BRYCE RENDER CHALLENGE ►►►Spring Edition◄◄◄ Theme is Ψ¦¦¦¦¦¦Ψ SCIENCE FICTION Ψ¦¦¦¦¦¦



  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    thank you for the nice comments :)

    @ hansmar, thanks :) ...and just for the record! ...that's not from the tutorial, everything you see in that image is all my own work :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited March 2015

    @drachenlords - beautiful render.

    My first Entry:

    Moon Landers Return

    AH9100 by Phillip Drawbridge and DAZ (not available anymore)
    3 Michaels 3 from DAZ (one in the cockpit)

    1200 x 800 - 165K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • drachenlordsdrachenlords Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for all the nice comments.


    A very cool Picture.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Horo said:
    @drachenlords - beautiful render.

    My first Entry:

    Moon Landers Return

    AH9100 by Phillip Drawbridge and DAZ (not available anymore)
    3 Michaels 3 from DAZ (one in the cockpit)

    well done !

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 1969

    Nice image Horo, I especially like the moon through the windows.

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    @ Horo, very nicely done :)

  • Bonito LilBonito Lil Posts: 72
    edited December 1969

    1. exploding moon -- a good composition, nice colors, strikig clouds. I'm thinking that ship hasn't long to live!
    2. ships over a city -- again, nice coloration, great atmospheric effect

    @bigh: swamp -- The tree definitely has an alien feel about it, and the fog is well done.

    @adbc: android -- interesting scene with lots of complexity from the glass.

    @fishtales: I like the graphic novel feel in your entries.

    @tim bateman:
    1. Discovery of a new world -- beautiful vista
    2. abandoned cloud city- nice work with the clouds

    @horo: Moon landers return - terrific render. I recollect watching a tutorial about that interior lighting technique: it's not easy to pull off.

  • Bonito LilBonito Lil Posts: 72
    edited December 1969

    "Astounding Science Fiction"

    My first and perhaps only entry is a take on the naive art of the 1930's and 1940's, an interpretation of a zine cover of the era. They just don't make rocket ships like that any more...

    It contains a crew of D-Bots and the Nubian Complex by Herminio Nieves, from ShareCG. I exported the terrain from Mojoworld and the sky things from NASA. All the text is lattices, and the ship is a Bryce construction.

    600 x 750 - 258K
  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    Entry #3 Final stand

    1434 x 695 - 162K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited March 2015

    @drachenlords - thank you.
    @bigh - thank you.
    @Sandy - thank you.
    @Tim - thank you. Great third entry.
    @asterlil - thank you. Very nice magazine front page.

    Here's my second entry.

    Living on a moonlet

    Commercial Products:
    Bryce 7 Pro Deep Space HDRI 2
    Bryce 7.1 Pro - Space Construction Kit
    Bryce 7.1 Pro Lenses and Filters

    Additional information:
    Six craters from Cris333
    Spaceship from the Internet
    9 Bryce terrains
    1 terrain from Mars DEM (centered 180E/15S)
    HDRI is Gasclouds_A3

    800 x 1200 - 175K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • drachenlordsdrachenlords Posts: 821
    edited December 1969

    Thank you and a really successful retro poster. Very nice old style.

    Beautiful third render.

    Great lunar settlement. Very interesting perspective.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @drachenlords - thank you.

    Here is my third entry.


    Commercial products:
    The Core
    M3 Space Suit
    Bryce 7.1 Pro - Space Construction Kit

    Additional information
    TAV88 space plane by Alan Armstrong
    HDRI is Gossamer2c_3840
    Terrain from Mars DEMs centered at 300°E/20°N

    990 x 1200 - 260K
  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920
    edited December 1969

    Wow.... so beautiful artwork here. This becames a hard job for the Judges.

    So, enough changes for me now. I don't know how often I've changed the Mat's, the perspective and, of course, the light.
    More changes my nerves do not accept, I think.... :-(

    This is my first entry:


    1400 x 787 - 900K
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited December 1969

    Wow.... so beautiful artwork here. This becames a hard job for the Judges.

    So, enough changes for me now. I don't know how often I've changed the Mat's, the perspective and, of course, the light.
    More changes my nerves do not accept, I think.... :-(

    This is my first entry:


    Nice image and I like the terrain.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    Here's my preliminary render. I have a few ideas for changes/additions, not yet sure which if any I will follow through on. Let me know if you see any problems I'm overlooking.

