Bake vertex positions/ create morph from smoothing modifier.

I have a heavily morphed model that I want to transfer to unity game engine and/or blender cycles for rendering. In order to get the clothes to fit it, I use a mesh smoothing modifier which I collide with my base model with smoothing iterations on 2 and collision iterations on 10.
This works great and solves all the poke through.
However when I export the clothing as an .obj, or an .fbx or into hexagon the smoothing modifier results have not been saved and all the poke through is still there.
I found the option "bake smoothing modifier" but this seems to do nothing and is not well documented.
I want to find a way to bake the smoothing modifier new vertex positions into the object I export or at least into a morph.
If this is not available with daz would using zbrush or 3dsmax be a better option, if so do they have an equivalent collide with base mesh and smooth modifier like daz?
Hello kapynvne, I can say smoothing remains in all my obj exports, but I think "Interactive Update" may help you.
I believe hexagon has a bridge from daz right? well just check interactive update on and send to hexagon, from there you could create a morph for your clothes.
Thanks I will try that when I get to my workstation later, I wasn't aware interactive update does that? I know that without it selected my exported objects definately don't have the smoothing applied.
Yes this works! From now on I will add interactive update to all my smoothing modifiers.
I'll have to try that too, it's definitely good to know!
I have the same problem, when exporting in FBX to Unity not retain the current smoothing iterations and collisions.
I turn ON => "Interactive Update" but the poke problem persist, any idea or suggestion?