Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 12
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hubert - thank you. Tickets? No, unless you are a professional to control a hot air balloon
Outstanding render of that self made object. It looks really great.
mermaid - great desert oasis render with the one-humped camels (we call them Dromedar and the two-humped ones Camel).
Terrain and material are from Grand Mountains. Sky and ambient light by the SunSet HDRI from HDRI Enhanced Skies and the key light by the sun.
Hubert, your renders have a wonderful 'colored or paint by numbers' look to them that I love. It's vibrant, interesting and unique. I think it's because there aren't any real shiny surfaces. How do you achieve that? Is it lighting or that the materials have no reflection?
mermaid, a beautiful and calming scene. I like the addition of the camels and the soft lighting.
Horo, I might as well copy and paste my responses to your landscapes because they are always a joy to look at.
hubert : thank you. Extraordinary render, special choice of colours, one word : fantastic.
mermaid : thank you. Wonderful desert scene, very realistic sand material and sky, love the camels.
Horo : I agree with NGartplay, your scenes always look so good and real.
Mermaid: Thanks!
> ... you said it “Fancy, vivid and very colorful”
Oops! I forgot to add also "gaudy" and "clashing colors" to describe that style. :)
You created a very nice oasis, esp. the water mat is wonderful. (Only the dromedars in the background are imo scaled a tad too big for that distance.)
Your snowy mountains look great. Wonderful mats and a very moody lighting.
> Tickets? No, unless you are a professional to control a hot air balloon ;)
I am only an expert in crash landings. Does that qualify for being a professional?
BTW: Please consider that HOT AIR is dangerous! I suggest filling that baloon with cold air or cold water instead! ;)
> Outstanding render of that self made object. It looks really great.
Many thanks. I had multiple "70s Art Flashbacks" when I worked with that scene.
> Hubert, your renders have a wonderful 'colored or paint by numbers'
Dang, how did you notice?? And why did you have to publish my closely guarded secret here in a public forum?! ;P
> look to them that I love. It's vibrant, interesting and unique. I think it's because there aren't any real shiny surfaces. How do you achieve that? Is it lighting or that the materials have no reflection?
That's hard to describe.
- A big impact has the lighting (the colorful pict-gel).
- Most impact have the Sphere's and the Object's materials: Low "Diffusion" value, no "Ambience", high "Specularity" and no "Reflection". (Ignore the "Metallicity" value. It has no impact unless using it with a reflective material.)
- In addition to this: For making Hubisms, I disabled Bryce's imho disturbing "Gamma Correction". I disabled also all Atmosphere settings (fog, haze, clouds) and selected monochrome colors for the Sky, Shadows, etc. Coloring.
adbc: Many thanks!
@ all:
Here is a simplified BR4 workfile for you, to analyse it:
Some hints:
- This file works fine in Bryce4, 5, 6 and 7.
- That BR4 workfile has a size of 1MB and 63kB zipped.
- Instead of my highpoly mesh object, I added a terrain (created with an older bryced "multipurpose" bitmap).
- As Pict-Gel for the Spotlights, I use a BMP with a rainbow color gradient.
- Use "CTRL + Left mouse click" to easily select an object from multiple overlapping objects, or objects which are inside a Group. Or to select the big Shiny Sphere which surrounds the scene.
- In Bryce menu: "Edit" - "Copy Matrix" is very useful. I use it as kinda "extended Undo" before I start tweaking an object's size, position and orientation. "Paste Matrix" on that object will restore all these previously "copy-saved" settings.
- In Bryce Editor's wire frame view: "Panning" is very useful: Keep the Spacebar pressed, press left mouse button and when the "hand" cursor icon is shown, DRAG the complete scene inside the wireframe. This will shift the to be rendered view but without distorting the Camera!
- Admitted, it's not easy to navigate inside a panorama render scene. ;)
Play with the object's size ,position, scale, orientation, mats, (terrain) shape and whatever you could think of.
- Sunglasses or welding goggles recommended for this gaudy style. :)
Have fun with that file and enjoy your Brycing session.
I grabbed your file Huby. When I went to open it I no longer had it. I found that Woody had moved it to his coloring book folder...pfft. I took it back and will look at it a bit later. Thank you!
