plugins used, links encouraged)

    Skin texture but not face shape is StudioArtVartagnan's 'Yannis' at Rendo
    In the way back background behind the tunnel the sides of the buildings are The Guildhall by Jack Tomalin
    St Michael's Gate by Faveral
    Night Guard for Genesis by Ravenhair
    Midnight Watchmen texture for Night Guard by Sarsa
    Ecomantics by DimensionTheory

    Link(s) to WIP(s)


    Not opposed to postwork, but didn't use any this time. :)

    Comments There is a flicker in the dark space between the legs, but this isn't from Carrara and wasn't present in the AVI file I rendered, I guess it's an artifact of the cheap AVI to GIF converter software I used. The goal was to make a picture that looked like a still render at a glance, but had some subtle movement to it, sort of like those electronically backlit moving waterfall paintings they used to sell at malls, hopefully it catches the eye subtly enough that the viewer spends a second wondering why a still image appears to be moving. I don't know how close I came though :)

    450 x 600 - 8M
  • DADA_universeDADA_universe Posts: 336
    edited December 1969

    Entry #6

    Artist: DADA_universe

    Title: Domestic Squabble in Sango's Court

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara: Sango's battle axe morphed from Dagger Dreams dagger in the model room, M6 voyager morphed as well and textured with totally bazaar cloth textures, same with her dress. Patterns on the rear wall panels adjusted in the model room.

    Additional Credits: Michael 4, Trey skin map, Genesis 2 Female, Dagger Dreams, M6 Voyager, Artemisia Gown, Sedition Soldier, Glitch, drums and gourds from Tribal Props, Columns and Walls from the Aikanaro set, Cornrows from Diversity, HDRI stary background is a free one I got online called Milkyway but I have no way of tracking where I got it from anymore. Plants and the lightning streak came from the Ivy Generator.

    Link(s) to WIP(s)

    Postwork? None, wanted to try something out but I'll never finish in time.

    According to legend, Sango was a Yoruba Warrior King who literally spit fire and could wield the power of lightning and thunder. He had 3 wives and the last one called Oya seemed to be his favourite while at the same time being capable of some trouble. Here Sango struggles to hold back his rage upon learning of Oya's latest exploit. His pet robot bird Glitch scampers to safety in case he loses control and releases a thunder bolt like the last one that burnt down the old palace.

    1280 x 720 - 282K
  • stringtheory9stringtheory9 Posts: 411
    edited March 2015

    Entry # 7

    Artist Stringtheory9

    Title Billy the Kid

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara
    Distant terrain, foreground terrain, long grass, stirrups, rope. rains.

    Additional Credits
    M4, Millennium Horse, M4 Cowboy outfit, Rocky Flats

    Link(s) to WIP(s)

    I painted the mane and used images off the web to composite photo damage onto the original render.

    Billy the Kid is a legendary 19th century wild west outlaw.

    1500 x 803 - 1022K
    Post edited by stringtheory9 on
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited December 1969

    Entry # 8

    Artist Tim_A

    Title The Birth of Worlds

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara
    The world, turtle replicator.

    Additional Credits
    African Elephant
    Sea Turtle
    Hubble space telescope photo off the web

    Link(s) to WIP(s)

    Glow / aura effects added to the sun and to the eye of the turtle.

    The World Turtle is an ancient Hindu myth. The notion that world turtles hatch in orbit around a sun is pure Pratchett. Myth meets Legend.

    1836 x 1080 - 1M
  • VarselVarsel Posts: 574
    edited December 1969

    Entry : 9
    Artist : Varsel
    Title : Fossegrimen

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara
    Everything, except the Grimen.

    Additional Credits

    Link(s) to WIP(s)

    No postwork. One of my personal goals are to push Carrara, and try to achieve the effects I want inside the program.

    This is the Fossegrimen. He is a water spirit or troll, that is an exceptionally talented fiddler. He plays on the sounds of the water, forest and wind.
    He is willing to teach away his skills, but at a cost. Worst case, your sole.

    933 x 1200 - 912K
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,431
    edited December 1969

    Entry # :- 10
    Artist :- Bunyip02
    Title :- Atlantis rumble in the jungle

    Created or significantly modified inside Carrara :- All shader work
    Ra's Palace has had the shaders for the Pool water, Columns, Roof, Vertical structures, and roof support all modified/changed.
    The Succubus wings had the shaders modified to partly match the Gorgon-Medusa figure while allowing for some transperancy.

    Additional Credits :- Gryphon is by Sparky at PhilosophersEgg for M4
    Feathered Wings
    Gryphon clothes are the Shades of Atlantis M4 & Anunnaki M4
    Gorgon-Medusa - G2M Creature Creator morps & Arms are genesis morphs that have been GenXed
    Snake body is from RawArts Medusa-Gorgon creature
    Succubus wings
    Ra's Palace by Dreamlight
    Background is Full Mountain from the landscapes

    Link(s) to WIP(s) :-

    Postwork :- Ripples & Splashes done in PSP using Ron's brushes plus a few others. Topaz filter used for final colour enhancement.
    Also minor alterations to the Gorgon-Medusa figure where the shader work did not quite achieve the required look.

