February Contest Thread “Lighting” (WIP Thread)



  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Ok, I spent some thought and work on this scene, reworked the screens with some own renders to show the science of the flower.
    I fixed the shirt of the scientist, well i think it's better but not perfect. I tried to work with the d-former but that was not as successfull as I wished, guess it takes some more time to really figure out how.

    I'm still wondering what to make of the tube hanging around in that container. It feels right that there is something besides the flower, but for the moment it has no use..

    A small gold chain that goes from the tube to the flower would really look pretty. Here is a free set of chains. http://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/?item_id=63258 and my most favorite set of shaders especially the Fast Metals http://www.sharecg.com/v/27568/gallery/7/Material-and-Shader/Ultimate-Shader-Pack-for-DAZ-Studio-UPDATED_2011

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    Dollygirl said:
    Teofa said:
    work in progress 4 point lights, 2 distant (one specular), uberenvironment2, 1 spot.

    This is a Teir'Dal, from Everquest. Not drow so no tats.

    I like your use of light to separate the subject from the background Teofa. Are you doing a night scene or a day scene? I think that I would see about getting a reflection from the metals in the image like the nice one you have on the arm cuff.

    A very nice start. Looking forward to seeing what you do.

    Late dusk is what I am aiming for. Yes the whole plan was to have the Katana reflect, but as usual I can't bend that dragon tutorial gear to my will. I think I'll just replace it, even with a specular dedicated to it all I am getting is high ambient..

    Well, I ended up cranking one of my specular point lights up to ludicrous level and finally got something back from the Katana, and then I had to go reduce specular reflection on every other item in the scene.

    Before I forget @ Aaron you can select and make your own material zones. I was raised on a ranch, wet sheen on a cows nose is pretty much the norm and really noticeable on dark cattle.

    Sometimes it is a mystery why textures do not want to corporate. This is just a suggestion but I would add two torches using uber area lights to cast a stronger halo around her. Would have to reduce the uber environment to maintain your dusk look. I think the orange cast from the flames would go wonderfully with her blue grey outfit and her skin color. Szark has his tut here and here is a freebie torch if you don't have one. If you want to play that is.

    Came off a ranch uh. Where if I might ask? Me, I grew up on a small farm in the Cascade foothills of Oregon.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited February 2015

    Thanks Dollygirl. Baca County Colorado for me. Eastern Colorado. Not nearly as wet as the cascades :)

    Oddly enough, the sole color spot is a pinkish-orange.. for her skin. I most likely will never use a torch or campfire in a render, I've yet to see one I like. Someone will figure out how to put a particle effects flame in a static render.. and then I might.

    I do not want to busy the scene up much more, I want her eyes to be the grabber, and I can't compete with strong light elements. I didn't even want hair conflicting with they eyes, hence the hood.

    Here is where I am. I did increase reflection on all metal, her waist got busy so I threw a sash on. Changed her spare dagger endcap to washed steel instead of bronze. Changed the cloak chain to patina bronze because I didn't want it conflicting with her eyes. Changed her Breastpiece to alruna with just Bobby25s bump and displacements and an almost-black diffusive.

    Rightly or wrongly, when I play with light I also play with surfaces. I wanted to pull her off the wall more, so I changed the Dovecot diffusive colors from pure white to a small bit up the grey scale. Also replaced the door rivits with plain Iron, although they are still more black than I want.

    Second image has 3 low intensity rim lights added to hopefully do what the torches I don't want will. I'll tweak the ray length on those a bit more and see if it looks better with less door illumination.

    681 x 899 - 630K
    681 x 899 - 632K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    Greetings Teofa!

    I have taken some liberty with your image as a suggestion. It may not be what you are seeking to achieve, but for me the colors of the one on the left (your original) I find more interesting. The one on the right goes a bit yellowish. If you like any part of my suggestion, the fix is relatively easy. I like the overall idea. :-)

    1536 x 1024 - 956K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969


    I really like the additions and changes you have made. The cloak and sash definitely add to her outfit and it looks more complete.