Oops, my computer won't let me download it and says it's a security risk. Are there any Woodies in it?
Horo - thanks - we call all camels-camels.
learning something new every day. Another outstanding render, perfect lighting and materials.
Thanks NGartplay and Adbc
Hubert - thanks, I always have problems with scaling, unfortunately I forgot to save this file;
I was reading Drachenlord's tutorials (using Google) while this file was rendering and then just closed all the files without saving. Thanks for sharing this file, but like NGartplay I also got a security risk reading, but anyway I downloaded the file and had no problems opening it in Bryce Thanks for sharing.
hubert : thanks for sharing the file, downloading only worked with Edge not with Chrome.
Ngartplay, Mermaid, adbc: Don't worry! This "risk" warning from your browser is not about the file.
Cause: If a web site doesn't use the "https" communication protocol (S=secure = encrypted data transfer between browser and web server) but only/still "http", then certain modern browser now consider talking with such a site as possibly unsafe. Though some browser allow to confirm/skip this warning and to proceed, so that a user can finally access that page/link by "http" protocol.
Personally, I consider this warning from certain browser manufacturers as overblocking and patronizing of their users. As rather confusing than helpful. -- Besides, there is quite much content on "The Web" which does not use nor require the https protocol. Will said browser manufacturers soon insist in "https-only" and forbid their users access to all that content?! ;)
> (Ngartplay) Are there any Woodies in it?
No, nope, nil, nada, zilch!! (Hundreds of Woodies behind Hubert's back nodding as confirmation.)
@ Mermaid: Sorry to read that you lost that workfile. Know that, been there too.
NGartplay, adbc and mermaid - thank you.
hubert - thank you. Thank you also for sharing the BR4 workfile.
Yes, agreed about the warning when downloading the file (https vs http). I use both on my website, though it is https, you can open it with http and instead of clicking on a link (absolute link), click on the image (relative link). There are visitors that have https locked by their country, so they can access it still by http.
The terrain is from Grand Mountains, the material self made. The ambient light by an HDRI and like the clouds from the Sky Toolbox Expansion 1 (available at bryce-tutorials).
Thank you all. I allowed the download and got the file. Can't wait to tear it open and walk around.
Horo, wonderful ground cover and mountains. I like how the vegetation is on top of the mounts but not covering all the rocky texture.
Horo - outstanding, realistic render
Thank you NGartplay and mermaid.
Horo : wonderful realistic terrain, very well done material.
Thank you adbc.
This is just a fun render I did of an object I found while searching through my pages of products I own. At first I thought of it as a clock because it was wind up then I realized that it's a robot. I used Brinnen's video on converting DS materials. The bot looked like chrome when I first brought it into my scene.
I don't consider it a computer since it's wind up. I used the super setting to render and it took a long time. I think regular would have looked the same.
I call this A Bot and His Cat
Horo, wonderful terrain works again.
NGartplay, Very funny set of bots!
NGartplay - so cute
NGartplay - I agree with mermaid, very cute.
NGartplay : I agree with the others : funny and very cute.
Thank you all. It was just a quicky. I'd like to see everyone take a look through their runtimes and do a fast render of some object/thing/place/person.
I played around with Hubert's file and I'm still trying to figure it out. I move the middle group and changed the material and got a differernt feel to my image.
NGartplay : this is fantastic, looks like music notes, very well done.
NGartplay - that came out very nice - and I also see music notes, and even a skull.
Horo: A great "Grand Mountains" view. That mat really fits to it.
NGartplay: Beautiful! I like the soft subtle coloring. I too see music notes, that image is "music for the eyes". :)
Thank you hubert.
NGartplay - cool render, like the others I see musical notes too.
Thank you adbc, Horo, Hubert and mermaid. This is Hubert's music. I couldn't get the same look as him but I think that's a good thing that we all render differently.
I modeled the lantern using the tutorials @Drachenlords shared; working mainly from the images of the Attributes. I did both a day and night scene, added strange flowers from NGartplay and an object from S Ray. Thanks to all of them for sharing. The corner setup is an old file, experimenting with David’s tutorial for grass
mermaid : wonderful scenes, different times (love the night one), great modeling, the flowers from NGartplay and the S Ray object are a nice addition.