Platinum Plus Question
Is there timed or other limitations on how long content is priced platinum plus?
There currently appear to be 47 pages of 60 items PL+.
Does this listing constantly evolve or is it consistent for how long?
If I see items now of interest, but I don't want buy now. Will these items still be Platinum Plus for awhile?
I have noticed new items coming on for the past couple days, a couple at a time.
Is it defined somewhere - How long we can reasonably expect to buy at current PL+ content item prices?
There are still items in the PC catalogue which were there on the first week the PC started in October 2002, does that give you an idea of how long they stay there.
Edited to query Did you mean to post this thread to the Carrara forum? I can move it if you would rather it was somewhere else.
No it is cool here. I am new Carrara user, working through things.
There is some content price PC+ that I would like to acquire, as I get further along with Carrara.
At the current time, I am having to learn Carrara well enough to use the application.
If I had to buy the content now I would be guessing at content I may or may not need.
Thanks for the prompt response