    The rim lighting on the 3rd image help your figure stand out from the door and background and adds some reflection to the katana but some tweaking may be in order.

    Really looking forward to see what you come up with.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    When fionathegood suggested I add more clouds to the sky I figured I would have to change the skydome. The original skydome with the really intense Sun is from Ocean Wide. I had turned off the sky in the Worldbase XT environment set. In a very happy accident I discovered I could have 2 skydomes.

    I added an image of blue sky with clouds in the diffuse channel of the Worldbase Skydome. played with the diffuse colour by adding just a hint of orange and it toned down the really intense Sun from the Ocean Wide skydome nicely.

    Thank you very much fiona. Without your suggestion I never would have tried something that, for me, is kinda crazy and required thinking outside the box.

    I also followed another one of your suggestions and added a fence. I did not like the look of it coming in from the side but I did like the look of it as a separator between the trees and the field. I realized after creating these 2 renders I have the fence scaled too tall so I need to fix that.

    I am posting 2 renders. One has 3 AoA spotlights to light up the figures. The other has these spotlights turned off. Having the spotlights off does not create the silhouette effect I would like to see.

    I will continue to play with the lighting in the hopes of another "happy accident".

    1500 x 844 - 867K
    1500 x 844 - 792K
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    Thanks Dollygirl. Baca County Colorado for me. Eastern Colorado. Not nearly as wet as the cascades :)

    Oddly enough, the sole color spot is a pinkish-orange.. for her skin. I most likely will never use a torch or campfire in a render, I've yet to see one I like. Someone will figure out how to put a particle effects flame in a static render.. and then I might.

    I do not want to busy the scene up much more, I want her eyes to be the grabber, and I can't compete with strong light elements. I didn't even want hair conflicting with they eyes, hence the hood.

    Here is where I am. I did increase reflection on all metal, her waist got busy so I threw a sash on. Changed her spare dagger endcap to washed steel instead of bronze. Changed the cloak chain to patina bronze because I didn't want it conflicting with her eyes. Changed her Breastpiece to alruna with just Bobby25s bump and displacements and an almost-black diffusive.

    Rightly or wrongly, when I play with light I also play with surfaces. I wanted to pull her off the wall more, so I changed the Dovecot diffusive colors from pure white to a small bit up the grey scale. Also replaced the door rivits with plain Iron, although they are still more black than I want.

    Second image has 3 low intensity rim lights added to hopefully do what the torches I don't want will. I'll tweak the ray length on those a bit more and see if it looks better with less door illumination.

    Teofa, I like her new gear better, as has been said before, it looks more complete, but I definitlely prefer the light settings from you first image. I see that you tried to get her more prominent but as well it turned her skin colour to somthing murky.
    What i would experiment with in this case are the ambient and the reflecting colours and intensities of either your background house or of your figure. However that is something I completely crashed a scene with ( not saving the starting point an going on in a copy :coolcheese:)

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited February 2015

    Quick reply then off to the eye doctor for me :(. Just wanted to share this OH! moment to show how a single simple setting can change so much.

    Simple thing. I had struggled with light and the door and was not happy. Digging deeper into surfaces I found it set to Plastic (glossy). Why, I don't know.

    Here is door set to matte. Yes I have gone to moonlight, later in the night.

    530 x 700 - 506K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • EomolchEomolch Posts: 13
    edited February 2015

    Dollygirl said:
    Lovely renders Eomolch. Octane is on my wish list. Would be interesting to see how Studio would work with the same set up. Really like the shadow play on the dancer and the idea of spheres within spheres is inspiring.

    As for critique. I would wish for a square mat on the spheres image. This is not because what you have is not acceptable but I see having a set with two square framed sphere images on either side of a framed dancer image. Not quite a triptych but something like that. Sure would look cool on a wall.

