selection tool highlight adjustments possible?

actually I started working with DAZ ;)
But the highlightsupport of the selection tool makes me going crazy. It offers me everything my mouse is over. Is there a possibility to switsh it of?
The Prob is, that I got some props in the scene, and when I try to hit the 'right' bone of my character, an other prop will be highlighted, I have to wait until it's gone. Are there possibilities to ajust this feature?
Difficult to explain, sorry
Thx a lot
With the Translate tool selected, go to Window > Tabs > Tool Settings, and change the Draw Style to Bounding Box Only, that should help.
Thanx ;)
It helped!
Do you think it's ewasier to aminate with keyframes or the puppetier-tool?
I don't do animations at all, but there are plenty of members who do. I have often seen Pupeteer suggested as a good way of doing it though.
Thank you - I tried with the keyframes, but that doesn't work so fine. So: next try ;)
Have a nice Weekend
You too! Best Wishes.