creating morph

I am new to Daz Studio,I am hoping someone can answer a question that I have...
Is it Possible to make a partial morph (eg.Anubis legs) from a full model.
What I have in mind to do, is piece apart the Anubis Character and only use the legs portion as a stand only morph and use it in the dial ups in the morph tab.I have noticed many single body part morphs but I don't even know where to begin to look for the answers i am looking for.
thank you in advance for any help or other ideas in which I can complete this task.
The Anubis legs are already present as a separate morph, if you don't see them you may need to reset your order to get the updated installer. In general there isn't a way within DS to split a morph - you would need to use some kind of modeller that would let you apply a morph or transformation to only part of the mesh, and in many cases you would then need to tidy up the join, then load that as a new morph.
Thank You for that info I will reset..didn't think of that...
Will hexagon work for that purpose?
Scooby, You can just dial the legs on any character you like. No need to use Hex for it.
how can I tell which version of anubis I have?
If you still have your download file just post the full file name. It has the version as part of it.
It should look something like this 12728_Anubis_1.6_trx