    Comments :- I initially was going to revamp the Ra's Pace by Dreamlight in the model room but I had a big problem with computer memory, looks like I need to upgrade my RAM if I intend to do large memory scenes in the future. I also need to upgrade my Carrara model and UV mapping skills as well to get the best out of my renders.

    Background information to scene:-
    At the legendary city of Atlantis there is a brawl between the Gryphons who are the law-keepers with a winged Gorgon-Medusa who due to their carnivore instincts often attack the Atlantis residents. The Gryphons are the only known defence. This particular Gorgon-Medusa is trying to lure the Gryphon into the water so it can crush & drown the Gryphon with it's tail as it can not defeat the Gryphon in the air. Meanwhile in the background the mountain is steadily rumbling away, to one day erupt as a super-volcano.

    1950 x 1463 - 7M
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited March 2015

    Voting Period: 31 March 2015 0:00:01 CMT (UTC-6) to 7 April 2015 23:59:59 CMT (UTC-6)

    WIP Thread is here:

    Voting Rules
    1.Voting is open to anyone with a DAZ3D account.
    2.Each person may vote for up to three entries. The order of your votes does not matter (i.e. do not vote for a 1st place, 2nd place, honorable mention etc. just list your three votes in any order).
    3.Votes are per entry. If an artist has two images you wish to vote for, you may use a vote for each one, leaving you with one remaining vote to cast.

    Anonymous Votes
    1.Anonymous votes will be accepted with good cause, for example: if a forum moderator or admin wishes to vote without giving an appearance of favoritism.
    2.Please PM me (MDO2010) if you think you need to vote anonymously.
    3.Anonymous votes for the challenge host will not be accepted.

    Vote Counting
    1.An artist may place in the top three or receive Honorable Mention only once per Challenge.
    2.If an artist has enough votes to place more than once, the entry with the most votes will be the one that is placed, and the entry by another artist with the next highest vote total will be moved up.
    3.In the event of a tie, there will either be a 2 day run-off period or a neutral third party will be asked to cast a tie-breaking vote.
    4.The current Challenge host is not eligible to win.

    Thank you again to our generous sponsor DAZ 3D for once again offering the following awards to the winners:
    1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
    2nd Place: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
    3rd Place: $25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
    Honorable Mention: $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)

    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Well here's my vote.

    I think that Stezza's render is probably one of the best Carrara renders I'v seen for a while so

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    The fairytale quality of Diomede64's work and the fact that he made so much in Carrara just astounds me so

    Entry #1
    Artist: Diomede
    Title: Pied Piper of Hamelin

    Dada universe's approach from a non European stand point was intriguing.

    Entry #6

    Artist: DADA_universe

    Title: Domestic Squabble in Sango’s Court

    Of course Evils and Jon's work were finesse in action, and Varsels approach to the water via using a terrain was an eye opener, stringtheory9's ability in post is enviable , as was Bunyip wonderful water splash but there can only be one Honourable mention so, taa-daah

    Entry # 8
    Artist Tim_A
    Title The Birth of Worlds

    because of it's quirkiness, dynamics and viewpoint.

    I really enjoyed watching people post WIP's of their work and thank you to Daz for sponsoring us once more. Really looking forward to seeing more entries in the next one.

    cheerios :)

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584
    edited December 1969

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)
    Really has captured the feel of a medieval painting. Not entirely sure about the Welsh dragon - seems a bit like mixing up the myths

    Entry#: 4
    Artist: evilproducer
    Title: The Gates of Ra
    I just love the lighting and the atmosphere and the dynamism, right down to the horses’ glowing eyes. Magnificent.

    Entry # 5
    Artist Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham?
    The subtle animation really gives a feeling of being there, and the sheriff really does look like he’d rather not be there! A portrait that would not look out of place on the wall at Hogwarts!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    I really could have voted for each of them. Great work. In the end, I chose

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    Entry #6
    Artist: DADA_universe
    Title: Domestic Squabble in Sango’s Court

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,431
    edited December 1969

    I agree with Diomede about voting for all of the entries, but unfortunately we got to choose only 3.

    My picks:-

    Entry #3
    Artist: Stezza
    Title: Norse God of Thunder

    Entry #6
    Artist: DADA_universe
    Title: Domestic Squabble in Sango’s Court

    Entry #8
    Artist: Tim_A
    Title: The Birth of Worlds

  • stringtheory9stringtheory9 Posts: 411
    edited December 1969

    This was tough. I flipped a few of these a number of times.

    Entry# 2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title: Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon

    Entry# 5
    Artist: Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham

    Entry# 4
    Artist: evilproducer
    Title: The Gates of Ra

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945
    edited December 1969

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon”

    Entry#: 4
    Artist: evilproducer
    Title: The Gates of Ra

    HM to:
    Entry #1
    Artist: Diomede
    Title: Pied Piper of Hamelin

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Whew! Tough as always!

