francine Dress similar like this

Hello i need find a daz Dress for genesis 3/8 or any daz genesis model like this with the
white lace. the most similar I searh but is not easy to find a simple normal dress like this.

200 x 435 - 70K
Post edited by gocuzero on
Actually, I have seen similar; I don't remember where though.
YES Just similar is enought.
I think you may well need to do a little bit of work to get a similar dress. Can I suggest a starter of the free subscription dress 'Free Lace Dress 3' from MostDigitalCreations here: You will need to sign up for the weekly e-mail to get it, but it's once a week & no real problem. The lace on that dress is all in the texture/transparency map. What you would need to do is to edit the trans map to make most of it solid, and on a diffuse map based on the transmap (don't think it comes with a diffuse map) change the colours so the lace is white and the solid area is pink. That will get you close to where you want to be. I would hope it's close enough. If not, have a good search through here: as some may inspire you. A couple of Arryn's dresses are a bit like it, but the similarity is not great ( is probably the closest)
Sorry not to be of more help.
Check in Arryn Onnel stores under vendors here in DAZ
this is simlar. you can add lace with textures.