Realty 4 w/Daz studio can you save transparent background like in Daz Studio

OrjannaOrjanna Posts: 22
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I have totally fallen in love with Reality4! But I want to save images of people as transparent .png files like we can in Daz studio... can it be done in Realtiy4?


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Orjanna said:
    I have totally fallen in love with Reality4! But I want to save images of people as transparent .png files like we can in Daz studio... can it be done in Realtiy4?

    It used to be in Reality 2.*, and suspect it will be in Reality 4 - it was a checkbox mentioning 'alpha'. I'm not on my 'reality' machine at the moment, but will check and respond a bit later (in case no one else has given the definitive answer by then).
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    There is a 'Transparent BG' tickable box in the Render tab in Reality 4.

    It is not ticked by default.

  • OrjannaOrjanna Posts: 22
    edited December 1969

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you both so much, you made my day.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,847
    edited December 1969

    Moved to DAZ Studio Discussion.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253
    edited December 1969

    this can be done in the LuxRender interface as well if you a) forget to check the box, or b) use something other than Reality

    687 x 371 - 84K
    474 x 205 - 43K
  • I know this is kind of an old thread but I just updated my Reality plug in from 2 to 4 and it's doing something odd. Whenever I check 'transparent background' the sun light goes super over exposed. I'm not sure why it's doing this. It renders fine if the background is left as that blush sky settings.


    Anyone got any idea of what's going on?



  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,253
    edited September 2015
    talihawk said:

    I know this is kind of an old thread but I just updated my Reality plug in from 2 to 4 and it's doing something odd. Whenever I check 'transparent background' the sun light goes super over exposed. I'm not sure why it's doing this. It renders fine if the background is left as that blush sky settings.


    Anyone got any idea of what's going on?



    and you have one light source defined as "sun" and no sky-dome or enclosing mesh around the scene?
    If so how are you adding that sun light? Are you using a saved prop or creating a new distance light and naming it "sun"?
    Does this happen in one specific scene or anything you make?
    Have you deleted the sunlight and created a new one?
    Did you jump the gun and install LuxRender 1.5? It's not compatible with R4, it will be included with R4.1 when it comes out Monday.

    See the enclosed screen shot, for outdoor scenes setting the exposure up as I have is what I'm told is a standard pracice of outdoor photographers.


    Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 9.09.14 AM.png
    1464 x 912 - 1M
    Post edited by StratDragon on
  • Hi Stratdragon!


    I was using just one Reality Sun light for the scene. I haven't tested it out with any other objects aside my hivewire horse. There was no sky dome or enclosed mesh. Just the horse model.  Nope it's not the 1.5 it's just the 1.3. I tried the one with Open CL then deleted it, and tried the one without and it didn't make a difference. I haven't played with the  camera settings but I'll give that a try and see if it helps. Thanks!

  • That helped a ton! I'm not getting the same over exposer. Woot. :D

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