Random small lines (marks) appearing on recent render

Hi guys! Hoping someone can assist.

I haven't this issue before (33 renders later), but on this particular scene I'm working on, everytime I render these random lines are appearing. They're mostly around the toes/foot areas. I've switch the normal maps, the bump maps, even the discplacement maps on and off to no avail. Even switched lighting set ups around and what not.

Here are 3 examples (close ups) of what I mean. It's the faint, but noticable lines between the toes and even around the heel.

Again, first time, and all textures/UVs have been checked. I literally use the same model/figure in ALL my renders, as of late. Nothings changed.

I truly appreciate any help, ideas or suggestions the pros can give me. I've been wanting to upload this scene for the last 2 weeks and can't seem to fix this, lol.

Thank you!

December Render 01.png
308 x 262 - 92K
December Render 02.png
210 x 208 - 50K
December Render 03.png
353 x 295 - 89K


  • Try chaning Instancing Optimization from "Auto" to "Speed" under reder settings.  I've found that that often fixes weird things like this.

  • bvgiroux_fbbb1654d3 said:

    Try chaning Instancing Optimization from "Auto" to "Speed" under reder settings.  I've found that that often fixes weird things like this.

    Even though I had already changed that in the past (helps with the hair scalp if resizing doesn't help); it's still a good tip I didn't know about back then.

    Unfortunally, it's already set to "Speed" and I even tried setting it back.

    I think I'm making progress in solving the issue. I noticed, for whatever reason, I had two different displacement maps. One was in Normal Maps and the other in Discplacement Weight. Removed one of them and it seems to alivate the issue (Still get that line around the big toe, lol).

    Thanks for the reply! 

  • functionfunction Posts: 279
    edited December 2021

    in surface tab, try fully copy the torso skin (or arm skin) to toe skin, see if the line is still there.

    Post edited by function on
  • function said:

    in surface tab, try fully copy the torso skin (or arm skin) to toe skin, see if the line is still there.

    Because I use a custome skin (headache trying to blend the color to match the torso), it doesn't end well the other way around (torso/Arm skin to legs, feet, toes.)

    That does give me an idea for future projects, though. So still valuable knowledge. Thanks!

    I think the issue was what I had mentioned above. Having two discplacement maps (which I'm still not 100% sure why it was placing the same map in the 'normal" area.)

    Thank you again guys! Appreciated the quick replies!

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