how to export figures from poser for use in daz with all necesary files?

so, I recently got back into 3d, and I have quite a lot of custom-made figures (made from scratch, I mostly make my own figures and morphs) in my old poser directory...from 10 years ago. Nowdays, I use daz for everything but initial rigging, which I use poser 11 for.
I made structured zips for each of them at the time with cr2s, geometry, textures, and morphs...which got lost when one of my HDDs died.... so now the only place that I have my old work is in my massive, sprawling, 26GB old content directory on my old computer, 99% of which is utter garbage which I /don't/ want to port across and none of which is organised or named anything helpful. I have limited hardrive space on my laptop, so just porting the whole runtime across would take up an unacceptable amount of space. Is there an easy way (app? plugin? some feature of daz or poser I've overlooked?) to gather the files up them off as one directory or zip each with folders intact without having to look at the cr2 and manually retreive and place each file?
I tried exporting as a FBX but that consistently seems to mangle /something/ :/
Thankyou in advance for any help :)
So you ant to give the utiility a CR2 (or other Poser library file) and have it collect all of the referenced files? There are, I think, a couple of scripts that will collect content, but they work in DS and require that the original content location be availble. You don't have an external drive that would take the whole of the library folder to bring in to DS (which, like Poser, can point to mutliple distinct content locations)?
okay, I've got the old runtime (in all it's bloated glory) copied to an external hard-drive - at least now I can use it in Daz, even if that means lugging an external around with my laptop. :) when I get a few spare hours, I found something called 'content gatherer' -haven't purchased it yet, but it says it'll work with both studio and poser 11, if it does, it looks like it'll save me some work when I make new files too.
thanks for your help man! you're a lifesaver, I've been tearing my hair out over this for days :)
Edit for update: got content gatherer on my main acc and man that thing is useful! about 20% of what I've done is 'port useful files across' and the rest is using it to locate all the files assosciated with content I no longer want to de-clutter the hoard :D
Content Gatherer was the main one I was thinking of (but couldn't recall its name).
you are able to use to the content gatherer to bring a full daz file into poser and al lthe matereials are intact, al lyou need do in poser is to add lites and hit render and you are good to go or how easily does it work
I want to bring m and v4 scernes into poser and see how they will render there in poser