How do you render images to get these reflections?

I was wondering how do you make the renders with the nice reflection on the ground using the one coloured background that is shown in the smaller photos on the right. Are those props, or are they done with just using DAZ techniques.
EDIT: Full Image Size:

1000 x 1300 - 104K
Post edited by Richard John S on
Looks like a simple ground plane with a color added to it. To get the shadows "reflection" on the ground you need to have a light with shadows turned on.
Thanks for the quick reply! The above image doesn't show the full picture, here is the link to the full image.
There is like a mirror reflection on the ground. Also, how do you change the color of the ground plane? Sorry for being a such newbie!
Go to the diffuse channel on your surface tab and change the color for the ground. They may have just entered a reflection to the ground plane. Can be found in the same place. Adjust the reflection channel and see what happens.
Thanks a lot Frank, I got it! Never even thought to use the surface editor on the planes... only ever used it on the models.
Just another quick question from the newbie. :) So, I got my ground plane and have both shadows and reflections, but when I change the color it's going to be different depending on the angle due to the light. How do you make it so the plain is transparent but still shows the shadows and reflections. I tried opacity set to 0 and visible in render to off, but then it just takes away the shadows and reflections. Basically, what I am trying to do is get the shadows and reflection to appear on the viewport background color.
Threads merged. Please use the same thread for similar issues so its all in one place.
If I understand you correctly, I suspect you don't want a setup with a 'plane and separate background colour'.
Try something like this prop, as a stage:
Yeah, basically something that will stay the same colour regardless of light so that way the light only affects the character, but at the same time show the reflections and shadows.
Did you ever find out how to do this? I'm still trying, it's driving me nuts!
I am using Photoshop to add the background so that I have the plane with colour of choice , reflections and shadows , take it to potoshop, add a new layer, pull it underneath my Render png. use the colour picker , grab the colour from the plane and fill the new layer with the colour. Done
It looks seamless as in the promo Images. If you want to add brigthness , change saturarion of the Render you need to flatten the layers or merge them.
I think this can be done with any Image Editing program that supports the work with layers.
Hope that helped
I render with 3Delight but I think with Iray it is the same principle as you add the background in Photoshop.
I beleive it has to do with the shaders in the surfaces tab. If you to the shader presets folder in the daz products folder you will find a ton of them there. You will half to apply them to the surface you want (plane, prop, etc). I'm using Iray now, and I noticed a simple cube with plastic gives me that reflectivness.
There are 2 seperate questions, are you asking how to get the seamless backdrop or how to get the blurry reflections?
I really do not understand what you want ?
I thought you wanted a floor on which you see shadow + reflechtions and a background which is the same colour but does not reflect and no shadows as in the promo Images you showed us.
What do y ou do with the plactic cube ?
Thanks all :)
Basically trying to make it all look seemess. Even if you set the backdrop and the primitive to the same colour, with the way the light comes off the primitive, it looks separate from the background. Want to try and make it seemless like in the image but still keep the floor shadows/reflections :)
Did you look at the attachments that I posted? Is that not what you see in the Promo Images you posted ? Where is the difference?
Yea that's exactly what I meant. Just clarifying to 'prixat' :)
Do you have the link to that prop? :)
I make those as needed, by bridging over to Hexagon, and don't bother saving them, but there are so many of those offered as freebies.
Try this one:
Thanks so much. Any how I get it into daz once downloaded? I using a Mac. Sorry for the stupid question, I'm pretty new to all this :)
When you unzip it you find a 'data' folder and a 'Props' folder.
Next, find your content library, (I don't know where that is on a mac.)
To install the item, just merge the unzipped folders into the coresponding 'data' and 'Props' folders of the content library. (WARNING do not overwrite anything!)
To find the item in Studio, use the 'Content Library' tab and go to Props, its listed under Manuel Diego.
Ok, I see, well, a prop is, as you see not really needed if you have a program in which you can use layers. You can have the floor plane any colour you like , it will work just fine.
Hi Petra,
I prefer the method you use.
Was your example in Iray? What settings did you use to get that reflection?
Hi there,
I am still using 3Delight.
It is done very easy.
Create a new primitive , like the plane, select the plane, in your surface tab change the Lighting Model to Glossy Plastic , in the Diffuse Channel you can change to any colour you like and last but not least, look for reflection in your surface tab and go as high as you like.
Then just do the steps in your 2D Image Editing program such as Photoshop.
Ended up using this :)
Thanks for the help
Hmmm, since it is a whole wall you wont be able to just add reflections on the floor bit * where props or figures will stand, but you will get reflections on the entire wall.