Animation in Daz Studio

sagorusagoru Posts: 32
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

Maybe I miss something, but where I can handle the animation in Daz Studio in a better and specific way? I found the timeline pane, and aniMateLight pane, but inside them I can't find an option to select and modify a single figure (or body parts), object or a camera. I mean I find the keyframes but nothing similar to Poser animation palette. I have to buy another product like aniMate 2? If I do so, I can handle every elements on the scene?

Thank you


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    KeyMate and GraphMate offer an experience more like the Poser set-up, though you should remember that you can multi-select in DS to edit more than one bone at a time even in the basic tools.

  • sagorusagoru Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    Great, thank you! Just one last thing, with the basic tools can I set the accelerating rotation of an object? I mean, if I animate the y rotation of a figure, it starts slow, then it takes speed and it ends slow. Is it possible to maintain the same speed without GraphMate, for example?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    I can't think of a way to do that, other than adding lots of extra keys, with just the basic timeline.

  • sagorusagoru Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    Thank you again for your patience!!!

  • sagorusagoru Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    With Platinum Club If I buy GraphMate or KeyMate will I have a discount of some sort (30%)?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    No, they are owned by GoFigure and PC discounts apply only to DAZ-owned items (most of the time). They would, however, be eligible for the $6 off an order of $18 or more monthly coupon that members can use.

  • sagorusagoru Posts: 32
    edited December 1969


  • philiphowephiliphowe Posts: 53
    edited December 1969

    HI. I've been using Graphmate/Keymate to clean up combined aniblocks for some time now and the solution usually works as well as the higher end programs, but without the fancy curves, etc. My problem is the same one I've had since I started using Graphmate, but suddenly its gotten worse- When I pass over the magnifying glass or the move tool, both on the upper right of the tab, it used to simply lock up, that is, my mouse would disappear, and I would have to go to contol-alt-delete, but cancel, and then come back into Daz Studio and try it again. I thought I had the solution several times, but its sporadic and usually only did this with figures in place and the time line filled with keyframes. Now, it does it as soon as I open the program, with no figures or movement.
    Has anyone else experienced this with Graphmate? KeyMate works fine, never freezes, but I don't like using it and have my own way of using Graphmate to get smooth results. It can even freeze as soon as I click anywhere withing the window, except for the play controls, those always work.
    Lets say I try to delete one or several keys, if it freezes, I use my control-alt-delete (PC, to reach the task manager, but cancel) this resets it, but when I go back, those keys are highlighted now and ready for the next step. I can delete them, set a new key, etc, but any click within the window and it locks up again and my mouse dissapears. I thought it might be a Wacom (table) problem, have restarted, have tried several ideas turning on and off various extensions, plugins, etc, but nothing seems to work. I have tons of ram and a large drive with a new system. If it wasn't so sporadic, I could track this down, but now, today, its doing it all the time.
    Thanks for any help! Reaching the programmer is something of a lost cause.

  • philiphowephiliphowe Posts: 53
    edited December 1969

    OH, another question- I though maybe this was a good time to move up to Carrera, if only to use the graph tool in the animations, then bring the figures back to Daz Studio. I'm not sure what the difference in the Pro and standard versions are, but its got soft cloth and some other physics tools I can use. I am hoping I can simply import my figures with the set keys (baked from aninblocks, via animate2) and tweak it, then bring it back in to Daz without any glitches. Does it crash? I bought both Bryce and Hexagon, just to play with, but both programs are so buggy they crash all the time and I have yet to get them to import a simple scene or figure from DS. So I'm a little dubious about Carrara being stable. Any advice or input would help. Thanks!

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited April 2015

    edited and removed to Iray specific thread.

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • chorsechorse Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    Koto said:
    Great, thank you! Just one last thing, with the basic tools can I set the accelerating rotation of an object? I mean, if I animate the y rotation of a figure, it starts slow, then it takes speed and it ends slow. Is it possible to maintain the same speed without GraphMate, for example?

    You can do this in KeyMate by setting the interpolation to linear on all or selected frames. I find of the two plugins keyMate would probably be the most useful of the two for creating animation, although I do use both.

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