    First of all, thank you for the nice comment, Dollygirl :)

    I agree, it would be interesting to see the same scene rendered in daz studio. But then again, you would have to export all the Octane materials that were used to daz studio and I don't even know if that is possible. I don't know if this applies to you, but as a student at a university you can get a free Octane license regardless of your field of study! I can only recommend it, my renders gained a tremendous increase in quality since I render in Octane (the material presets really just make the difference, apart from character textures I usually set all materials in Octane; you still need to set up the scene and pose in daz studio though so it doesn't make daz studio obsolete in case anybody worries).

    Anyway, so when I realized what you meant with squared spheres I thought it was an awesome idea (the sphere picture really wasn't that elaborate I admit, I basically just zoomed out and thought, wow this looks awesome!). This is what I got after doing some more renders and glueing the most suitable pieces together. Unfortunately I am not that good in photoshoping (or in my case gimping respectively) so the frame could surely be done better. Also I first had my other sphere image on the right hand sight but it just wouldn't fit with the rest of the composition so I replaced it. So I hope you like it :P

    Oh and the idea of the spheres inside each other was inspired by the Hollow Earth Theory. hence the title of my uploaded pictures.

    Best regards,

    edit: I had to remove the picture for now, but will upload it again, when I have reworked the basic render to conform with TOS
    edot2: image up again

    1920 x 1080 - 4M
    Post edited by Eomolch on
  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,966
    edited December 1969

    Ok here is my start. I still need to watch few videos about uber environment 2 then I will try playing with light, and maybe adding few props like stones and grass.

    1076 x 1076 - 977K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    I "kinda" followed advice about adding a torch, but not really. Like Topsy, my images just grow.

    DOF is as far as I can take it. If I tighten focus on the dark elf much more, the Staff light explodes into pixels and its not pretty to see.

    Working title is "You're late, Mage"

    1000 x 799 - 1M
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Ok, here is a render that has a real story again, and yes, I am back to my little people theme. It seems to stick with me
    The title ist now " Studying Nympheae pubescens".
    For the moment I'm pretty happy with it, although I might go back to trying d-formers on the shirt.

    But certaily your eyes will find ways to make this better. Glad to hear your opinion.

    1200 x 900 - 237K
  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited December 1969

    Eomolch, I have sent you an e-mail so you know to check your inbox for it :)

  • aaron575aaron575 Posts: 146
    edited December 1969

    Made a lot of changes. Still want to add some bones.

    900 x 556 - 283K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly I think your little people idea is fantastic.

  • DAZ_ann0314DAZ_ann0314 Posts: 2,861
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Ok, here is a render that has a real story again, and yes, I am back to my little people theme. It seems to stick with me
    The title ist now " Studying Nympheae pubescens".
    For the moment I'm pretty happy with it, although I might go back to trying d-formers on the shirt.

    But certaily your eyes will find ways to make this better. Glad to hear your opinion.

    Very cute! and I love putting little people into glass etc myself (I don't know what that means but a lot of my first artwork was little people in bubbles etc) LOL

    On the shirt, do you perhaps have something else you could try? Given the environment etc something with a touch of sci fi to it (sci fi uniform type top) would work really well with the scene etc. Or perhaps some sort of lab coat? Not sure if you have either but you could try a different top. Some move and bed in that area depending on the shape then others :)

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Eomolch said:
    Hi everyone,

    while I'm not totally new to daz3D anymore, this is my first entry to a contest, so please be nice :D

    I am rendering in Octane, so I didn't use any of the lightning presets from daz studio. Effectively the idea behind the two images was less about choosing the right lightning but more about how it can be affected and changed by certain materials and shapes. So what I did was putting 4 spheres within each other with the intention of later adding appropriate opacity maps and materials to let them do most of the magic. There was a lot of experimentation involved but in the end I got to the point where I was satisfied with the results, both aesthetically and regarding their suitability for the contest. The first picture shows the spheres from a far distance, while the second render is taken from the inside of the innermost sphere. It may be worthy to mention that the only post-processing I did was adding a background layer with a simple color transition and my insignias.

