Z,C++,DAZ ,dll probleam ,D/S w…
Daz 3D Forums > General > The Commons>Z,C++,DAZ ,dll probleam ,D/S w…
Z,C++,DAZ ,dll probleam ,D/S will not start ,Help

Had Probleams with C++ ,zBrush 4.4.
Some how it jumped to DAZ Studio Pro 4.0.
DAZ Studio Pro 4.0. Will not start all I get is the .dll pop up

541 x 233 - 23K
forgot to say
D/S Pro 4.4 64 bit
OS windows vista
I couldn't read the link you posted because it requires registration at that forum.
The dll should be in your Windows system directory. If you somehow deleted it, you might try a system restore to a date before this happened.
The version I have of the file is 10.0.40219.1
You need to install the MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable package appropriate to your Operating System.
Which sounds like Vista-64bit, in which case this one would be correct: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523
adamr001 : vcsetup_x64.exe Worked .We Have D/S Pro 4 one again.
Thanks you very much.
Medzin : U Do not need to be registered if ya start here.Some killer Art.
Web Master : Thanks for my avatar.
Glad to hear it is working now.