Transfer utility for clothing to genesis

I'm trying to use the transfer utility to change some generation 3 and 4 clothing to genesis while keeping the morphs. David 3 is not in the long list of characters (whereas M3, V3, Freak and most or all of the standard gen 3 and gen 4 are.
Anything to do about this? Or is D3 clothing not going to be compatible / transferable to genesis?
Do you have the David 3 shape for Genesis? That's what adds AutoFit support. Note, by the way, that in DS4.5 AutoFit does preserve morphs.
Hey Richard -
I thought I had David shape for Genesis, but Gen 3 Iconic Shapes evidently does not include him - not sure why,
As for AutoFIt transferring morphs automatically in 4.5 beta - that's awesome. Just tried it.
And looks like Autofit working in the latest Carrara beta as well!
So thanks for the tip.