    I consider both images finalized (which doesn't mean I don't appreciate criticism or other feedback) and mainly post them here first since I wasn't sure if the second image contained too much nudity. (before I post them in the official thread I will also convert them into jpgs)

    Best regards,

    edit: removed the picture of the dancer until it's 100% within TOS terms

    Cool concept and nice choice of materials. The gradient background image works very well, aesthetically, although I feel that somehow the image needs a bit more...context, maybe: something to establish scale or provide hints about what is special about this object (aside from the fact that it is pretty and unique). Maybe something to evoke an emotional response in the viewer. I'm sorry I missed the one with the dancer...looking forward to seeing where you go with it. Very nice start, though!
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    I "kinda" followed advice about adding a torch, but not really. Like Topsy, my images just grow.

    DOF is as far as I can take it. If I tighten focus on the dark elf much more, the Staff light explodes into pixels and its not pretty to see.

    Working title is "You're late, Mage"

    Regarding the DOF, can you post a render showing the exploding pixels? I suspect this may indicate that your render settings need some adjustment.

    As far as the lighting goes, I like what you have done, and all the different versions you've posted have been interesting to see. So far I think my favorite is the one with more of a violet tone and rim lights.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Greetings all!

    Still a WIP, but with some of Dollygirl's suggested enhancements added. I am studying the info on "volumetric lighting" and will see if I can add this to the image in someway that improves the overall mood. A teacher much of my life, it's nice to be a student for a change. Thanks once again Dollygirl! :-)

    I have included two images, one is a cropped outtake to better show detail where changes have taken place. Looking forward to your feedback. :cheese:

    Looking really good. Very different from most renders you see around here...I love the perspective. Have you experimented with adding a distant light (representing the sun)? Might add some depth to the image, and it would give you a chance to play with shadows a bit, which could be interesting.
  • giovannipaologiovannipaolo Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    Scott, thanks for your thoughtful feedback. I am currently exploring/studying various lighting options and will add your suggestion to the list. Since my discovery of DAZ3D I have been working to see how it can be used to produce fine art images that do not appear to be technological manipulations. I'm convinced today's computer technology can produce art reminiscent of the old world masters. In other words, digital art that feels like a painting. I'm not there yet, but making progress thanks to feedback. Thanks for yours! :-)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Ok, here is a render that has a real story again, and yes, I am back to my little people theme. It seems to stick with me
    The title ist now " Studying Nympheae pubescens".
    For the moment I'm pretty happy with it, although I might go back to trying d-formers on the shirt.

    But certaily your eyes will find ways to make this better. Glad to hear your opinion.

    Very cute! and I love putting little people into glass etc myself (I don't know what that means but a lot of my first artwork was little people in bubbles etc) LOL

    On the shirt, do you perhaps have something else you could try? Given the environment etc something with a touch of sci fi to it (sci fi uniform type top) would work really well with the scene etc. Or perhaps some sort of lab coat? Not sure if you have either but you could try a different top. Some move and bed in that area depending on the shape then others :)

    Yes, I had thought about a Labcoat as well. The one I found on sharecg had to much pokethrough wich I couldn't fix easily. But I found this set of scifi uniform in the sales (lucky me). I think this looks fitting the scene.

    And I forgot to mention yesterday, those shaders were pure gold, :lol: thanks for sharing dollygirl.

    1200 x 900 - 215K
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    aaron575 said:
    Made a lot of changes. Still want to add some bones.

    Looking really good! Adding bones sounds like a good idea...I also wonder how it would look if you tone down the fog a bit...might help to create a stronger contrast between light and shadow.
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    gulan7 said:
    Ok here is my start. I still need to watch few videos about uber environment 2 then I will try playing with light, and maybe adding few props like stones and grass.

