Sky and water animnation

plankspankerplankspanker Posts: 15
edited January 2015 in Bryce Discussion

I have used Bryce to make still renders but I am completely new to using it for animation. I found a good tutorial to get started, animated a bouncing sphere and to my delight upon rendering, noticed that the sky was animated. Wonderful! Unfortunately, it hasn't worked again in any subsequent renders. Where is the control for making this happen again? Also, I was hoping that the water plane would ripple as well, but no such luck. Is there a way to make the water move? I realize this is a noob question, but any help is greatly appreciated.

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  • OroborosOroboros Posts: 326
    edited December 1969

    My signature below contains a link to a set of animation tutorials. You're after "KEY-FLAME: Animating Materials" :)

  • Steve-LSteve-L Posts: 7
    edited December 1969

    There was a posting on here (a couple of years ago if I remember rightly) about a method to make the 2D water plane appear to ripple, but if you want to animate water in a 3D sense I can suggest this as one approach

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