    I went 'round and 'round with this. They're all unique and cool entries by some talented artists.

    My votes in numerical order are:

    #1 by diomede.
    Great job on the rats and the clothes. The whole scene is nicely constructed

    #6 by DADA_universe.
    I like the fact that this is not a Euro-centric myth, and at the same time has similarities to the myths that I am familiar with. To me, it emphasizes how interrelated we all our. The scene is also visually captivating.

    #8 by Tim_A.
    This is also a very nice non-Euro centric myth, with a surreal take that is very unique and well executed.

    It was really hard to decide this time. Stringtheory, Jon Stark, Varsel, Stezza, Bunyip, Headwax, you all did excellent work, and should be proud of what you accomplished! I had a great deal of insight into your creative processes and workflow from following the WIP thread. Thank you!

    To all you other Carrara artists, especially all the new ones I see popping in with questions from time to time, these challenges can be a great way to learn about Carrara, what it can do, and to meet and exchange ideas with some talented artists, each with their own Carrara experience level and unique way to use it! Please share your vision with us!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Closeting soon, feel free to vote. Err I mean 'closing' soon! Don't you hate auto feel?

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,010
    edited December 1969

    seems interest is waning over recent months..

    but those that have done the WiPs and challenge have put up some great stuff..

    my vote in no particular order

    Entry # 5
    Artist Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham

    Entry # 7
    Artist Stringtheory9
    Title Billy the Kid

    Entry : 9
    Artist : Varsel
    Title : Fossegrimen

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    For my part, it is not lack of interest, but lack of time.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Entry #3 - Norse God of Thunder
    Entry # 5 - Villain of Nottingham
    Entry #1 - Pied Piper of Hamelin

    gotta love thor, + for loki horns
    breezy day :)
    rats :shut:

  • DADA_universeDADA_universe Posts: 336
    edited December 1969

    Now I see what everyone means about it being difficult to vote, I've been staring at the entries for ages and just when I think I'm decided, I see something terribly important in some other entry that really should be rewarded with a vote. Thanks everyone for such rich entries, but now, vote I must!

    Entry #3
    Artist: Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder
    Stezza inspires me to no end with the energy he's brought to this month's contest, very apt, given he's depicting the thunder god himself. He spoilt us with several other very cool renders in the WIPs and this final entry, despite the trouble C8.5 gave is quite arresting and has a great composition.

    Entry # 5
    Artist Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham?
    Jonstark has made an image that I find myself returning to. Just a guy standing by that canal right? But Jon's brought his signature work with Carrara dynamic hair and softbody physics into play here. He's also redefined how dynamic a still image could be and opened up new possibilities for future submissions to the contest.

    Entry # 7
    Artist: Stringtheory9
    Title: Billy the Kid
    Another deceptively simple looking image but made with so much control over the medium and the composition. Plus really convincing use of postwork.

    Alas, I've run out of votes! I had more to say about other entries.....sob! :down:

  • VarselVarsel Posts: 574
    edited December 1969

    Here is my votes

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)

    Entry # 5
    Artist Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham?

    Entry # :- 10
    Artist :- Bunyip02
    Title :- Atlantis rumble in the jungle

  • IppotamusIppotamus Posts: 1,579
    edited December 1969

    You want votes?
    OK :)

    Entry #3
    Artist: Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    Entry # 5
    Artist Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham?

    Entry # 7
    Artist: Stringtheory9
    Title: Billy the Kid

  • Philemo_CarraraPhilemo_Carrara Posts: 1,175
    edited December 1969

    Entry # 7
    Artist Stringtheory9
    Title Billy the Kid

    Entry : 9
    Artist : Varsel
    Title : Fossegrimen

    Entry #1
    Artist: Diomede
    Title: Pied Piper of Hamelin

    Nice work everybody

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,403
    edited December 1969

    It gets harder to vote every time. You guys do an amazing job!
    These challenges are really great.

    Entry # 5
    Artist Jonstark
    Title: Villain of Nottingham?

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    My votes:

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    Entry#: 4
    Artist: evilproducer
    Title: The Gates of Ra

  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited December 1969

    Last call for votes!

    Voting ends in about 1 hour.

    I will probably not be awake to officially call it right at midnight since I am fighting off a cold and just took all the cold medicine, so I will look at time stamps on any votes cast between now and then to see if they count.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    Really hard to choose, like others have said, but hey it's very much true. I keep flip flopping between several different entries, many of them can only be truly appreciated when blown up to full size to see the details. I better just vote before I wait to long in indecision and miss out on the opportunity, but I really was impressed with all the entries, and easily could have chosen differently. In no particular order:

    Entry #1
    Artist: Diomede
    Title: Pied Piper of Hamelin

    Entry #3
    Artist Stezza
    Title - Norse God of Thunder

    Entry # 7
    Artist Stringtheory9
    Title Billy the Kid

    Honorable Mention:

    Entry #2
    Artist: Headwax
    Title:“Sant Padrig Taflu y Pagan Devils Allan Iwerddon” (Saint Patrick Throws the Devils Out of Ireland)

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