    Sounds like a good plan. I look forward to watching this as it progresses.

    Keep in mind the composition tips from last month...if the owl is to be the focus of the image, maybe try shifting it to one of the "sweet spots" of the image (Dollygirl's posts have some examples of this).

    You might try converting the tree to SubD (see tutorial #2 on this page for a brief explanation of how to do this) in order to make it smoother and more organic-looking. The other thing about that tree is that the leaves look really big compared to the owl...there are a few things you can do about this: scale the owl up, use a different tree model, or make the leaves invisible (I haven't used that particular tree, but I would assume that you can go to the Surfaces pane, select the leaf surface(s), and change the opacity to 0%).

    This has a lot of potential, and I think you're off to a good start!

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Linwelly said:
    Ok, here is a render that has a real story again, and yes, I am back to my little people theme. It seems to stick with me
    The title ist now " Studying Nympheae pubescens".
    For the moment I'm pretty happy with it, although I might go back to trying d-formers on the shirt.

    But certaily your eyes will find ways to make this better. Glad to hear your opinion.

    Very cute! and I love putting little people into glass etc myself (I don't know what that means but a lot of my first artwork was little people in bubbles etc) LOL

    On the shirt, do you perhaps have something else you could try? Given the environment etc something with a touch of sci fi to it (sci fi uniform type top) would work really well with the scene etc. Or perhaps some sort of lab coat? Not sure if you have either but you could try a different top. Some move and bed in that area depending on the shape then others :)

    Yes, I had thought about a Labcoat as well. The one I found on sharecg had to much pokethrough wich I couldn't fix easily. But I found this set of scifi uniform in the sales (lucky me). I think this looks fitting the scene.

    And I forgot to mention yesterday, those shaders were pure gold, :lol: thanks for sharing dollygirl.
    Great concept, and it looks like it is progressing nicely! The lighting on the flower and little person I think is very attractive. I think the bigger person could use some additional illumination, and I'd like to see some more "glow" coming from the computer screens as well (you can achieve this either by cranking up Ambient in the surfaces pane, or by turning the screens into an actual light source with UberArea lights--let us know if you need some guidance on the process).

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    Thanks Dollygirl. Baca County Colorado for me. Eastern Colorado. Not nearly as wet as the cascades :)

    Oddly enough, the sole color spot is a pinkish-orange.. for her skin. I most likely will never use a torch or campfire in a render, I've yet to see one I like. Someone will figure out how to put a particle effects flame in a static render.. and then I might.

    I do not want to busy the scene up much more, I want her eyes to be the grabber, and I can't compete with strong light elements. I didn't even want hair conflicting with they eyes, hence the hood.

    Here is where I am. I did increase reflection on all metal, her waist got busy so I threw a sash on. Changed her spare dagger endcap to washed steel instead of bronze. Changed the cloak chain to patina bronze because I didn't want it conflicting with her eyes. Changed her Breastpiece to alruna with just Bobby25s bump and displacements and an almost-black diffusive.

    Rightly or wrongly, when I play with light I also play with surfaces. I wanted to pull her off the wall more, so I changed the Dovecot diffusive colors from pure white to a small bit up the grey scale. Also replaced the door rivits with plain Iron, although they are still more black than I want.

    Second image has 3 low intensity rim lights added to hopefully do what the torches I don't want will. I'll tweak the ray length on those a bit more and see if it looks better with less door illumination.

    Yep Colorado is much dryer then the Cascades and you can see for miles and miles in your neck of the woods. That is what I like here in Arizona.
    So I like the addition of your lights. As to the color well I like your yellow orange and I like the purple that Giovanni has suggested. Looks like we have come to the point where it is now personal taste. I was trying to think of a good way to add more drama to your main subject and I remembered that AtticusBones gave Kismet a really good idea about using a spot light that does the "flashlight under the chin" lighting. He points to this reference: http://www.impworks.co.uk/2007/10/vue-lighting-rig-5-halloween-special/ and here is Kismet's solution. You might want to see how she did it. Because her spot is very controlled and lights just the face of her lady and gives her eyes a very serious attention getter kind of result.

