March 2015 New User Contest - Posing (Contest Entries Only)

Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344

New User's Contest - March 2015

Sponsored by DAZ 3D and Elliandra

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest contest...



This month we will be focusing on Posing. For this contest we would like you to search the web for a pose you feel is dynamic and interesting and then use that reference as a guide as you try to replicate it within your app of choice to be used in any way you would like within your final entry. We will be posting example images as well as some ideas on terms to search and some other tips in the WIP THREAD.

I will be checking in on the WIP THREAD as will the rest of the Community Volunteers to try and help with anything you all may need, so feel free to ask questions. Look in the WIP thread for links on Posing.

PLEASE NOTE: There is an additional rule for this month's Entry Thread. In order to enter, not only will you need to post your finished artwork, but you will also need to post the reference image for your pose (or a link to it)!

For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread : Contest Rules


When working on your submissions, if you would like to get feedback as you work or before posting your final image, please post your image to the WIP THREAD. People will be popping in to the WIP THREAD to give you some critique and advice on your entry and help along the way.

Please keep all comments on entries etc to the WIP THREAD as well because comments or requests for help/feedback/advice will be removed from the contest thread and merged into the WIP THREAD. This thread is only for posting final contest submissions.

For those veterans of the forums that would like to help, because this contest is designed for the beginner to learn from, we will be randomly selecting posts offering helpful tips and/or critiques to receive a special voucher as well so, whether you are a seasoned artist or an aspiring one, there is fun for everyone!

Elliandra has graciously agreed to award:
1st place - Choice of 3 packs (with the exception of partnered packs)
2nd place - Choice of 2 packs (with the exception of partnered packs)
HM - Choice of 2 packs (with the exception of partnered packs)

Closing Date: March 31, 2015

Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on


  • Title: A Tribute to the 50th Anniversary of The Sound of Music: "The Ländler," Frozen in Time

    Rendered in Daz3D with 3Delight
    Postwork in Photoshop Elements 12

    Note: Due to the obscuring of some details of the pose from the ice shader and change in the camera angle, for judging purposes only, I am including an additional "intermediary" render to my entry. This render was taken from the same camera angle as the reference for ease in side-by-side pose comparison. Besides shaders and camera angle, the only changes made between the two renders were changing "Maria's" hair, adding a bowtie to the tux, and moving the characters slighty appart to accomodate the lack of morphs to flatten Maria's bust... (this last issue would not have been seen in a closeup render.) I am also including both a still reference and a GIF animated reference created from multiple angle still frames from the movie; the still images in the GIF's animation were used to ensure the accuracy of the dance pose from multiple angles. If submissions are limited to only two file attachments, the additional render, the gif reference and this note can be removed from the entry.

    840 x 1299 - 1M
    1600 x 1214 - 100K
    490 x 289 - 500K
    1600 x 1214 - 110K
    Post edited by Whitehart Creative Arts 3-D (fionathegood) on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Title: Tai Chi

    Used DAZ Studio 4.8 Beta rendered in 3Delight
    No postwork

    2000 x 1500 - 1M
    431 x 370 - 18K
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Title : Showroom
    Program used: daz3d 4.7 studio pro rendered in 3delight
    postwork: Signature added

    1200 x 900 - 907K
    612 x 442 - 104K
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited March 2015

    Title: Surprise! (Good vs. Evil)

    Daz 4.8 with Iray render, shadow boarder added in photoshop

    Reference images used:

    900 x 900 - 1M
    825 x 556 - 287K
    1024 x 635 - 148K
    Post edited by kaotkbliss on
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    Title: Morgan Iraywolf
    Program used: Daz Studio 4.8 Beta, Rendered w/ Iray
    No post-work

    Reference Image: Morgan Ironwolf by Jeff Dee

    300 x 314 - 23K
    541 x 622 - 237K
  • EomolchEomolch Posts: 13
    edited December 1969

    Title: The leave-taking
    Render in Octane 1.2
    Postwork in gimp (background and signature)
    Included a pose-reference picture since the render was taken from a different perspective than the original.
    Reference Pic

    750 x 1200 - 496K
    750 x 1200 - 750K
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited March 2015

    Title: Angelic
    Reference Image:

    Program: DAZ Studio 4.7
    Postwork: few photo editing tools

    1076 x 1076 - 402K
    1600 x 846 - 234K
    Post edited by MilosGulan on
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited December 1969

    Title: Reign of Fury
    Software: Daz Studio 4.7

    1284 x 722 - 198K
    1800 x 1165 - 3M
  • Babalar1Babalar1 Posts: 71
    edited March 2015

    Title: Dancers in the Dark

    Created with: Daz 4.7 pro
    Rendered with: 3dlight
    No postwork on the final render

    1016 x 679 - 307K
    1200 x 900 - 443K
    Post edited by Babalar1 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited March 2015

    Title: surfing on sunshine
    program used: DAZ3d studio 4.7 pro
    postwork: Gimp 2.8 : signature added

    1000 x 750 - 770K
    1920 x 1200 - 812K
    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited March 2015

    Whoops . . . I dropped my earring!

