Trying to convert a .blend File to a usable piece of clothing for Genesis in DAZ

I found this beautiful model of the Infinity Gauntlet on deviantart and wanted to use it in DAZ Studio: 

Infinity Gauntlet by ar7579009 on DeviantArt

I found out that it's a .blend file and searched around how to get it into DAZ. I found out how to import it into DAZStudio (export as .obj and then import in DAZ). Now it's just a prop without any controls for the fingers (didnt have any rigging in Blender as far as I know).

Is it possible to somehow rig the "fingers" of the glove or to convert it into a piece of clothing, so it moves together with the fingers when I pose them? 
I saw that there's a transfer tool but I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly. After importing the model into DAZ I fitted the Gauntlet as best as I could to a Genesis 3 Model and saved it afterwards as Figure/Prop Asset.
After that I made a new scene and only loaded both of them in and started the tool with the parameters shown in the screenshot with Projection Template "Gloves" (Do I maybe need two "Gloves" for it to work?).

After the tool finishes The gauntlet gets attached but nowhere near the arm - it seems to get attached near the feet as shoes or something like that - when I move the legs and feet the gauntlet moves as well (but gets distorted quite bad)..

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Save Options.PNG
964 x 614 - 61K


  • Please put the Viewport in Smooth Shaded mode, give the figure some pants, or zoom in so that only the upper body shows.

    In order for the Transfer Utility to work the model has to line up without any transforms applied - the simplest way to do that is to move/scale it to fit on the figure's hand, then select it, export as OBJ with the option to export only the selected items checked, and then reimport it (taking care to use the same preset in each dialogue) - that will bake all the changes, so that the rigging will trasnfer correctly. You are likely to need to do quite a bit of refinement on the result, however, with the Node Weightmap Brush tool, I fear.

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