    Oh my dear you are so right about having to "marry" lights and surfaces. I can spend hours and hundreds of renders just changing these two aspects of a render. That is the fun part for me. As to the door hardware. I think I would play with ambient settings to get a lighter color and if I just wanted to get sparks at the high points then I would play with glossiness.

    Like where you went with this image. Will talk about the other in a bit.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    When fionathegood suggested I add more clouds to the sky I figured I would have to change the skydome. The original skydome with the really intense Sun is from Ocean Wide. I had turned off the sky in the Worldbase XT environment set. In a very happy accident I discovered I could have 2 skydomes.

    I added an image of blue sky with clouds in the diffuse channel of the Worldbase Skydome. played with the diffuse colour by adding just a hint of orange and it toned down the really intense Sun from the Ocean Wide skydome nicely.

    Thank you very much fiona. Without your suggestion I never would have tried something that, for me, is kinda crazy and required thinking outside the box.

    I also followed another one of your suggestions and added a fence. I did not like the look of it coming in from the side but I did like the look of it as a separator between the trees and the field. I realized after creating these 2 renders I have the fence scaled too tall so I need to fix that.

    I am posting 2 renders. One has 3 AoA spotlights to light up the figures. The other has these spotlights turned off. Having the spotlights off does not create the silhouette effect I would like to see.

    I will continue to play with the lighting in the hopes of another "happy accident".

    Really like the second render Kismet. Did not think I would, cause I really like silhouettes a lot but I do. I just love doing things accidently. It is like getting a present when you did not expect it. Will have to try out your new technique. Who would have thought you could get something with two sky domes in a scene.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Eomolch said:
    Dollygirl said:
    Lovely renders Eomolch. Octane is on my wish list. Would be interesting to see how Studio would work with the same set up. Really like the shadow play on the dancer and the idea of spheres within spheres is inspiring.

    As for critique. I would wish for a square mat on the spheres image. This is not because what you have is not acceptable but I see having a set with two square framed sphere images on either side of a framed dancer image. Not quite a triptych but something like that. Sure would look cool on a wall.

    First of all, thank you for the nice comment, Dollygirl :)

    I agree, it would be interesting to see the same scene rendered in daz studio. But then again, you would have to export all the Octane materials that were used to daz studio and I don't even know if that is possible. I don't know if this applies to you, but as a student at a university you can get a free Octane license regardless of your field of study! I can only recommend it, my renders gained a tremendous increase in quality since I render in Octane (the material presets really just make the difference, apart from character textures I usually set all materials in Octane; you still need to set up the scene and pose in daz studio though so it doesn't make daz studio obsolete in case anybody worries).

    Anyway, so when I realized what you meant with squared spheres I thought it was an awesome idea (the sphere picture really wasn't that elaborate I admit, I basically just zoomed out and thought, wow this looks awesome!). This is what I got after doing some more renders and glueing the most suitable pieces together. Unfortunately I am not that good in photoshoping (or in my case gimping respectively) so the frame could surely be done better. Also I first had my other sphere image on the right hand sight but it just wouldn't fit with the rest of the composition so I replaced it. So I hope you like it :P

    Oh and the idea of the spheres inside each other was inspired by the Hollow Earth Theory. hence the title of my uploaded pictures.

    Best regards,

    edit: I had to remove the picture for now, but will upload it again, when I have reworked the basic render to conform with TOS

    Sorry I missed your post. I got busy with RL things like taxes and getting the garden ready but I am looking forward to seeing what you end up with.
    Your welcome Eomlch. Unfortunately for myself I am not currently associated with a school. Those days have long since past me. Although I do get a strong itch to sit in a sculpting class. I love doing it. It is my zen.

