Really New User Questions

I'm a really, really new user to Daz Studio - don't even understand most of the new user questions here, much less the answers. I'm pretty good with photoshop (which is perhaps making learning DS harder?), and was hoping to use DS to create figures and such to add to my photoshop projects. The ability to really turn something if you decide you want it from a different angle - wow! The questions:
What are the "resource files" listed on various products? The ones I've seen are all textures, so are these bonus add ons? Are they updates of the files you get when you purchase a product? Put another way, are these files I must have to make the product work correctly? I got the Kids 4 pro pundle, so do I need to go through each of the included products and pick up the resource files? In either case, I'm guessing the .exe resource files are PC and the .zip files are MAC?
Anything I try other than people and animals always gets put at the bottom edge of my scene and appears very small, and I haven't found a way to move or enlarge them. How can I do that? Proportionally, I have giant people looking down on itty bitty plants.
Any recommendations on tutorials or print resources for beginners? I'm finding it much harder than I had expected to be able to do much of anything.
In the main, the resource files are texture templates, which you will only need if you decide that you want to try creating your own textures for the products, instead of using the ones included in the download, or buying extra texture add ons.
Hello key lime pi
I don't really know what you mean here?
Any of your content that is loaded through the Content Library or Smart Content tabs should load at the correct scale assuming that it is made for Poser or DAZ Studio. You can use the Camera controls to zoom in, or the Camera Frame button to zoom in to a selected item.
What items are you having a problem with?
Regarding your problem with the plants, if you post a render or screenshot it might help us figure out what the issue is. Sounds to me that it could be either a problem of position/perspective (your plants look small because they are in the wrong place) or scaling (your plants look small because they are small. My guess is it's probably the former, but either way there are lots of helpful people here who can show you how to fix it.
There are plenty of good video tutorials on YouTube. Here's a good place to start:
If you prefer non-video tutorials, there are some very helpful ones at Note that there are several pages of tutorials with the newer (and, to an extent, less basic) ones on the first page. I'd recommend starting with these three:
(The first two use an earlier version of DAZ Studio, so the interface is somewhat different, but I think the concepts and general instructions carry over)
Edited to add: you might find this useful, too--how to add a floor plane: