DAZ to Blender Bridge 2.4.0: command in DTB window buggy / python error
Dear all,
first of all I would like to express my gratitude to all of you amazing people out there who create and help to
improve these awesome add-ons. Thank you
The ordinary figure importing of DAZ characters into Blender already works like a charm. You guys really rock.
Unfortunately I lately encounter an error when trying to execute the command (search) function located at the
very bottom of the DTB window.
I followed along the manual and took every step as described. Despite successful import of my character
the command button in the DTB window vanishes however.
After some time or actions (so far I have no clou what causes the command button to disappear) the command
buttons returns again however creating a python error message when hitting the button "command"
You can find an screenshot of the python error message attached.
In addition at mouse over the info undocumented operator appears in brackets as a small pop up window.
While doing some research about the bug, I found an unsolved issue of some user called SionSavior dating
back to April 20th of this year who apparently is having the same problems since.
So I really hope that you guys find some interest and time in investigating into this bug.
Thank you for your help and effort in advance.
P.S. I am using Blender version 2.93.4 with DTB 2.4 and DAZ Studio pro edition (64-bit)