    Yes I believe you are correct about not being able to pass surface details between Studio and Octane. Drives me nuts too. I have Poser and it can have some really cool textures and it is hard to translate them to Studio but I keep trying.

    So hope to see your results.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    I "kinda" followed advice about adding a torch, but not really. Like Topsy, my images just grow.

    DOF is as far as I can take it. If I tighten focus on the dark elf much more, the Staff light explodes into pixels and its not pretty to see.

    Working title is "You're late, Mage"

    Teofa, like I said earlier I really like what you were doing with your single subject. In this one you have moved the focus left and towards the mage's staff. You may get back the balance with the up light on the warrior's face. With the torches, I think they would have worked because there are two of them on either side of her face. The viewer's eye will travel from one torch to the other and by the vary nature of the eye travel the viewer would see the warrior's face. That is a guess on my part.

    I do like the story you have started. Is she enemy? or Is she friend. Thank you very much in participating. We learn so much from each other and this thread is really stretching my abilities.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited February 2015

    Dollygirl said:
    Teofa said:
    I "kinda" followed advice about adding a torch, but not really. Like Topsy, my images just grow.

    DOF is as far as I can take it. If I tighten focus on the dark elf much more, the Staff light explodes into pixels and its not pretty to see.

    Working title is "You're late, Mage"

    Teofa, like I said earlier I really like what you were doing with your single subject. In this one you have moved the focus left and towards the mage's staff. You may get back the balance with the up light on the warrior's face. With the torches, I think they would have worked because there are two of them on either side of her face. The viewer's eye will travel from one torch to the other and by the vary nature of the eye travel the viewer would see the warrior's face. That is a guess on my part.

    I do like the story you have started. Is she enemy? or Is she friend. Thank you very much in participating. We learn so much from each other and this thread is really stretching my abilities.

    I haven't abandoned the single figure image, I just got distracted by this concept and trying to get what is in my head to actually show up on the render. Much changed now. I have had a facelight on her, in fact it is parented to her head so I don't lose it doing minor shifts. As I mentioned before, I can see the merit in the torch idea, but I've rarely seen torches or fire done well, and I don't have the bucks to buy the tech on my fixed income. I work with what I have and actually enjoy that side. I make my own shaders. If I eventually am happy with my renders that is all that matters, I've enjoyed the WIP threads in that I get ideas to pursue my own vision.

    I've long given up any idea of placing in these contests.

    876 x 700 - 852K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Linwelly said:
    Ok, here is a render that has a real story again, and yes, I am back to my little people theme. It seems to stick with me
    The title ist now " Studying Nympheae pubescens".
    For the moment I'm pretty happy with it, although I might go back to trying d-formers on the shirt.

    But certaily your eyes will find ways to make this better. Glad to hear your opinion.

    Very cute! and I love putting little people into glass etc myself (I don't know what that means but a lot of my first artwork was little people in bubbles etc) LOL

    On the shirt, do you perhaps have something else you could try? Given the environment etc something with a touch of sci fi to it (sci fi uniform type top) would work really well with the scene etc. Or perhaps some sort of lab coat? Not sure if you have either but you could try a different top. Some move and bed in that area depending on the shape then others :)

    Yes, I had thought about a Labcoat as well. The one I found on sharecg had to much pokethrough wich I couldn't fix easily. But I found this set of scifi uniform in the sales (lucky me). I think this looks fitting the scene.

    And I forgot to mention yesterday, those shaders were pure gold, :lol: thanks for sharing dollygirl.

    LOL Linwelly, your welcome. Yes much better armpits! So I am guessing that you are using G2F? Wilmap has a lab coat for her here. You will have to register but she only sends e-mails when she uploads new freebies. :-). She was on shareCG but closed down her gallery and maintains her own site now, so you may recognize some of her models from the past. Some really good improvements, especially those arm pits!

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