I need a little guidance with geometry editing

Ive been trying to figure out how to do something for a while but I've been unable to so I'm finally asking for some help to be pointed in the right direction.

I know what I'm asking is a multi step process. Some of that process I know, other parts I dont.  And I'm not even sure of the 'correct' terms for what I want to do which may be why I havent found tutorials on what I want to do.

What I want to do is to take an existing asset and modify it.  Specifically "cut" it partly and spread it apart.

Lets use a steak asset for an example.  


The red line is where I want to "slice" the asset.  
The blue line shows the part that I'd be rigging with bones so that I can shift its angle.

I'm pretty sure I can do the "slice" with the geometry editor but I havent figured out how.  I know I can add or remove polygons, but I'm not sure how I separate them at the verticies. 

Since this is a 3d object I know once I 'slice' the object along that dotted line I'll have to then add in polygons on each side of the slide going back to the red dot so that the entire object has an outward surface.  And I also realize that I will have to edit the png files that are being used for the surface image.

I know how to add bones and connect them to parts of the object with the surface editor so that I can modify the object with a slider and be able to change the angle of how far that partial slice of meat is pulled away from the main body.  But I need to get the geometry done first.

I'm not sure how to do the initial geometry edit and then how that ties into the PNG graphics so that I can edit those in GIMP properly so the new surfaces I create are covered. 

Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • To split an object into two with the Geometry Editor you'd need to delete one side of the cut and save as an asset, then reload the orifinal and delete the other side of the cut. Capping the open ends, however, is not soemthign daz Studio can do so it's probably best to use a modeller from the outset.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,011

    You might want to look at the Gescon product, if you want to attempt this within Daz Studio.

  • q5sysq5sys Posts: 0

    barbult said:

    You might want to look at the Gescon product, if you want to attempt this within Daz Studio.

    Thanks for the info. I'll check out Gescon.

    Richard Haseltine said:

    To split an object into two with the Geometry Editor you'd need to delete one side of the cut and save as an asset, then reload the orifinal and delete the other side of the cut. Capping the open ends, however, is not somthign daz Studio can do so it's probably best to use a modeller from the outset.

    Thanks for the reply. Is there a modeler you'd suggest that I should look into for this? I've never done any modeling, so I'm not sure what I should even be looking for. Im willing to learn whatever I need to... just need to know where to start.
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