    1608 x 1005 - 1M
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @yellow Pen - great landscape and great idea.

    @Sean Riesch - those robot flies are fearsome and the insect beast the lady rides on no less.

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited December 1969

    so many brilliant entries!!! ...I cant wait to see what is next :) ...great work from every one :)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    This time I'm a bit (much) behind with my comments. All of anyone's art work is different and original.
    I'll try though.
    @Tim Bateman : love the icy terrain on your first entry, great clouds on the 2nd one, the 3rd one says it all.
    @The Savage : you WIP looks great already.
    @drachenlords : your 3rd entry is just as nice as the other 2.
    @mtnmen, @ hansmar : thanks for your comment.
    @asterlil : thanks for your comment. DBots : very well done
    @Horo : What can I say : your 3 renders are absolutely top.
    @Yellow pen : Your terrain has a very nice texture, like the atmosphere.
    @Sean Riesch : a great idea.
    Hope I did not forget anyone.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    @ hansmar, thanks :) ...and just for the record! ...that's not from the tutorial, everything you see in that image is all my own work :)

    No problem... and sorry for the misunderstanding on my side.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    @Horo: Moon lander looks very good. And 'living on a moonlet' could be the cover of a Nebula winning book. Third one is also wonderful.

    @asterlil: great recreation of old future art!

    @Tim Bateman: Not so sure I would have put the 'man' and 'planet' behind each other. It makes me loose my focal point a little. Otherwise great work.

    @yellow Pen: Fantastic pod race. I like the little colour to the right and the arrow, of course.

    @Sean Riesch: I think it is going to be a great work. You might want to work on the texture of the terrain.

    @adbc: you are welcome.

    Here is my (first?) entry: Accelerating

    People are from DAZ and Poser, I made the robot myself in Hexagon (used it before). The console to the right came with a Bryce set and the console to the left I made in Bryce and used a 'rain meter' screen as texture.
    The deck of the space ship form and lamp was made in Hexagon and the warp sign in Bryce.
    The warping space was made in Bryce, with procedural textures and a lot of lights. I never used more lights in one scene than in this one. It probably could have been done with less, but I did not want to spend the time trying out different settings.
    I did a little bit of postwork by increasing the contrast somewhat.

    Hope you like it.

    1434 x 695 - 927K
  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    @horo Moon Landers Return... Great image the angle/view,
    Living on a Moonlet is a very nice image as is OrbimalsII... Great perspectives
    @asterlil... I LOVE the zine cover... very cool and very representative of the style of those pulps...
    @timbateman...FinalStand is Verry Nice..
    @yellowpen... Pod Race is very cool...
    @sean reisch... Fun image...I think I'd like to see more clearly some detils of that beast she is riding... Perhaps some localized lighting... maybe?
    @hansmar... Take us to Warp

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    here is my first entry...
    Title: It's Alive!
    products used:
    Daz's Freak
    Daz's West Park Morgue
    Large power switch from Internet
    All other objects I made in Hexagon and from Bryce primitives

    960 x 720 - 487K
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    @mtnmen: Wonderful work! I think the texture on the freak is a bit too smooth, and therefore plasticy, maybe you can add some bump somehow?

  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for the observation and great suggestion... I took your advice and added some bump to Freak... I think it is an improvement..

    So THIS is my first entry...

    960 x 720 - 509K
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    @mtnmen: No problem. And yes, NOW it's alive!

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited December 1969

    @hansmar : nice models in a great scene !
    @mtnmen : really cool render.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,644
    edited March 2015

    All the entries are great

    The spaceships are freebies. I used David’s Deep Space Nebula tutorial downloaded from Horo’s site to make the Hdri and used it as a backdrop.

    My first: Invasion

    1000 x 500 - 48K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,835
    edited December 1969

    @adbc - thank you.

    @hansmar - thank you. Your warp scene looks great, nice copper robot.

    @mtnmen - thank you. It's Alive! is a great render. Great sparks, also the models look great.

    @mermaid010 very nice space scene.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,000
    edited December 1969

    @mermaid010: Great entry! I like all those colours.

    @Horo: Thanks. Made the robot myself (times ago) in Hexagon. I started redoing it later to make it more suitable for rigging, but somehow dropped that project.

    By the way. Remarkable limited number of entries so far. Sci-fi too difficult or just too normal?

  • Bonito LilBonito Lil Posts: 72
    edited December 1969

    Hard at work here. Also balancing creative play with a bit of real-life weirdness. Watch this space. ;-)

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