    DAZ3D 4.7 No post work other than signature :-)

    1455 x 2000 - 918K
    2000 x 1500 - 463K
    Post edited by giovannipaolo on
  • SiotradSiotrad Posts: 110
    edited March 2015

    Soft :
    DAZ studio 4.8 _ Iray

    Content :
    Genesis 2 female => Norma -
    Photo Studio (Prédatron) -
    Liquid Pack -
    MFD -

    Title :
    Milky Inspiration

    600 x 844 - 175K
    848 x 1200 - 294K
    Post edited by Siotrad on
  • XangthXangth Posts: 127
    edited April 2015

    Title; Vampirella's Crypt

    Created with:
    Daz Studio 3D 4.7: Genesis 2 default figure, March freebi charm hair. Sci-fi warrior dress, default starter kit walls and doorway, ivy plants from Barefoot Dancer starter kit.
    Bryce Pro 7.1 : Scene built and rendered
    Post Work: None

    800 x 800 - 105K
    420 x 567 - 31K
    Post edited by Xangth on
  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited December 1969

    Title: Tribute to Mr. Spock. "Live Long and Prosper."
    Done in DAZ Studio with no post work.

    1194 x 895 - 519K
    559 x 504 - 51K
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    The contest is now closed. Good work, everyone!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited April 2015

    Winners are:

    1st - surfing on sunshine by Linwelly
    2nd - Dancers in the Dark by robborfla1
    HM - Whoops…I Dropped my earring! by giovannipaoloartist

    Will the winners please contact me by PM and give me your email address associated with your DAZ 3D account and a link to 1 pack from Elliandra store.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    Congrats Linwelly! And also to robborfla1!
    Very good work.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited April 2015

    Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who entered. Great job everyone!

    Linwelly, I'm not sure I've ever seen someone win prizes with both of their entries in a single hat is off to you! [edit: even if this was in error, the sentiment remains]

    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited December 1969

    I'm gonna be updating the winners. Be back in a few. We can't have the same person taking more than 1 place so the list will get bumped up

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited April 2015

    Congratulations to the winners and to everyone who entered. Great job everyone!

    Linwelly, I'm not sure I've ever seen someone win prizes with both of their entries in a single hat is off to you! :)

    Wow, I mean wow for real, Easter has come early and its chrismas on top of it, I'm out of words here.

    Well thank you very much! Thanks to everyone! This would not have happend If not for all of you admins, volunteers and participants together making this a wonderful place to learn.

    Congrats to robborfla, but to all others as well!

    Edit after updated list: and congrats to giovannipaoloartist

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited April 2015

    Updated winners listed. Sorry for the confusion.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • Babalar1Babalar1 Posts: 71
    edited April 2015

    Congrats to Linwelly for your amazing entries and wins!! I'm not surprised you got recognized two times as both your works really raised the bar of excellence. And thank you to the judges for the honorable mention placement I'm sure that was the hardest category to decide on as there were so many excellent renders to choose from.

    Updated after the final results: Congrats also to giovannipaoloartist. for your recognition and beautiful work!!

    Post edited by Babalar1 on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited April 2015

    As an extra prize we are awarding Teofa with the Most Helpful person of this contest for all the great advice given.

    If you will PM me with your email address associated with your DAZ account we can get you your prize.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations to the winners. They were wonderful entries.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Everyone was very good, it was extremely difficult to judge this one.

  • edited December 1969

    Congratulations everyone, and well deserved. Another fun month!

  • XangthXangth Posts: 127
    edited December 1969

    congrats to the winners
    1st - surfing on sunshine by Linwelly
    2nd - Dancers in the Dark by robborfla1
    HM - Whoops…I Dropped my earring! by giovannipaoloartist

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    As an extra prize we are awarding Teofa with the Most Helpful person of this contest for all the great advice given.

    If you will PM me with your email address associated with your DAZ account we can get you your prize.

    Ok I sent it. Shocked, but thanks.

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586
    edited December 1969

    Good Morning everyone!
    First of all I would like to extend my apologies for being an absentee sponsor during the contest, work and home have been crazy busy for the last few months with no signs of slowing down any time soon *smacks her head on her desk and looks for the ever present coffee mug*
    I have to say all of the WIPs and submissions are fantastic!! You all did wonderful jobs converting your poses into the 3D world and I know how hard and time consuming that can be!

    Now for the fun part!
    I decided that I loved all of the Submissions and the WIP Images so much that I would like everyone who posted images (or helpful suggestions) to the WIP Thread and Images to the Submission Thread to PM me with a link to 1 product from my store. The only limitation on the product you can choose is it has to be sold by me alone ;-)

    This of course also means that 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place each get an additional product!

    Linwelly -- 1st Place = 4
    robborfla1 -- 2nd Place = 3
    giovannipaoloartist -- 3rd Place = 2
    Teofa -- Most Helpful = 2

    When IMing me please don't forget to send me a link to your post/image in the relevant thread, the name of the product(s) you have selected along with your email address!

    To make it easier for you to decide what you would like below is a listing of all of the products from my store that are available as prizes! The links will open a new window so you can compare if you would like!

    Elli's Products available as prizes:

    Everyday Shader Collection
    Cattitude Poses for DAZ Big Cat 2
    L XV Furniture ReImagined Set 1
    L XV Furniture ReImagined Set 2
    Elegant Assortment For Stephanie 4 Elite
    Vintage Elegance Bundle
    My Little Darling for Kids4
    Classical Ballet Poses for The Kids 4
    Garden Escape Arbor Poses
    Sultry Elegance Poses for G4 V4
    Classical Ballet Poses for Victoria 4
    Everyday Elegance 2 Poses for V4
    Everyday Poses for M4
    Tender Moments for M4V4
    Everyday Elegance Poses for V4

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone soon!

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    Wow! That's extremely generous of you :)

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